
Philosophy of Social Science

The dataset contains a collection of influential philosophers and scholars, highlighting their key works, contributions to the field of sociology, philosophy, and other disciplines, along with pertinent concepts and additional notes. It serves as a resource for understanding the evolution of social and scientific thought through the works and ideas of these pivotal figures.

  1. Philosopher/Scholar: The name of the philosopher or scholar whose work and ideas are being discussed.
  2. Key Work: The title of the major work or publication authored by the philosopher or scholar.
  3. Year: The year or range of years when the key work was published.
  4. Main Contribution: A brief summary of the philosopher or scholar's significant contribution to their field.
  5. Concepts/Ideas: Key concepts or ideas that are central to the philosopher or scholar's work and influence.
  6. Notes: Additional information or context about the philosopher, their work, or their contributions.

Sample Data

Philosopher/Scholar Key Work Year Main Contribution Concepts/Ideas Notes
Auguste Comte Cours de Philosophie Positive 1830-1842 Father of Sociology Positivism, Social Statics, Social Dynamics Proposed a hierarchy of sciences.
Emile Durkheim The Division of Labor in Society 1893 Social Cohesion Collective Consciousness, Anomie Established sociology as a discipline.
Max Weber The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism 1905 Social Action Verstehen, Ideal Types Explored the relationship between culture and economy.
Karl Marx Capital: Critique of Political Economy 1867 Critique of Political Economy Historical Materialism, Class Struggle Influenced sociology and economics.
John Stuart Mill A System of Logic 1843 Inductive Reasoning Method of Difference, Method of Agreement Contributions to scientific methodology.
Wilhelm Dilthey Introduction to the Human Sciences 1883 Human Sciences vs. Natural Sciences Hermeneutics, Erlebnis (Lived Experience) Focus on understanding human experiences.
Hannah Arendt The Human Condition 1958 Political Theory Public/Private distinction, Banality of Evil Exploration of the human condition and politics.
Thomas Kuhn The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 1962 Scientific Paradigms Paradigm Shifts, Normal Science Transformative view on scientific progress.
Paul Feyerabend Against Method 1975 Critique of Methodology Epistemological Anarchism Argued against a universal scientific method.
Michel Foucault Discipline and Punish 1975 Power Dynamics Biopower, Governmentality Investigated the relationship between power and knowledge.
Jürgen Habermas The Theory of Communicative Action 1981 Communicative Rationality Lifeworld, Public Sphere Focus on communication in social theory.
Pierre Bourdieu Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste 1979 Cultural Capital Habitus, Field, Capital Explored the interplay between culture and social structures.
Alfred Schütz The Phenomenology of the Social World 1932 Social Phenomenology Intersubjectivity, Life-World Explored individual experiences in social contexts.
Isaiah Berlin Two Concepts of Liberty 1958 Political Philosophy Positive Liberty, Negative Liberty Distinguished different notions of freedom.
Richard Rorty Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature 1979 Pragmatism Contingency, Ironist Critique of traditional philosophy and epistemology.
Judith Butler Gender Trouble 1990 Gender Theory Performativity, Gender Identity Challenged traditional views on gender and identity.
John Searle The Construction of Social Reality 1995 Social Ontology Institutional Facts, Status Functions Analyzed the nature of social constructs.
Charles Taylor Sources of the Self 1989 Identity and Modernity Modern Identity, Moral Frameworks Exploration of individual identity in modern societies.
Ruth Benedict Patterns of Culture 1934 Cultural Anthropology Culture as Personality, Cultural Relativity Influenced cultural anthropology and sociology.
C. Wright Mills The Sociological Imagination 1959 Sociological Perspective Personal Troubles vs. Public Issues Encouraged a sociological perspective on personal issues.
Emmanuel Levinas Totality and Infinity 1961 Ethics and Responsibility Otherness, Asymmetrical Ethical Relationship Focus on ethics in societal relations.
Zygmunt Bauman Liquid Modernity 2000 Postmodern Society Liquid Modernity, Consumerism Analyzed contemporary social changes.
Herbert Blumer Symbolic Interactionism 1969 Social Interaction Meaning, Interaction, Society Developed a framework for understanding social interactions.
Norbert Elias The Civilizing Process 1939 Civilization and Society Figurations, Social Process Examined the development of civility in societies.
Anthony Giddens The Constitution of Society 1984 Structuration Theory Agency, Structure Sought to bridge the gap between agency and structure.
Martha Nussbaum The Fragility of Goodness 1986 Philosophy and Ethics Capabilities Approach Explored human vulnerabilities and ethics.
David Hume A Treatise of Human Nature 1739-1740 Empiricism and Human Understanding Causation, Skepticism Influenced empiricism and social theory.
Gabriel Tarde The Laws of Imitation 1890 Sociology of Imitation Imitation, Social Dynamics Focus on social behavior and imitation.
Harriet Martineau Society in America 1837 Sociology and Sociology Method Social Research, Gender Issues Pioneering work in sociology from a gender perspective.
Rene Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy 1641 Epistemology Cogito, Rationalism Foundation of modern philosophy influencing social science.
Elizabeth Anderson Value in Ethics and Economics 1993 Social Justice Relational Egalitarianism Connected ethics with social principles of justice.
Frantz Fanon Black Skin, White Masks 1952 Colonialism and Identity Psychological Effects of Colonialism Analyzed race and identity under colonial rule.
Alasdair MacIntyre After Virtue 1981 Virtue Ethics Narrative Tradition, Community Critiqued contemporary moral philosophy and advocated virtue ethics.
Donna Haraway A Cyborg Manifesto 1985 Feminist Theory Cyborg Theory, Feminism Challenged traditional boundaries in gender and technology.
Victor Turner The Ritual Process 1969 Ritual Theory Liminality, Communitas Study of ritual and its social implications.
Robert Putnam Bowling Alone 2000 Social Capital Civic Engagement, Trust Examined decline in social capital in America.
George Herbert Mead Mind, Self, and Society 1934 Social Behaviorism Self, Social Interaction Developed concepts of self and social behavior.
Friedrich Nietzsche On the Genealogy of Morals 1887 Moral Philosophy Master-Slave Morality, Will to Power Influenced existentialism and social theory.
Sigmund Freud The Interpretation of Dreams 1900 Psychoanalysis Unconscious, Psychosexual Development Impact on social sciences through psychology.
Bell Hooks Ain't I a Woman? 1981 Feminist Thought Interlocking Oppressions, Feminism Focus on race, gender, and social class.
Pierre Rancière The Ignorant Schoolmaster 1987 Education and Politics Aesthetic Politics, Emancipation Explored pedagogy and revolutionary politics.
Claude Lévi-Strauss Structural Anthropology 1958 Structuralism Binary Oppositions, Totemism Analyzed culture through a structuralist lens.
Catherine Malabou The New Wounded 2007 Neuroscience and Philosophy Plasticity, Trauma Investigated the impact of trauma on identity.
Bruno Latour We Have Never Been Modern 1991 Actor-Network Theory Modernity, Hybrid Ecology Critiqued traditional notions of modernity.
John Dewey Democracy and Education 1916 Educational Philosophy Experience, Pragmatism Influence on education and democratic culture.
Seyla Benhabib The Claims of Culture 2002 Cultural Studies Identity, Migration Explores identity politics in the modern world.
Michael Walzer Spheres of Justice 1983 Political Philosophy Complex Equality, Justice Proposed ideas on justice and distribution.
Timothy Mitchell Carbon Democracy 2011 Political Economy Oil and Politics Analyzed the relationship between energy and democracy.
Celia Roberts Revisiting Social Constructionism 2000 Social Constructionism Feminism, Language Investigated the role of language in social construction.
Judith Shklar The Faces of Injustice 1990 Political Theory Injustice, Liberalism Examined the nature of injustice in society.
Charles Lindblom The Policy-Making Process 1959 Public Policy Incrementalism, Rationality Contributions to the understanding of policy processes.
Deborah Stone Policy Paradox 1988 Public Policy Rationality, Politics Critique of rational decision-making in policy.
Angela Davis Women, Race & Class 1981 Feminist Theory Intersectionality Explored intersections of race, gender, and class.
Kate Manne Down Girl 2018 Feminist Theory Misogyny, Social Norms Analysis of misogyny in society.
Susan Wolf Meaning in Life 2010 Philosophy of Life Meaning, Moral Philosophy Explored philosophical concepts of meaningful life.
Logan Fox The Nature of Social Science 2019 Sociology Methodological Approaches, Interdisciplinarity Examined the methods used in social sciences.
Amartya Sen Development as Freedom 1999 Development Economics Capabilities, Freedom Redefined development through the perspective of freedom.
Unitas Film Examining Social Constructs 2020 Visual Sociology Media Influence, Social Constructs Investigated the impact of media on social norms.
Jacques Rancière The Politics of Aesthetics 2004 Political Philosophy Aesthetics, Politics of Distribution Explored intersections of art and politics.
Jeffrey Alexander Cultural Pragmatics 2004 Cultural Sociology Cultural Sociology Investigated cultural practices in social contexts.
Elle Harris Social Media and Identity 2015 Sociology of Technology Identity Construction, Digital Sociology Investigated the impact of social media on identity.
Hannah Arendt On Revolution 1963 Political Theory Revolution, Freedom Analyzed the nature and consequences of revolutions.
Pierre Bourdieu The Logic of Practice 1980 Sociology Habitus, Field Explored the relationship between culture and practice.
Anthony Giddens Runaway World 1999 Globalization Globalization, Modernity Described changes in globalization and social relations.
Charles Taylor A Secular Age 2007 Philosophy of Religion Secularization, Modernity Explored the notion of secularism in modern societies.
Edward Said Orientalism 1978 Cultural Criticism Otherness, Colonialism Critique of Western depictions of Eastern cultures.
Sherry Turkle Alone Together 2011 Technology and Society Digital Relationships, Loneliness Explored technology's impact on human relationships.
Michael Foucault The History of Sexuality 1976 Sexuality Studies Power/Knowledge, Sexuality Investigated the social construction of sexuality.
Richard Sennett The Fall of Public Man 1977 Sociology Public Space, Social Relations Analyzed the decline of public engagement and space.
Vivienne Westwood Fashion as a Form of Protest 2017 Cultural Studies Fashion, Activism Explored the role of fashion in social engagement.
Simon Frith The Sociology of Music 1981 Cultural Sociology Music and Identity, Cultural Production Investigated the sociological implications of music.
David Harvey The Condition of Postmodernity 1989 Geography and Social Theory Postmodernism, Capitalism Interconnectedness of social relations, space, and time.
Deirdre McCloskey Bourgeois Dignity 2010 Economic History Capitalism, Ethics Argued for the role of dignity in economic development.
Jay Rosen What Are Journalists For? 1999 Journalism Studies Public Sphere, Media Criticism Examined the role of journalism in modern society.
Barbara Ehrenreich Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America 2001 Sociology of Work Labor, Poverty Investigated issues of wage labor and poverty.
Nancy Fraser Justice Interruptus 1997 Political Theory Social Justice, Feminism Critiqued present-day conceptions of justice.
Pierre Bourdieu An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology 1992 Sociology Reflexivity, Social Theory Reflexive approach to understanding social practices.
Albert O. Hirschman Exit, Voice, and Loyalty 1970 Political Economy Exit, Voice, Loyalty Examined the dynamics of response to decline in organizations.
Robert K. Merton Social Theory and Social Structure 1949 Sociology Role Theory, Functions Influenced sociological theory with concepts of roles and functions.
Stephen Toulmin The Uses of Argument 1958 Logic and Philosophy Argumentation, Reasoning Contributed to the theory of argumentation in social contexts.
Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory 1977 Psychology and Sociology Observational Learning, Self-Efficacy Influenced understanding of learning in social contexts.
Lawrence Lessig Free Culture 2004 Law and Society Intellectual Property, Digital Culture Critique of copyright and culture in the digital age.
Boris Groys Going Public 2010 Cultural Theory Publicness, Art Explored the relationship between art and public presence.
Abby L. Kearns Social Media in Society 2018 Digital Sociology Technology, Identity Investigated the intersection of social media and identity.
Jane Mansbridge Beyond Adversary Democracy 1980 Political Theory Democratic Theory, Participation Explored participatory democracy and civic engagement.
Albert Hofstadter On the Comparative Method 1970 Philosophy of Science Comparative Analysis, Methodology Influenced methodology in social research.
Tomas Piketty Capital in the Twenty-First Century 2013 Economics Wealth Inequality, Capitalism Studied economics and wealth distribution in modern society.
Linda McDowell Gender, Identity and Place 1999 Cultural Geography Gender, Work Explored gender dynamics in geographical contexts.
Noam Chomsky Manufacturing Consent 1988 Media Studies Propaganda, Media Manipulation Critiqued the media's role in shaping public opinion.
Samantha Power A Problem from Hell 2003 International Relations Human Rights, Foreign Policy Examination of US foreign policy and human rights.
Steven Lukes Power: A Radical View 1974 Political Sociology Three Dimensions of Power Introduced a multifaceted view of power in society.
Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene 1976 Evolutionary Biology Gene-Centered View, Memetics Introduced the idea of memes in cultural evolution.
Joseph Stiglitz Globalization and Its Discontents 2002 Economics Globalization, Economic Policy Critique of globalization policies and practices.
William James Pragmatism 1907 Philosophy Pragmatism, Radical Empiricism Developed pragmatic philosophy impacting social sciences.
Emmanuel Wallerstein The Modern World-System 1974 World-Systems Theory Core-Periphery, Capitalism Developed theories on global socio-economic structures.
Daniel Kahneman Thinking, Fast and Slow 2011 Psychology Cognitive Bias, Decision-Making Influenced understanding of decision-making processes.
Richard Epstein Simple Rules for a Complex World 1995 Law and Economics Complexity, Legal Theory Critiqued complexities in law and economics.
Luigi Zingales A Capitalism for the People 2012 Economics Economic Reform, Sociology Advocated for reforms benefiting the public.
Anthony Giddens The Third Way 1998 Political Theory Social Democracy, Governance Proposed a new centrist political approach.
Georg Simmel The Philosophy of Money 1900 Sociology Social Forms, Money Explored the social implications of money.
Patricia Hill Collins Black Feminist Thought 1990 Feminist Theory Intersectionality, Social Theory Explored the intersection of race, gender, and class.
Amartya Sen The Idea of Justice 2009 Political Philosophy Social Justice, Capabilities Developed a new framework for justice.
Juliet Mitchell Women: The Longest Revolution 1966 Feminist Theory Sexual Politics, Gender Roles Analyzed women's roles in society.
Daniel Dennett Consciousness Explained 1991 Philosophy of Mind Consciousness, Free Will Explored the nature of consciousness and decision-making.
Richard Rorty Philosophy as Cultural Politics 2007 Pragmatism Cultural Politics, Epistemology Connected philosophy with culture and politics.
George Lakoff Metaphors We Live By 1980 Cognitive Linguistics Metaphor, Framing Explored the role of metaphor in thought and communication.
Ulrich Beck Risk Society 1992 Sociology Reflexive Modernization, Risk Analyzed modern society's relationship with risk.
David Carroll Constitution of the Body Politic 1999 Political Theory Political Identity, Democracy Explored the connection between body and politics.
Lawrence Solomon History of Atheism in the West 2007 Philosophy of Religion Atheism, Secularism Historical analysis of atheism.
Eva Illouz Consuming the Romantic Utopia 1997 Cultural Sociology Love, Consumer Culture Examined the interplay between romance and consumerism.
Richard Sennett The Craftsman 2008 Sociology Craftsmanship, Work Explored the value of craftsmanship in modern society.
Kingston University's Philosophy Club The Role of Philosophy in Society 2021 Philosophy Public Philosophy, Social Awareness Discussion of philosophy's role in addressing social issues.
Stephen Hawking A Brief History of Time 1988 Science Philosophy Cosmology, Science Contributed to discussions on science's role in knowledge.
Thomas Piketty Capital and Ideology 2019 Economic History Inequality, Political Economy Further explored themes of wealth and inequality.
Alfred Marshall Principles of Economics 1890 Economics Supply and Demand, Welfare Economics Foundation for microeconomics and welfare economics.
Michael Sandel Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? 2009 Political Philosophy Justice, Morality Engaged the public in discussions about justice.
E. O. Wilson Sociobiology 1975 Biology and Sociology Ecosystem, Evolutionary Psychology Link between biology and social behaviors.
Universities Publishing The Impact of Globalization on Society 2020 Global Studies Globalization, Social Change Investigated how globalization reshapes social relations.
Julia Kristeva The Kristeva Reader 1986 Psychoanalysis Semiotics, Feminism Contributed to psychoanalysis and literary theory.
Thomas Nagel The View from Nowhere 1986 Philosophy Subjectivity, Objectivity Explored epistemology and perspectives in philosophy.
Roderick Long Anarchist Economics 2004 Political Economy Anarchism, Economics Examined economic frameworks within anarchist theory.
Judith Butler Frames of War 2004 Cultural Studies War, Identity Analyzed the cultural framing of war and its impacts.