This dataset contains information about various color schemes, each identified by a name and expressed through multiple color codes in HEX format, accompanied by descriptive text that conveys the essence or inspiration behind the scheme. It provides a resource for creative projects that require specific color palettes.
Color Scheme Name | Primary Color HEX | Secondary Color HEX | Accent Color HEX | Tertiary Color HEX | Description |
Sunset Bliss | #FF5733 | #FFC300 | #DAF7A6 | #C70039 | A lively scheme evoking the colors of a bright sunset. |
Ocean Breeze | #1F8EF1 | #44BFC1 | #F5A623 | #FBC1C1 | Inspired by vibrant ocean colors; refreshing and calming. |
Berry Tart | #AE2B62 | #FFC9D8 | #C292B0 | #6A2B5D | Fruity and sweet, reminiscent of fresh berries and desserts. |
Fiesta | #FF6F00 | #FFB300 | #FF8F00 | #FFAB40 | An energetic palette celebrating vibrant cultures. |
Garden Bloom | #B3D79B | #F5E20D | #F4B400 | #FFDC61 | Reflects the colors of flowers blooming in full spring. |
Electric Neon | #F9003E | #0FF0B3 | #00BFFF | #FF0B3B | A modern and trendy neon scheme that captures attention. |
Tropical Paradise | #007A33 | #00BFFF | #FFED00 | #FF6F00 | Captures the essence of tropical islands. |
Autumn Harvest | #FF8C00 | #C23636 | #F0E68D | #8B4513 | Rich warm tones to symbolize autumn fruits and harvest. |
Galactic | #5A2E91 | #F08080 | #FFD700 | #20B2AA | A cosmic inspired palette with deep purples and vibrant golds. |
Candyland | #FF6EC7 | #B2E5A6 | #FFF700 | #FF9C00 | Sweet and playful shades that resemble a candy store. |
Earthy Tones | #8B4513 | #D2691E | #DEB887 | #FFD700 | Natural earthy shades that's comforting and warm. |
Sapphire Dream | #0F52BA | #D8BFD8 | #BA55D3 | #FF1493 | Deep blues and striking purples create a soothing wave. |
Winter Wonderland | #00BFFF | #FFFFFF | #E0FFFF | #ADD8E6 | Cool and crisp colors that reflect a winter scene. |
Vintage Retro | #D45D0D | #FBAE54 | #51771E | #A3B3C7 | A nod to the past with a modern twist, warm and inviting. |
Floral Fiesta | #FF77FF | #FFEC40 | #FF4F00 | #0DFF33 | A cheerful combo inspired by vibrant floral patterns. |
Cosmic Glow | #6A5ACD | #FFF8DC | #ADFF2F | #FF4500 | Bright cosmic colors capturing the mystery of space. |
Soft Neons | #FFB6C1 | #98FB98 | #FFD700 | #FFDAB9 | A softer take on neon colors for a modern and playful vibe. |
Royal Splendor | #4B0082 | #FFD700 | #FF4500 | #FF6347 | Luxury and elegance with regal colors of purple and gold. |
Sunflower Field | #FFD300 | #B5D33A | #FF9800 | #EBAA00 | A bright and cheerful palette inspired by sunflowers. |
Fresh Mint | #98FB98 | #00BFFF | #F0E68C | #FFD700 | Cool greens with a pop of bright sky blue. |
Rainbow Dash | #FF3030 | #FFFF00 | #32CD32 | #00BFFF | A vibrant combination echoing the colors of a rainbow. |
Arctic Breeze | #AFDBE3 | #A8E6CE | #E7C9A0 | #FFD0C2 | Chill colors inspired by the Arctic landscape. |
Classic Blend | #222222 | #FFFFFF | #FF8C00 | #C0C0C0 | A timeless and modern combination of shades. |
Abstract Art | #FF4500 | #32CD32 | #0000FF | #FFD700 | Bold artistic palette for creative expression. |
Jungle Vibes | #4682B4 | #ADFF2F | #D2691E | #FF7F50 | Inspired by rich jungle flora and fauna. |
Neapolitan | #D2691E | #F5F5DC | #FFC0CB | #A0522D | Sweet and soft colors reminiscent of ice cream. |
Parrot Paradise | #FF5733 | #FFCB00 | #33FFC1 | #900C3F | Vibrant tropical hues that mimic the plumage of parrots. |
Celestial | #6A5ACD | #FFFFE0 | #FFD700 | #DDA0DD | Mystical colors inspired by the night sky. |
Lemonade Stand | #FFF700 | #FF69B4 | #00FF7F | #FFD700 | A bright and cheerful mix that invokes summer vibes. |
Desert Sunset | #EA5500 | #FFDD30 | #C05D28 | #8C4848 | Earthy tones with a bright accent reflecting a sunset in the desert. |
Midnight Oasis | #191970 | #20B2AA | #FFFACD | #FF69B4 | Deep blues with refreshing aqua and hints of pastel. |
Peacock Feathers | #00BFFF | #4B0082 | #FFD700 | #008080 | Inspired by the rich colors of peacock plumage. |
Amber Sunrise | #FFBF00 | #FF8C00 | #FF4500 | #C0C0C0 | Warm hues radiating charm and vibrancy of early mornings. |
Techno Pop | #00FF7F | #FF4500 | #00BFFF | #FFD700 | Futuristic colors that pop and convey a sense of innovation. |
Mystic Forest | #228B22 | #5F9EA0 | #FFD700 | #7B68EE | Deep greens and serene blues representing enchanted woods. |
Spring Daze | #98FB98 | #FFD700 | #FFB6C1 | #40E0D0 | Light and airy colors for spring blooms and fresh air. |
Retro Sunset | #F54E00 | #FF8700 | #FFE1A8 | #F2D6A8 | A vintage-inspired palette reminiscent of summer nights. |
Golden Hour | #FFD700 | #FFA500 | #FF6347 | #FAFAD2 | Captures the warm glow of sunsets with golden accents. |
Ocean Depths | #005A7D | #72B7F3 | #75E1F4 | #A9D3E1 | Cool and deep hues inspired by the ocean's depths. |
Fiery Flames | #FF4500 | #FF6347 | #FFD700 | #FF8C00 | Intense and dynamic colors reflecting fire and passion. |
Classic Carnival | #FF6347 | #FFD700 | #7FFF00 | #00BFFF | A lively, festive set that brings a carnival to mind. |
Mint Chip | #B2E2D8 | #F5FFFA | #A6D9D5 | #8B0000 | Cool minty shades with chocolate chip accents. |
Copper Sands | #DAA520 | #8B4513 | #FFD700 | #FFE4B5 | Warm metals and sandy tones bringing to mind a desert. |
Chocolaty Delight | #545B8A | #FFD700 | #D2691E | #8B4513 | Rich brown shades coupled with gold for a decadent feel. |
Electric Pastel | #FFB3BA | #F6E5E1 | #BAE1FF | #FF677D | Futuristic pastel shades that energize the senses. |
Rustic Charm | #8B0000 | #FFA07A | #F5F5DC | #8B4513 | Earthy reds combined with soft neutrals for cozy settings. |
Ethereal Glow | #E0FFFF | #ADD8E6 | #B0E0E6 | #FFFFFF | Soft colors that seem light and fluffy like clouds. |
Bubblegum | #FF6F91 | #FFB3B0 | #FFDAA0 | #B9FBC0 | Cheerful shades that capture the joy of sweet treats. |
City Lights | #FFCC00 | #FF00FF | #00BFFF | #FF4500 | Bright and bold, echoing the vibrancy of city nightlife. |
Descriptive Harmony | #F0E68C | #DDA0DD | #9370DB | #C0C0C0 | Gentle colors blending well for a soothing aesthetic. |
Blazing Sunset | #FF4500 | #FF6347 | #FFD700 | #FF4717 | Colors reflecting a sunset's vibrant end of the day. |
Golden Mint | #A8D8B9 | #FFD700 | #ADFF2F | #FAF080 | A refreshing green paired with sunny golds. |
Fairy Dust | #F94D00 | #FFE6D2 | #8B9DC3 | #F0E68C | Soft and sparkling colors suggestive of a fairy tale. |