
Typography Combinations

The dataset consists of font pairings along with their primary uses and additional notes. It serves as a guide for selecting appropriate font combinations for various design and content purposes, highlighting both aesthetic and functional characteristics of each pairing.

  • Font Pairing: Contains the names of two fonts that are recommended to be used together in design projects.
  • Primary Use: Describes the typical application or context in which the font pairing is most effective.
  • Notes: Provides additional insights or tips on the pairing, such as its aesthetic appeal or readability features.

Sample Data

Font Pairing Primary Use Notes
Montserrat, Merriweather Headlines and body copy Montserrat for modern headlines, Merriweather for readability
Roboto, Open Sans Web design Both very legible, good for digital content
Playfair Display, Source Sans Pro Editorial Elegant serif with a clean sans-serif
Lora, Raleway Personal blogs Versatile combination for various content types
Oswald, Lato Posters and ads Strong impact, clear message
Raleway, Roboto Websites Stylish headings with accessible body text
Bebas Neue, Lora Infographics Bold display font with elegant serif'
Georgia, Arial Print materials Classic pairing, high readability
PT Sans, PT Serif Corporate Consistent design effect, professional look
Ubuntu, Cardo Blogs Unique, friendly style with classic touch
Cinzel, Montserrat Luxury brands High-end aesthetic with clean sans-serif
Rockwell, Gill Sans Reports Strong slab font with clean sans-serif
There, Helvetica Neue Banners Modern sans-serif, versatile use
Fjalla One, Quicksand Event promotions Bold and clear, good for public material
Raleway, Merriweather Web articles Stylish headlines, easy-to-read for body text
Cabin, Open Sans Personal websites Friendly yet professional, clean aesthetics
Bodoni, Arial Fashion magazines Dramatic serifs with clean sans-serif contrast
Exo 2, PT Sans Tech startups Modern and geometric with a professional vibe
Arvo, Noto Sans Food blogs Clear and functional for recipe layouts
Source Serif Pro, Source Sans Pro Books Consistent family of fonts, high versatility
Futura, Times New Roman Corporate presentations Geometric sans-serif with classic serif
Libre Baskerville, Roboto Condensed E-commerce Elegant display fonts with functional body size
Didact Gothic, Georgia Childrens books Friendly sans-serif with traditional serif for contrast
Oswald, Open Sans Business cards Modern, impactful and easy to read
Crimson Pro, Nunito Academic papers Classic and approachable sans-serif combination
Alegreya, Righteous Creative portfolios Dynamic serif with a playful display touch
Granville, Helvetica Menus Newspaper-like elegance with modern types
Comfortaa, Noto Serif Social media profiles Round, friendly sans with contrasting traditional serif
Neuton, Raleway Email campaigns Professional yet friendly pairing for outreach
Zilla Slab, Poppins Project presentations Bold slab with geometric sans for wide appeal
Muli, Merriweather News websites Modern sans-serif with legible serif for articles
Rokkitt, Open Sans App interfaces Bold slab for emphasis, clean body text
Cardo, Source Sans Pro Academic journals Traditional serif with modern sans for balance
Cinzel Decorative, Lato Weddings Elegance of wedding invitations, playful touch
Roboto Slab, Arial Real estate listings Bold statements with clean modern body
Josefin Sans, Libre Baskerville Art galleries Modern elegance with traditional roots
Oswald, Roboto Condensed Startups Bold, structured with clean, compact text
Raleway, Tisa Creative services Stylish, versatile for branding
Spectral, Overpass Book covers Unique styling for both Nooks and novels
Merriweather, Montserrat Fitness blogs Highly legible, modern look for promotions
Oswald, Nunito Public exhibitions Structured headlines with rounded fonts for accessibility
Open Sans, Noto Serif Corporate design Professional appearance with classic touches
Alegreya Sans, PT Serif Website copy Eloquent Irish fonts for storytelling
Playfair Display, Noto Sans Theatrical posters Dramatic, contrasting font styles
Crimson Pro, Roboto Large text Serif with sans combination for easy reading
Ubuntu, Merriweather Education portals Highly legible for online learning environments
Roboto, Lora Online articles Clean sans-serif with classy serif pairing
Odessa, Source Sans Pro Cultural blogs Flair with readability for arts and culture
Montserrat Alternates, Libre Franklin Tech branding Modern, vivid combination for digital presence
Georgia, Helvetica Annual reports Mix of classic and modern, professional look
Oswald, Raleway Food trucks Promotional materials, engaging format
Vollkorn, Open Sans Website headings Classic serif paired with modern sans for clarity
Source Code Pro, Source Sans Pro Developer websites Technical, modern appearance for code portfolios
Mulish, Merriweather Consulting Approachable and effective, works well in presentations
Lato, Playfair Display Lifestyle blogs Stylish pairing for a personal touch
Fira Sans, Cardo Scientific journals Clean sans-serif with traditional serif for citations
Anton, Arimo Fashion websites Bold statement with functional body copy
Raleway, Lora Digital portfolios Creative combination for showcasing work
Ubuntu, Open Sans Non-profits Friendly, approachable branding style
Gloock, Proxima Nova Fashion e-commerce Unique style with modern structure for engagement
Cinzel, Open Sans Art projects Elegant and easy-to-read for project descriptions
Raleway, Merriweather Web menus Modern with readability for navigation
Roboto, Slabo Marketing materials Detail-oriented approach for headlines and body
Fjalla One, Noto Sans Business announcements Sturdy headlines for professional vibes
Alegreya, Lato Artistic websites Balanced aesthetics for modern creatives
Oswald, Merriweather Blogs Impactful and easy-to-read combination for web content
Libre Bodoni, Fira Sans Restaurant menus Elegant display with clear legibility
Spectral, Lato Literary reviews Strong presence with a sophisticated appeal
Georgia, Recoleta Seminars Modern elegance meets classic style for presentations
Proxima Nova, Cabrito Conference materials Formal and structured for academic contexts
Source Serif Pro, Avenir Next Branding Serif and sans for iconic composition
Alegreya, Rasa Children's stories Dynamic pairing for vibrant storytelling
Volkorn, Poppins Photography portfolios Contrasting fonts for strong visual impact
Quicksand, Open Sans Interactive websites Friendly sans-serif for user experience
Lora, Rasalhague Tech startups Unique appearance with versatile uses
Muli, Droid Serif Festival flyers Modern meets classical for vibrant festivals
Playfair, Inconsolata Technology blogs Contrasting styles for dynamic info layouts
Oxygen, Cardo Healthcare Readable and authoritative styling for information
Libre Franklin, Raleway Architecture Modern elegance meets sharp angles
Ubuntu, Source_serif Technology reviews Friendly, approachable text
Roboto Slab, Noto Sans E-commerce Strong presentation with reliable readability
Crimson, Open Sans Creative portfolios Timeless elegance in digital designs
Raleway, Cab fonts Health sector Friendly, upfront style for health communications
Oswald, Merriweather Ad campaigns Professional yet approachable for visibility
Bice, Gloock Nutrition blogs Vibrant engagement with unique flair
Quicksand, Roboto Mono Game dev Fun look with a techy feel
Cardo, Open Sans Gaming blogs Classic serif for deep dives into gaming trends
Helvetica, Garamond Wine labels Elegant pairing for fine products
Roboto, Antic Slab Furniture design Clean lines with standard serif for easy understanding
Sora, PT Serif Online stores Modern versatile usage in retail environments
Alegreya, Work Sans Tech startups Friendly and dynamic for a modern approach
Lora, Nunito Lifestyle sites Balanced for casual reading and attractive layouts
Montserrat, Lora Food delivery apps Visual intrigue for appealing content
Crimson Pro, Heebo Fashion websites Stylish aesthetics for high-connectivity environments
Roboto, Righteous Education Straightforward pairing for academic presentations
Exo 2, Open Sans Fitness apps Bold typography for energising visuals
Ubuntu, Lato Creatives Warm and welcoming while remaining professional
Bebas Neue, Arial Events Impactful with clean aesthetics for visibility
Archivo, Lora Tech blogs Modern edge with traditional compliments
Alegreya, Source Sans Pro Web articles Dynamic yet clear for engaged reading
Playfair, Dosis Pamphlets Sophisticated yet approachable for community outreach
Futura, Georgia Tech seminars Strong visual impact with classic readability
Granville, Noto Sans News articles Elegant sans for balance with text
Rockwell, PT Sans Reports Bold statement-making with strong contrast for a report style
Oswald, Merriweather Startup pitches Concise yet sophisticated approach to presentations
Cinzel, Quicksand Product launches High-impact announcement styling with friendliness
Marguerite, Droid Sans Event flyers Vivacity with accessibility in mind
Montserrat, Cardo Blogging Visual engagement with traditional legibility
Noto Sans, Rokkitt School presentations Modern yet serious for educational impact
Roboto, Playfair Display Social campaigns Class meets modern for impactful outreach
Exo, Source Update Pop culture magazines Stylish overlap for casual reading
Work Sans, Libre Baskerville Study guides Crisp with timeless design for student engagement
Zilla Slab, PT sans Community events Bold yet approachable for flyers and invites
Roboto Mono, Hind Programming blogs Technical with clear engagement
Cinzel, Arial Wine tasting Elegance meets readability in casual settings
Zilla Slab, Raleway Creative studios Dynamic boldness with sophisticated support
Lora, Muli Personal blogs Charming vintage style with modern aesthetic
Comfortaa, Nunito Instagram posts Modern, inviting for social designs
Overpass, Avenir Corporate design Trendy with readability for high engagement
Spectral, Fira Sans Wellness websites Balanced prominence for clear visuals
Crimson Text, Noto Arabic Global outreach Elegance meets tradition for diverse audiences
Lora, Quicksand Music blogs Dynamic with a creative perspective
Roboto, Merriweather Travel blogs Inviting with functional clarity for exploration
Noto Serif, Dancing Script Invitations Whimsical elegance for casual events
Oswald, Rasa Tech events Bold statements for modern enthusiasm
Rokkitt, Cabins Personal storytelling Strong contrast for engaging narratives
Libre Bodoni, Azon Health styling Timeless beauty meets modern precision
Calistoga, Poppins Foodie websites Appetizing visuals with modern appeal
Ubuntu, Cardo Culinary articles Warm engagement for food-based content
Raleway, Quattrocento Local businesses Stylish yet grounded for community presence
Muli, Lora Blogging platforms Professional yet casual for digital interaction
Georgia, Open Sans Photography portfolios Classic aesthetics for art-oriented content
Cabin, Lucida Grande Interactive websites Clean look for user engagement
Playfair, Noto Serif Art communities Elegant, traditional with thematic versatility
Exo, Source Code Pro Retro gaming Techy and engaging for deeper dives
Archivo, Oswald Fashion news Bold front with traditional back to anchor the message
Quicksand, PT Serif Contemporary events Modern warmth for relatable content
Montserrat, Merriweather Corporate presentations Clean modern business communication
Barlow, Libre Batkpro Healthcare campaigns Friendly professionalism for health outreach
Lexend, Avenir Accessible education Eye-friendly pairing for broader impact
EB Garamond, Muli Lectures Timeless with modern flair for learning
Cinzel, Karla Cultural events Elegant yet welcoming for engagement
Work Sans, Libre Franklin Art exhibitions Accessible, stylish branding for creativity
Roboto, Rasa Technology platforms Ease of understanding with dynamic text
Lora, Caribbean Travel brochures Whimsical style with readability
Playfair, Righteous Business proposals Sophisticated and catchy for modern proposals
This is David, Comfortaa Health graphics Positive, warm friendly style to engage with wellness
Raleway, Noto Sans Educational websites Balanced, approachable pair for accessible info
PT Sans, Lora Web development Sophisticated yet mobile friendly
Libre Baskerville, Open Sans Publishing Timeless appearance with modern interpretations
Fjalla One, Source Sans Pro Business cards Bold statements that captivate visually
Roboto, Tisa E-commerce fluctuations Dynamic with modern clarity for sales
Source Sans Pro, Merriweather Non-profits Accessible engagement with depth in content
Open Sans, Ubuntu Environmental advocacy Firm, legible styles for impactful outreach
Muli, Playfair Display Writer accounts Personal aesthetic with vibrant welcoming vibes
Arvo, Dosis Small business sites Friendly yet professional for brand storytelling
Bebas Neue, Merriweather Product signage Straightforward prominence for visual clarity
Noto Sans, Cardo Conventions Cultural significance with modern clarity
Quicksand, Source Sans Pro Community pages Friendly, engaging for local interaction
Dosis, Poppins Graphic design Whimsical yet professional for artistic expression
Montserrat, Anaheim Sports blogs Bold yet readable for rapid content formats
Oswald, Rasa Digital magazines Instant impact with engaging style
Playfair Display, Noto Mono Creative websites Dramatic yet functional for clarity
Libre Franklin, Jaldi Travel blogs Professional yet approachable for data extensive posts
Vollkorn, Arvo Novelty projects Classics for lighthearted yet meaningful endeavors
Fira Sans, PT Serif Academic presentations Energetic modern with classic support
Source Serif, Roboto Condensed Online portfolios Functional storytelling via visual typography
Cinzel, Proxima Nova Cultural events Elegant outreach with dynamic engagement
Ubuntu, Merriweather Mindfulness blogs Approachable with high readability for self-help materials
TheNeue, Heebo Interactive adventures Dynamic tone for tech-based content
Cabin, Creeper Font Gaming community Unique with clear interaction designs
Anton, Rasa Cocktail menus Strong statement, easy consumption in dining spaces
Lora, Work Sans Wellness messaging Accessible engagement for holistic concepts
Cinzel, Roboto Slab Artistic expressions Timeless with contemporary pulls
Exo, Rasa Gallery designs Modern approach to a clean presentation in visual art
Roboto, Barlow Consumer marketing Straightforward power in promotional tools
Cabin, Bebas Neue Travel narratives Crisp readability for travel content
Alegreya, Inconsolata Software manuals Timeless fonts meet deeper understanding
Vollkorn, Georgia Family accounts Generational outreach for classic comfort
Cinzel, House Font Themed events Timeless style with fun impressions
Noto Sans, Merriweather Online education Articulate yet friendly for engagement