
Water Quality Indicators

This dataset contains information on various water quality indicators that are important for assessing the health of aquatic ecosystems and potential human health risks. Each row represents a specific indicator, along with its characteristics and implications for health and environmental safety.

  • Indicator Name: The name of the water quality indicator being measured.
  • Type: The classification of the indicator, indicating whether it is chemical, physical, nutrient-related, microbial, or a heavy metal.
  • Description: A brief explanation of what the indicator measures and its significance.
  • Unit: The units used to quantify the measurement of the indicator (e.g., mg/L, CFU/100mL).
  • Normal Range: The acceptable or safe range of values for the indicator that reflects healthy water quality.
  • Impact on Health: Potential health effects associated with elevated levels of the indicator.
  • Sources of Pollution: Common sources that contribute to the presence of the indicator in water bodies.

Sample Data

Indicator Name Type Description Unit Normal Range Impact on Health Sources of Pollution
pH Chemical Measure of acidity/alkalinity pH units 6.5 - 8.5 Disruption of aquatic life Industrial discharge, agricultural runoff
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Physical Total concentration of dissolved substances mg/L 500 - 1000 Dehydration, kidney stones Urban runoff, wastewater discharge
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Chemical Amount of oxygen required to oxidize organic matter mg/L 0 - 200 Oxygen depletion in water bodies Municipal sewage, industrial waste
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) Chemical Amount of oxygen required by bacteria to decompose organic matter mg/L 0 - 20 Oxygen depletion, fish kills Sewage, manure runoff
Nitrogen (Nitrate) Nutrient Concentration of nitrate ions in water mg/L 0 - 10 Methemoglobinemia, algal blooms Fertilizers, septic systems
Phosphorus (Phosphate) Nutrient Concentration of phosphate ions in water mg/L 0 - 0.1 Algal blooms, aquatic dead zones Fertilizers, detergents
Coliform Bacteria Microbial Presence of coliform bacteria as an indicator of fecal contamination CFU/100mL 0 Gastrointestinal disease Sewage, wildlife waste
E.coli Microbial Presence of E. coli bacteria from fecal matter CFU/100mL 0 Foodborne illness Sewage, storm runoff
Lead Heavy Metal Concentration of lead in water µg/L 0 - 15 Neurological effects, developmental delays Corroded pipes, plumbing fixtures
Mercury Heavy Metal Concentration of mercury in water µg/L 0 - 0.3 Neurological issues, kidneys Industrial discharge, mining
Arsenic Heavy Metal Concentration of arsenic in water µg/L 0 - 10 Cancer, skin lesions Natural sources, industrial discharge
Fluoride Chemical Concentration of fluoride in water mg/L 0.5 - 1.5 Dental fluorosis Water fluoridation, industrial runoff
Chlorine Chemical Concentration of chlorine used for disinfection mg/L 0.2 - 4 Respiratory issues Water treatment facilities
Amonia (NH3) Nutrient Presence of ammonia in water mg/L 0 - 0.5 Toxicity to aquatic life Agricultural runoff, sewage
Total Coliforms Microbial Total count of coliform bacteria as water quality indicator CFU/100mL 0 Indicates fecal contamination Septic systems, animal waste
Turbidity Physical Clarity of water NTU 0 - 5 Reduced light penetration, photosynthesis Soil erosion, algal blooms
Color Physical Color of water due to organic compounds or sediments Pt-Co units 0 - 15 Aesthetic issues, may indicate contamination Industrial waste, natural runoff
Temperature Physical Temperature of water °C 0 - 30 Influences oxygen solubility, affects aquatic life Seasonal changes, thermal pollution
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Chemical Concentration of oxygen available to aquatic organisms mg/L 5 - 14 Vital for aquatic life; low levels cause die-off Organic decomposition, eutrophication
Hardness Chemical Concentration of calcium and magnesium ions mg/L CaCO3 0 - 300 Scaling, can affect plumbing Natural sources, runoff
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Chemical Presence of hydrogen sulfide gas mg/L 0 - 0.05 Toxicity, bad odor Anaerobic decomposition, industrial discharge
Sulfate Chemical Concentration of sulfate in water mg/L 250 - 500 Taste, laxative effects Industrial waste, natural sources
Chloride Chemical Concentration of chloride in water mg/L 250 - 500 Taste, corrosion Salt runoff, industrial discharge
Conductivity Physical Ability of water to conduct electricity µS/cm <1500 High salinity, impacts aquatic life Urban runoff, leachate
Alkalinity Chemical Ability of water to resist pH changes mg/L CaCO3 20 - 200 Buffering capacity, affects aquatic environments Natural sources, pollution
Fecal Coliforms Microbial Specific indicator for fecal contamination CFU/100mL 0 Gastrointestinal diseases Sewage, animal waste
Secchi Depth Physical Depth at which a Secchi disk is visible m 0.5 - 3.0 Indication of water clarity Algal blooms, turbidity
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Chemical Total concentration of organic compounds in water mg/L 0 - 5 Indicates organic pollution Sewage, runoff
Zooplankton Diversity Biological Diversity of zooplankton species in water bodies Index Varies by ecosystem Indicates ecological health Eutrophication, pollution
Phytoplankton Density Biological Density of phytoplankton species in water bodies cells/mL Varies Indicates nutrient status Eutrophication, runoff
Macroinvertebrate Diversity Biological Diversity of macroinvertebrates in habitats Index Varies by ecosystem Indicates water quality Sedimentation, pollution
Salinity Physical Salt concentration in water ppt 0 - 35 Affects osmotic balance in aquatic organisms Urban runoff, desalination effluents
Toxicity (LC50) Chemical Concentration of substances that is lethal to 50% of test organisms mg/L Depends on species Ecotoxicity, biodiversity loss Industrial chemicals, agricultural runoff
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Chemical Concentration of organic chemicals that evaporate easily µg/L 0 - 500 Health risks, taste issues Industrial solvents, leaks
Endocrine Disruptors Chemical Chemicals affecting hormonal systems µg/L 0 - 0.1 Reproductive issues, developmental problems Agricultural runoff, industrial discharge
Microcystin Chemical Toxin produced by cyanobacteria in water µg/L 0 - 1 Liver damage, gastrointestinal illnesses Cyanobacterial blooms, nutrient runoff
Arsenic (Inorganic) Chemical Presence of inorganic arsenic in water µg/L 0 - 10 Cancer, skin lesions Mining, agricultural runoff
2,4-D Chemical Concentration of herbicide 2,4-D µg/L 0 - 70 Potential health effects, environmental toxicity Agricultural runoff
Glyphosate Chemical Concentration of herbicide glyphosate µg/L 0 - 0.1 Cancer risk, ecological impacts Agricultural runoff
Atrazine Chemical Concentration of herbicide atrazine µg/L 0 - 3 Hormonal effects, aquatic life impacts Agricultural runoff
Phenols Chemical Presence of phenolic compounds in water µg/L 0 - 1 Health risks, taste issues Industrial waste, wastewater
Petroleum Hydrocarbons Chemical Concentration of oil and petroleum products in water mg/L 0 - 0.1 Toxicity to aquatic life Oil spills, urban runoff
Organophosphates Chemical Concentration of pesticides µg/L 0 - 0.1 Health risks, aquatic toxicity Agricultural runoff
Colorimetric Indicators Chemical Various colorimetric tests for water quality measurements Varies Varies Depends on the chemical Varies by source
Insecticide Residues Chemical Presence of insecticides in water samples µg/L 0 - 0.01 Health risks, toxicity Agricultural runoff
Waterborne Pathogens Microbial Presence of pathogens in water affecting health CFU/100mL 0 Infectious diseases Sewage, untreated water
Oil and Grease Chemical Presence of oil and grease in water mg/L 0 - 5 Taste and aesthetic issues Urban runoff, industrial discharge
Plastic Particles Physical Presence of microplastics in water particles/L 0 - 10 Ecological impacts, ingestion by aquatic life Plastic pollution
Salmonella Microbial Presence of Salmonella bacteria CFU/100mL 0 Foodborne illnesses Sewage, contaminated water
Nitrite Nutrient Concentration of nitrite ions in water mg/L 0 - 1 Methemoglobinemia Fertilizers, industrial processes
Strontium Heavy Metal Concentration of strontium in water mg/L 0 - 4 Bone health, toxic effects Natural sources, industrial discharge
Cadmium Heavy Metal Concentration of cadmium in water µg/L 0 - 5 Kidney damage, bone fragility Mining, industrial effluents
Internal Corrosion Rates Chemical Rate of corrosion in pipes/structures mm/year 0 System integrity, safety pH levels, water chemistry
Selenium Heavy Metal Concentration of selenium in water µg/L 0 - 50 Toxicity, reproductive issues Natural sources, mining
Tritium Radiological Presence of radioactive hydrogen isotope Bq/L 0 - 0.1 Cancer risk Nuclear waste, natural sources
Uranium Radiological Concentration of uranium in water µg/L 0 - 30 Kidney toxicity, cancer risk Mining, natural sources
Radon Radiological Radon concentration in water pCi/L <300 Lung cancer risk Natural decay of uranium
Methane Chemical Presence of methane in water mg/L 0 - 0.1 Contributes to climate change Anaerobic decomposition
Iron Chemical Concentration of iron in water mg/L 0 - 0.3 Taste issues, staining Natural sources, mining
Zinc Heavy Metal Concentration of zinc in water mg/L 0 - 5 Taste issues, skin irritation Natural sources, industrial discharge
Chromium Heavy Metal Concentration of chromium in water µg/L 0 - 50 Carcinogenic effects, allergic reactions Industrial discharge, leaching
Brominated Compounds Chemical Presence of brominated organic compounds µg/L 0 - 0.5 Health risks Water treatment byproducts
Napthalene Chemical Presence of naphthalene in water µg/L 0 - 0.1 Health risks, taste issues Industrial discharges, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Talcum Powder Chemical Detection of talcum powder in water mg/L 0 - 1 Health effects, contamination indicator Industrial runoff
Conductivity (specific) Physical Specific conductivity measuring ionic presence µS/cm Varies Water quality indication Salinity, mineral content
TSS (Total Suspended Solids) Physical Total amount of suspended solids in water mg/L 0 - 30 Ecological impacts, water clarity Erosion, runoff
Pesticide Residues Chemical Presence of pesticide residues in water samples µg/L 0 - 0.1 Health risks, aquatic toxicity Agricultural runoff
Herbicide Residues Chemical Presence of herbicide residues µg/L 0 - 0.1 Health risks, ecological effects Agricultural runoff
Antimony Heavy Metal Concentration of antimony in water µg/L 0 - 6 Health risks, toxic effects Industrial discharge
Barium Heavy Metal Concentration of barium in water µg/L 0 - 1000 Hypertension, toxic effects Natural sources, industrial discharge
Softness Chemical Presence of soft water characteristics mg/L CaCO3 0 - 150 Corrosive potential Natural sources
Lactic Acid Bacteria Microbial Presence of beneficial lactic acid bacteria in water CFU/mL Varies Indicates positive ecological health Natural processes
Enterococci Microbial Presence of Enterococci bacteria in water CFU/100mL 0 Indicates fecal contamination Sewage, animal waste
Heavy Metals (Total) Heavy Metal Total concentration of heavy metals in water µg/L Varies Health risks, environmental toxicity Industrial discharge, sewage
Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) Chemical Presence of VFAs in water mg/L 0 - 100 Indicates anaerobic activity Organic matter decomposition
Non-Methane Hydrocarbons Chemical Presence of non-methane hydrocarbons in water µg/L 0 - 10 Health risks, environmental concerns Urban runoff, industrial processes
Organic Phosphate Compounds Chemical Concentration of organic phosphates in water µg/L 0 - 0.1 Eutrophication risk Agricultural runoff
Hydrocarbon Degradation Products Chemical Products from the breakdown of hydrocarbons mg/L 0 - 1 Indicate pollution level Oil spills, industrial processes
Chromium (VI) Heavy Metal Concentration of hexavalent chromium in water µg/L 0 - 10 Cancer, skin effects Industrial discharge, corrosion
Potassium Nutrient Concentration of potassium in water mg/L 0 - 10 Essential for aquatic plants Natural sources, fertilizers
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Chemical Presence of carbon dioxide in water mg/L 0 - 50 Acidification risks Aquatic respiration, organic decomposition
Acetone Chemical Presence of acetone in water µg/L 0 - 100 Health risks, taste issues Industrial discharge, solvents
Trace Elements Heavy Metal Concentration of various trace elements in water µg/L Varies Health risks, environmental contamination Industrial processes, natural sources
Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) Chemical Measurement of water's ability to oxidize or reduce substances mV Varies Indicates chemical activity Organic matter, pollutants
Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Chemical Presence of PAHs in water µg/L 0 - 0.1 Carcinogenic effects Oil spills, urban runoff
Cyanide Chemical Presence of cyanide in water µg/L 0 - 0.2 Toxicity, health risks Industrial discharge, mining
Detergents Chemical Concentration of detergents in water mg/L 0 - 0.5 Health risks, ecological effects Urban runoff, wastewater
Thermal Pollution Physical Effect of heated water on aquatic environments °C Varies Thermal stress on organisms Industrial processes, power plants
Surface Tension Physical Measure of liquid's surface tension mN/m Varies Indicates surfactants presence Pollution, organic compounds
Biotic Indices Biological Indicator based on living organisms in a habitat Index Varies Indicates environmental quality Pollution, habitat health
Ammonification Rate Chemical Rate at which organic nitrogen is converted to ammonia mg/L/day Varies Indicates decomposition rate Organic matter processes
Seasonal Variation Index Biological Measure of seasonal changes in ecology Index Varies Indicates environmental stability Climate factors
UV Absorbance Chemical Absorbance at UV wavelengths as an indicator of organic content cm-1 0 - 0.1 Indicates organic pollution Wastewater, natural sources
Eutrophication Index Chemical Measure of nutrient enrichment and algal growth potential Index 0 - 1 Indicates risk of eutrophication Nitrogen and phosphorus inputs
Water Quality Index (WQI) Composite Composite score based on multiple indicators Index 0 - 100 Indicates overall water quality Aggregated parameters
Sediment Quality Triad Composite Assessment based on sediment, chemistry and biology Index Varies Indicates sediment quality Sediment analysis
Bioassessment Metrics Biological Metric based on organism assessments Index Varies Indicates ecological health Sampling protocols
Water Smell Physical Odor characteristics of water Type Varies Indicates pollution or natural conditions Sewage, organic decomposition
Surface Water Temperature Physical Measuring temperature at water surface °C 0 - 30 Affects aquatic life Seasonal changes, climate
Subsurface Temperature Physical Measuring temperature below water surface °C 0 - 30 Affects habitat suitability Seasonal variations
Bottom Sediment Quality Physical Quality assessment of bottom sediments Index Varies Indicates pollution levels Depositional environment
Water Color Change Physical Visible changes in water color Pt-Co units Varies Aesthetic and pollution indicators Algal impacts, organic matter
Ecological Footprint (Water) Composite Measurement of water use impact on environment L Varies Indicates sustainability Consumption patterns
Phytoplankton Diversity Index Biological Index measuring diversity of phytoplankton Varies Varies Indicates nutrient levels Eutrophication risk
Chemicals of Emerging Concern Chemical Presence of emerging contaminants µg/L 0 - 1 Health and environmental risks Pollutants entering waterways
Fish Community Composition Biological Assessment of fish species in an area Index Varies Indicates habitat quality Fishing pressure, pollution
Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5) Chemical Water's biochemical activity measure over 5 days mg/L 0 - 20 Oxygen consumption, waste presence Sewage, runoffs
Manganese Heavy Metal Concentration of manganese in water µg/L 0 - 50 Neurological issues, taste Natural sources, mining
Trihalomethanes (THMs) Chemical Presence of disinfection byproducts µg/L 0 - 80 Cancer risk, liver damage Water chlorination processes
Water Supply Sustainability Index Composite Measurement of sustainability of water sources Index Varies Indicates long-term viability Water management practices
Irrigation Return Flow Quality Chemical Quality assessment of irrigation return flows Varies Varies Health of receiving waters Agricultural practices
Carbonate Hardness Chemical Presence of carbonate minerals contributing to hardness mg/L CaCO3 0 - 300 Water quality parameters Natural geology
Trace Organic Contaminants Chemical Presence of organic pollutants µg/L 0 - 1 Environmental and health risks Industrial and agricultural runoff
Micromollusks Presence Biological Presence of micromollusks as bioindicators Count Varies Indicates habitat health Ecosystem health assessments
Metals Mobility Index Chemical Measure of heavy metal mobility in water Index Varies Indicates toxicity risk Soil and sediment interaction
Terrestrial Runoff Impact Score Composite Assessment of runoff impact on water body Index Varies Indicates pollutant delivery Land use practices
Gaseous Emissions (from water) Chemical Emissions of gases from water bodies Varies Varies Indicates biological and chemical processes Decomposition rates