The dataset contains a collection of influential philosophers and scholars, highlighting their key works, contributions to the field of sociology, philosophy, and other disciplines, along with pertinent concepts and additional notes. It serves as a resource for understanding the evolution of social and scientific thought through the works and ideas of these pivotal figures.
Philosopher/Scholar | Key Work | Year | Main Contribution | Concepts/Ideas | Notes |
Auguste Comte | Cours de Philosophie Positive | 1830-1842 | Father of Sociology | Positivism, Social Statics, Social Dynamics | Proposed a hierarchy of sciences. |
Emile Durkheim | The Division of Labor in Society | 1893 | Social Cohesion | Collective Consciousness, Anomie | Established sociology as a discipline. |
Max Weber | The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism | 1905 | Social Action | Verstehen, Ideal Types | Explored the relationship between culture and economy. |
Karl Marx | Capital: Critique of Political Economy | 1867 | Critique of Political Economy | Historical Materialism, Class Struggle | Influenced sociology and economics. |
John Stuart Mill | A System of Logic | 1843 | Inductive Reasoning | Method of Difference, Method of Agreement | Contributions to scientific methodology. |
Wilhelm Dilthey | Introduction to the Human Sciences | 1883 | Human Sciences vs. Natural Sciences | Hermeneutics, Erlebnis (Lived Experience) | Focus on understanding human experiences. |
Hannah Arendt | The Human Condition | 1958 | Political Theory | Public/Private distinction, Banality of Evil | Exploration of the human condition and politics. |
Thomas Kuhn | The Structure of Scientific Revolutions | 1962 | Scientific Paradigms | Paradigm Shifts, Normal Science | Transformative view on scientific progress. |
Paul Feyerabend | Against Method | 1975 | Critique of Methodology | Epistemological Anarchism | Argued against a universal scientific method. |
Michel Foucault | Discipline and Punish | 1975 | Power Dynamics | Biopower, Governmentality | Investigated the relationship between power and knowledge. |
Jürgen Habermas | The Theory of Communicative Action | 1981 | Communicative Rationality | Lifeworld, Public Sphere | Focus on communication in social theory. |
Pierre Bourdieu | Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste | 1979 | Cultural Capital | Habitus, Field, Capital | Explored the interplay between culture and social structures. |
Alfred Schütz | The Phenomenology of the Social World | 1932 | Social Phenomenology | Intersubjectivity, Life-World | Explored individual experiences in social contexts. |
Isaiah Berlin | Two Concepts of Liberty | 1958 | Political Philosophy | Positive Liberty, Negative Liberty | Distinguished different notions of freedom. |
Richard Rorty | Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature | 1979 | Pragmatism | Contingency, Ironist | Critique of traditional philosophy and epistemology. |
Judith Butler | Gender Trouble | 1990 | Gender Theory | Performativity, Gender Identity | Challenged traditional views on gender and identity. |
John Searle | The Construction of Social Reality | 1995 | Social Ontology | Institutional Facts, Status Functions | Analyzed the nature of social constructs. |
Charles Taylor | Sources of the Self | 1989 | Identity and Modernity | Modern Identity, Moral Frameworks | Exploration of individual identity in modern societies. |
Ruth Benedict | Patterns of Culture | 1934 | Cultural Anthropology | Culture as Personality, Cultural Relativity | Influenced cultural anthropology and sociology. |
C. Wright Mills | The Sociological Imagination | 1959 | Sociological Perspective | Personal Troubles vs. Public Issues | Encouraged a sociological perspective on personal issues. |
Emmanuel Levinas | Totality and Infinity | 1961 | Ethics and Responsibility | Otherness, Asymmetrical Ethical Relationship | Focus on ethics in societal relations. |
Zygmunt Bauman | Liquid Modernity | 2000 | Postmodern Society | Liquid Modernity, Consumerism | Analyzed contemporary social changes. |
Herbert Blumer | Symbolic Interactionism | 1969 | Social Interaction | Meaning, Interaction, Society | Developed a framework for understanding social interactions. |
Norbert Elias | The Civilizing Process | 1939 | Civilization and Society | Figurations, Social Process | Examined the development of civility in societies. |
Anthony Giddens | The Constitution of Society | 1984 | Structuration Theory | Agency, Structure | Sought to bridge the gap between agency and structure. |
Martha Nussbaum | The Fragility of Goodness | 1986 | Philosophy and Ethics | Capabilities Approach | Explored human vulnerabilities and ethics. |
David Hume | A Treatise of Human Nature | 1739-1740 | Empiricism and Human Understanding | Causation, Skepticism | Influenced empiricism and social theory. |
Gabriel Tarde | The Laws of Imitation | 1890 | Sociology of Imitation | Imitation, Social Dynamics | Focus on social behavior and imitation. |
Harriet Martineau | Society in America | 1837 | Sociology and Sociology Method | Social Research, Gender Issues | Pioneering work in sociology from a gender perspective. |
Rene Descartes | Meditations on First Philosophy | 1641 | Epistemology | Cogito, Rationalism | Foundation of modern philosophy influencing social science. |
Elizabeth Anderson | Value in Ethics and Economics | 1993 | Social Justice | Relational Egalitarianism | Connected ethics with social principles of justice. |
Frantz Fanon | Black Skin, White Masks | 1952 | Colonialism and Identity | Psychological Effects of Colonialism | Analyzed race and identity under colonial rule. |
Alasdair MacIntyre | After Virtue | 1981 | Virtue Ethics | Narrative Tradition, Community | Critiqued contemporary moral philosophy and advocated virtue ethics. |
Donna Haraway | A Cyborg Manifesto | 1985 | Feminist Theory | Cyborg Theory, Feminism | Challenged traditional boundaries in gender and technology. |
Victor Turner | The Ritual Process | 1969 | Ritual Theory | Liminality, Communitas | Study of ritual and its social implications. |
Robert Putnam | Bowling Alone | 2000 | Social Capital | Civic Engagement, Trust | Examined decline in social capital in America. |
George Herbert Mead | Mind, Self, and Society | 1934 | Social Behaviorism | Self, Social Interaction | Developed concepts of self and social behavior. |
Friedrich Nietzsche | On the Genealogy of Morals | 1887 | Moral Philosophy | Master-Slave Morality, Will to Power | Influenced existentialism and social theory. |
Sigmund Freud | The Interpretation of Dreams | 1900 | Psychoanalysis | Unconscious, Psychosexual Development | Impact on social sciences through psychology. |
Bell Hooks | Ain't I a Woman? | 1981 | Feminist Thought | Interlocking Oppressions, Feminism | Focus on race, gender, and social class. |
Pierre Rancière | The Ignorant Schoolmaster | 1987 | Education and Politics | Aesthetic Politics, Emancipation | Explored pedagogy and revolutionary politics. |
Claude Lévi-Strauss | Structural Anthropology | 1958 | Structuralism | Binary Oppositions, Totemism | Analyzed culture through a structuralist lens. |
Catherine Malabou | The New Wounded | 2007 | Neuroscience and Philosophy | Plasticity, Trauma | Investigated the impact of trauma on identity. |
Bruno Latour | We Have Never Been Modern | 1991 | Actor-Network Theory | Modernity, Hybrid Ecology | Critiqued traditional notions of modernity. |
John Dewey | Democracy and Education | 1916 | Educational Philosophy | Experience, Pragmatism | Influence on education and democratic culture. |
Seyla Benhabib | The Claims of Culture | 2002 | Cultural Studies | Identity, Migration | Explores identity politics in the modern world. |
Michael Walzer | Spheres of Justice | 1983 | Political Philosophy | Complex Equality, Justice | Proposed ideas on justice and distribution. |
Timothy Mitchell | Carbon Democracy | 2011 | Political Economy | Oil and Politics | Analyzed the relationship between energy and democracy. |
Celia Roberts | Revisiting Social Constructionism | 2000 | Social Constructionism | Feminism, Language | Investigated the role of language in social construction. |
Judith Shklar | The Faces of Injustice | 1990 | Political Theory | Injustice, Liberalism | Examined the nature of injustice in society. |
Charles Lindblom | The Policy-Making Process | 1959 | Public Policy | Incrementalism, Rationality | Contributions to the understanding of policy processes. |
Deborah Stone | Policy Paradox | 1988 | Public Policy | Rationality, Politics | Critique of rational decision-making in policy. |
Angela Davis | Women, Race & Class | 1981 | Feminist Theory | Intersectionality | Explored intersections of race, gender, and class. |
Kate Manne | Down Girl | 2018 | Feminist Theory | Misogyny, Social Norms | Analysis of misogyny in society. |
Susan Wolf | Meaning in Life | 2010 | Philosophy of Life | Meaning, Moral Philosophy | Explored philosophical concepts of meaningful life. |
Logan Fox | The Nature of Social Science | 2019 | Sociology | Methodological Approaches, Interdisciplinarity | Examined the methods used in social sciences. |
Amartya Sen | Development as Freedom | 1999 | Development Economics | Capabilities, Freedom | Redefined development through the perspective of freedom. |
Unitas Film | Examining Social Constructs | 2020 | Visual Sociology | Media Influence, Social Constructs | Investigated the impact of media on social norms. |
Jacques Rancière | The Politics of Aesthetics | 2004 | Political Philosophy | Aesthetics, Politics of Distribution | Explored intersections of art and politics. |
Jeffrey Alexander | Cultural Pragmatics | 2004 | Cultural Sociology | Cultural Sociology | Investigated cultural practices in social contexts. |
Elle Harris | Social Media and Identity | 2015 | Sociology of Technology | Identity Construction, Digital Sociology | Investigated the impact of social media on identity. |
Hannah Arendt | On Revolution | 1963 | Political Theory | Revolution, Freedom | Analyzed the nature and consequences of revolutions. |
Pierre Bourdieu | The Logic of Practice | 1980 | Sociology | Habitus, Field | Explored the relationship between culture and practice. |
Anthony Giddens | Runaway World | 1999 | Globalization | Globalization, Modernity | Described changes in globalization and social relations. |
Charles Taylor | A Secular Age | 2007 | Philosophy of Religion | Secularization, Modernity | Explored the notion of secularism in modern societies. |
Edward Said | Orientalism | 1978 | Cultural Criticism | Otherness, Colonialism | Critique of Western depictions of Eastern cultures. |
Sherry Turkle | Alone Together | 2011 | Technology and Society | Digital Relationships, Loneliness | Explored technology's impact on human relationships. |
Michael Foucault | The History of Sexuality | 1976 | Sexuality Studies | Power/Knowledge, Sexuality | Investigated the social construction of sexuality. |
Richard Sennett | The Fall of Public Man | 1977 | Sociology | Public Space, Social Relations | Analyzed the decline of public engagement and space. |
Vivienne Westwood | Fashion as a Form of Protest | 2017 | Cultural Studies | Fashion, Activism | Explored the role of fashion in social engagement. |
Simon Frith | The Sociology of Music | 1981 | Cultural Sociology | Music and Identity, Cultural Production | Investigated the sociological implications of music. |
David Harvey | The Condition of Postmodernity | 1989 | Geography and Social Theory | Postmodernism, Capitalism | Interconnectedness of social relations, space, and time. |
Deirdre McCloskey | Bourgeois Dignity | 2010 | Economic History | Capitalism, Ethics | Argued for the role of dignity in economic development. |
Jay Rosen | What Are Journalists For? | 1999 | Journalism Studies | Public Sphere, Media Criticism | Examined the role of journalism in modern society. |
Barbara Ehrenreich | Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America | 2001 | Sociology of Work | Labor, Poverty | Investigated issues of wage labor and poverty. |
Nancy Fraser | Justice Interruptus | 1997 | Political Theory | Social Justice, Feminism | Critiqued present-day conceptions of justice. |
Pierre Bourdieu | An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology | 1992 | Sociology | Reflexivity, Social Theory | Reflexive approach to understanding social practices. |
Albert O. Hirschman | Exit, Voice, and Loyalty | 1970 | Political Economy | Exit, Voice, Loyalty | Examined the dynamics of response to decline in organizations. |
Robert K. Merton | Social Theory and Social Structure | 1949 | Sociology | Role Theory, Functions | Influenced sociological theory with concepts of roles and functions. |
Stephen Toulmin | The Uses of Argument | 1958 | Logic and Philosophy | Argumentation, Reasoning | Contributed to the theory of argumentation in social contexts. |
Albert Bandura | Social Learning Theory | 1977 | Psychology and Sociology | Observational Learning, Self-Efficacy | Influenced understanding of learning in social contexts. |
Lawrence Lessig | Free Culture | 2004 | Law and Society | Intellectual Property, Digital Culture | Critique of copyright and culture in the digital age. |
Boris Groys | Going Public | 2010 | Cultural Theory | Publicness, Art | Explored the relationship between art and public presence. |
Abby L. Kearns | Social Media in Society | 2018 | Digital Sociology | Technology, Identity | Investigated the intersection of social media and identity. |
Jane Mansbridge | Beyond Adversary Democracy | 1980 | Political Theory | Democratic Theory, Participation | Explored participatory democracy and civic engagement. |
Albert Hofstadter | On the Comparative Method | 1970 | Philosophy of Science | Comparative Analysis, Methodology | Influenced methodology in social research. |
Tomas Piketty | Capital in the Twenty-First Century | 2013 | Economics | Wealth Inequality, Capitalism | Studied economics and wealth distribution in modern society. |
Linda McDowell | Gender, Identity and Place | 1999 | Cultural Geography | Gender, Work | Explored gender dynamics in geographical contexts. |
Noam Chomsky | Manufacturing Consent | 1988 | Media Studies | Propaganda, Media Manipulation | Critiqued the media's role in shaping public opinion. |
Samantha Power | A Problem from Hell | 2003 | International Relations | Human Rights, Foreign Policy | Examination of US foreign policy and human rights. |
Steven Lukes | Power: A Radical View | 1974 | Political Sociology | Three Dimensions of Power | Introduced a multifaceted view of power in society. |
Richard Dawkins | The Selfish Gene | 1976 | Evolutionary Biology | Gene-Centered View, Memetics | Introduced the idea of memes in cultural evolution. |
Joseph Stiglitz | Globalization and Its Discontents | 2002 | Economics | Globalization, Economic Policy | Critique of globalization policies and practices. |
William James | Pragmatism | 1907 | Philosophy | Pragmatism, Radical Empiricism | Developed pragmatic philosophy impacting social sciences. |
Emmanuel Wallerstein | The Modern World-System | 1974 | World-Systems Theory | Core-Periphery, Capitalism | Developed theories on global socio-economic structures. |
Daniel Kahneman | Thinking, Fast and Slow | 2011 | Psychology | Cognitive Bias, Decision-Making | Influenced understanding of decision-making processes. |
Richard Epstein | Simple Rules for a Complex World | 1995 | Law and Economics | Complexity, Legal Theory | Critiqued complexities in law and economics. |
Luigi Zingales | A Capitalism for the People | 2012 | Economics | Economic Reform, Sociology | Advocated for reforms benefiting the public. |
Anthony Giddens | The Third Way | 1998 | Political Theory | Social Democracy, Governance | Proposed a new centrist political approach. |
Georg Simmel | The Philosophy of Money | 1900 | Sociology | Social Forms, Money | Explored the social implications of money. |
Patricia Hill Collins | Black Feminist Thought | 1990 | Feminist Theory | Intersectionality, Social Theory | Explored the intersection of race, gender, and class. |
Amartya Sen | The Idea of Justice | 2009 | Political Philosophy | Social Justice, Capabilities | Developed a new framework for justice. |
Juliet Mitchell | Women: The Longest Revolution | 1966 | Feminist Theory | Sexual Politics, Gender Roles | Analyzed women's roles in society. |
Daniel Dennett | Consciousness Explained | 1991 | Philosophy of Mind | Consciousness, Free Will | Explored the nature of consciousness and decision-making. |
Richard Rorty | Philosophy as Cultural Politics | 2007 | Pragmatism | Cultural Politics, Epistemology | Connected philosophy with culture and politics. |
George Lakoff | Metaphors We Live By | 1980 | Cognitive Linguistics | Metaphor, Framing | Explored the role of metaphor in thought and communication. |
Ulrich Beck | Risk Society | 1992 | Sociology | Reflexive Modernization, Risk | Analyzed modern society's relationship with risk. |
David Carroll | Constitution of the Body Politic | 1999 | Political Theory | Political Identity, Democracy | Explored the connection between body and politics. |
Lawrence Solomon | History of Atheism in the West | 2007 | Philosophy of Religion | Atheism, Secularism | Historical analysis of atheism. |
Eva Illouz | Consuming the Romantic Utopia | 1997 | Cultural Sociology | Love, Consumer Culture | Examined the interplay between romance and consumerism. |
Richard Sennett | The Craftsman | 2008 | Sociology | Craftsmanship, Work | Explored the value of craftsmanship in modern society. |
Kingston University's Philosophy Club | The Role of Philosophy in Society | 2021 | Philosophy | Public Philosophy, Social Awareness | Discussion of philosophy's role in addressing social issues. |
Stephen Hawking | A Brief History of Time | 1988 | Science Philosophy | Cosmology, Science | Contributed to discussions on science's role in knowledge. |
Thomas Piketty | Capital and Ideology | 2019 | Economic History | Inequality, Political Economy | Further explored themes of wealth and inequality. |
Alfred Marshall | Principles of Economics | 1890 | Economics | Supply and Demand, Welfare Economics | Foundation for microeconomics and welfare economics. |
Michael Sandel | Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? | 2009 | Political Philosophy | Justice, Morality | Engaged the public in discussions about justice. |
E. O. Wilson | Sociobiology | 1975 | Biology and Sociology | Ecosystem, Evolutionary Psychology | Link between biology and social behaviors. |
Universities Publishing | The Impact of Globalization on Society | 2020 | Global Studies | Globalization, Social Change | Investigated how globalization reshapes social relations. |
Julia Kristeva | The Kristeva Reader | 1986 | Psychoanalysis | Semiotics, Feminism | Contributed to psychoanalysis and literary theory. |
Thomas Nagel | The View from Nowhere | 1986 | Philosophy | Subjectivity, Objectivity | Explored epistemology and perspectives in philosophy. |
Roderick Long | Anarchist Economics | 2004 | Political Economy | Anarchism, Economics | Examined economic frameworks within anarchist theory. |
Judith Butler | Frames of War | 2004 | Cultural Studies | War, Identity | Analyzed the cultural framing of war and its impacts. |