
Solar Astronomy Missions

This dataset provides information on space missions, primarily aimed at studying various aspects of the sun and solar system. It includes missions from different space agencies, detailing key attributes such as launch dates, objectives, the types of instruments used, the orbital positions of the missions, and their current status.

  1. Mission Name: The name of the space mission.
  2. Launch Date: The date when the mission was launched.
  3. Space Agency: The organization responsible for the mission, such as NASA or ESA.
  4. Mission Objective: A brief description of the scientific goals of the mission.
  5. Instrument Types: The types of instruments utilized in the mission for data collection.
  6. Orbit Type: The specific orbital position or trajectory of the mission.
  7. Status: The current operational status of the mission, such as "Operational" or "Decommissioned".

Sample Data

Mission Name Launch Date Space Agency Mission Objective Instrument Types Orbit Type Status
SOHO 1995-12-02 ESA/NASA Study solar wind and solar structure UV, X-ray, Visible L1 Operational
ACE 1997-08-25 NASA Study solar and cosmic particles Particle Detector L1 Operational
RHESSI 2002-02-05 NASA Study solar flares Gamma-Ray Detector Low Earth Orbit Operational
SDO 2010-02-11 NASA Study solar atmosphere and dynamics UV, Visible, IR Geostationary Operational
IBEX 2008-10-19 NASA Study the boundary of the solar system Energetic Neutral Atom Detector Heliopause Operational
DSCOVR 2015-02-11 NASA/NOAA Monitor solar wind Pulsed Neutron Detector L1 Operational
Parker Solar Probe 2018-08-12 NASA Study solar corona Waves, Particles, Imaging Solar Orbit Operational
Solar Orbiter 2020-02-10 ESA/NASA Study solar wind and magnetic fields Imager, Spectrometer Solar Orbit Operational
STEREO A 2006-10-25 NASA 3D solar observations Imager, Radio Heliospheric Operational
STEREO B 2006-10-25 NASA 3D solar observations Imager, Radio Heliospheric Decommissioned
TRACE 1998-04-01 NASA Observe solar corona UV Low Earth Orbit Decommissioned
Hinode 2006-09-23 JAXA/NASA/UK Observe solar magnetic fields X-ray Telescope, Spectrometer Low Earth Orbit Operational
SETI 2003-03-28 NASA Search for extraterrestrial intelligence NaN Deep Space Decommissioned
SOFIA 2010-04-26 NASA/DAF Study fainter astronomical objects Infrared Telescope Suborbital Operational
Falcon 9 2010-06-04 SpaceX Transport for various missions NaN Various Operational
Astrosat 2015-09-28 ISRO Multi-wavelength observations UV, X-ray, Optical Low Earth Orbit Operational
GAIA 2013-12-19 ESA Star mapping and solar system observation Visible Orbiting L2 Operational
Kepler 2009-03-07 NASA Exoplanet discovery Visible Heliocentric Orbit Decommissioned
Chandra 1999-07-23 NASA X-ray astronomy X-ray Telescope High Earth Orbit Operational
HST 1990-04-24 NASA/ESA Universal astronomy observations UV, Visible, IR Low Earth Orbit Operational
New Horizons 2006-01-19 NASA Pluto and Kuiper Belt Study Visible, IR, Radio Heliocentric Orbit Operational
MESSENGER 2004-08-03 NASA Study Mercury Visible, X-ray, Radio Mercury Orbit Decommissioned
JAXA Hayabusa 2003-05-09 JAXA Sample return from asteroid Itokawa Cameras, Spectrometers Asteroid Orbit Decommissioned
Planck 2009-05-14 ESA Cosmic microwave background study Microwave Cosmic Microwave Background Decommissioned
QuikSCAT 1999-06-19 NASA Sea surface winds observations Radar Scatterometer Low Earth Orbit Decommissioned
GOES-E 2003-04-25 NOAA Real-time weather monitoring Imager, Sounder Geostationary Operational
Fermi 2008-06-11 NASA Gamma-ray astronomy Gamma-ray Space Telescope Low Earth Orbit Operational
OSTP 2018-02-06 NASA Study solar and magnetosphere interactions Spectrometers Polar Orbit Operational
Voyager 1 1977-09-05 NASA Interstellar space exploration Cosmic Ray Detector Interstellar Space Operational
Voyager 2 1977-08-20 NASA Interstellar space exploration Cosmic Ray Detector Interstellar Space Operational
Juno 2011-08-05 NASA Study Jupiter and its atmosphere Microwave Radiometer Polar Orbit Operational
Asteroid Redirect Mission 2020-08-01 NASA Asteroid sample return NaN NaN Canceled
NEOWISE 2009-12-14 NASA Near-Earth Object survey Infrared Camera Solar Orbit Operational
Insight 2018-05-05 NASA Study Mars' geology Seismometer, Cameras Mars Orbit Operational
SIRTF 2003-08-25 NASA Infrared observations of astronomical bodies Infrared Telescope Heliocentric Orbit Decommissioned
Cassini 1997-10-15 NASA/ESA/ASI Study Saturn and its moons Cameras, Spectrometers Saturn Orbit Decommissioned
SHOOTER 2015-08-12 ISRO Solar flare monitoring NaN Solar Orbit Operational
Asteroid Impact Mission 2020-01-01 ESA Study of asteroids NaN NaN Canceled
Interstellar Boundary Explorer 2008-10-19 NASA Solar wind studies Particle Detectors L1 Operational
Solar Dynamics Observatory 2010-02-11 NASA Observe the Sun in high dettagli UV, Visible, IR Geostationary Operational
Aditya-L1 2022-09-20 ISRO Study solar corona and flares Spectrometer, Imager L1 Planned
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory 1995-12-02 ESA/NASA Study solar activity UV, X-ray, Visible L1 Operational
ARTEMIS 2007-02-20 NASA Study the Moon's environment Plasma, Magnetic Field Lunar Orbit Operational
Electron-Ion Collider 2025-12-15 Brookhaven National Lab Study nuclear matter NaN NaN Proposed
Solar Orbiter 2020-02-10 ESA/NASA Study solar wind and magnetic fields Imager, Spectrometer Solar Orbit Operational
AIM 2007-12-06 NASA Study mesospheric clouds NaN Low Earth Orbit Operational
Submillimeter Array 2002-01-15 NaN Astronomical observations Submillimeter Receiver NaN Operational
Our Planet NaN NaN Earth observing Remote Sensing NaN Operational
Empyrean NaN NaN Space-based observatory Visible},{N/A" NaN Operational
STEREO 2006-10-25 NASA Observe solar storms Visible, Radio Heliospheric Operational
Solar Wind Sentry 2015-01-01 NASA Monitor solar wind activity Modeling NaN Operational
Dusty Cloud Mapper 2010-09-01 NASA Mapping dust in space Imager NaN Operational
Supernova Explorer NaN NaN Observation of supernovae NaN NaN Proposed
Voyager NaN NaN Interstellar exploration NaN NaN Operational
Planck Satellite 2009-05-14 ESA Cosmic microwave background Microwave NaN Decommissioned
Crimson NaN NaN Solar flare detection NaN NaN Proposed
Artemis I 2022-11-16 NASA Lunar exploration NaN NaN Operational
Artemis II 2024-05-01 NASA Manned lunar orbit NaN NaN Planned
Artemis III 2025-01-01 NASA Manned lunar landing NaN NaN Planned
Marshall Space Flight Center NaN NASA Rocket research NaN NaN Operational
Advanced Tube "N/A" NaN Research in aerodynamics NaN NaN Operational
JAXA Martian Expedition NaN JAXA Mars exploration NaN NaN Upcoming
Exoplanet Survey Mission NaN NASA Study of exoplanets Telescope NaN Proposed
Near-Earth Object Survey NaN NASA Monitor near-Earth objects NaN NaN Operational
General Study of Cosmic Rays NaN NASA Study cosmic rays Detector Array NaN Proposed
Space Weather Agency NaN NaN Monitor space weather NaN NaN Planned
Lift-Off and Recovery Systems NaN NASA Rocket recovery NaN NaN Operational
Advanced Solar Missions NaN NaN Solar dynamics studies NaN NaN Upcoming
Astronomy and Heliospheric Research NaN NaN Astronomical observations NaN NaN Operational
Extreme Ultraviolet Imager NaN NASA Solar imaging Imager NaN Operational
Galileo 1989-10-18 NASA Study Jupiter Visible, IR Jupiter Orbit Decommissioned
European Mars Express 2003-06-02 ESA Mars exploration Imagery, Spectrometer Mars Orbit Operational
Astrometric Mission NaN NASA Star position study NaN NaN Operational
Solar Probe Plus 2018-08-12 NASA Study solar corona NaN NaN Planned
Telescope Array Project NaN NaN Detect cosmic rays NaN NaN Operational
Helios-A 1974-12-10 NASA/ESA Solar atmosphere observations NaN Heliocentric Decommissioned
Helios-B 1976-01-05 NASA/ESA Solar atmosphere observations NaN Heliocentric Decommissioned
Beppi Colombo 2018-10-20 ESA/JAXA Study Mercury NaN Mercury Orbit Operational
SEASON 2020-01-01 NASA Satelllite collaboration NaN NaN Planned
Deep Space Climate Observatory 2015-02-11 NASA/NOAA Study solar wind and space weather NaN L1 Operational
IBEX 2008-10-19 NASA Study the boundary of the solar system Energetic Neutral Atom Detector Heliopause Operational
BepiColombo 2018-10-20 ESA/JAXA Study Mercury NaN Mercury Orbit Operational
LOFAR 2007-05-01 NaN Low-frequency radio of transient phenomena Radio NaN Operational
BAY 2023-01-01 NaN Solar active regions studies NaN NaN Upcoming
NEQAT NaN NaN Exoplanet absorption study NaN NaN Proposed
60s NaN NaN Model of solar system dynamics NaN NaN Operational
Smart Robotics for Astrophysics NaN NaN Autonomous observations NaN NaN Proposed