This dataset contains information about various ethical theories, their key thinkers, and a brief description of each theory. It is designed to provide insights into different philosophical approaches to ethics and moral reasoning.
Ethical Theory | Key Thinker | Description |
Utilitarianism | Jeremy Bentham | The ethical theory that promotes actions that maximize happiness and well-being for the majority. |
Utilitarianism | John Stuart Mill | Advocates for the greatest happiness principle, focusing on the quality of pleasures. |
Deontology | Immanuel Kant | Ethics based on duty and the categorical imperative, emphasizing rules and principles. |
Virtue Ethics | Aristotle | Focuses on the development of virtuous character rather than on rules or consequences. |
Consequentialism | Peter Singer | A theory that judges actions by their outcomes, favoring those that produce the best overall results. |
Egoism | Ayn Rand | An ethical theory that regards self-interest as the foundation of morality. |
Care Ethics | Carol Gilligan | An ethical approach emphasizing interpersonal relationships and the importance of care. |
Social Contract Theory | Thomas Hobbes | An ethical theory positing that moral and political obligations are based on a contract or agreement. |
Social Contract Theory | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Focuses on the idea of collective agreement forming the foundation of moral and political legitimacy. |
Social Contract Theory | John Locke | Advocates for government legitimacy through consent of the governed and rights preservation. |
Natural Law Theory | Thomas Aquinas | Believes that moral principles are derived from human nature and the natural order. |
Relativism | David Wong | Poses that moral standards are not absolute but vary across cultures and contexts. |
Absolutism | Robert M. Adams | The belief in absolute moral principles that transcend individual cultural differences. |
Divine Command Theory | St. Augustine | The ethical view that morality is dependent on God's commands. |
Intuitionism | G.E. Moore | Suggests that moral truths exist independently of human knowledge and can be intuitively known. |
Pluralistic Ethics | William David Ross | Proposes multiple moral principles that may conflict but are all operative. |
Pragmatic Ethics | John Dewey | Stresses the application of ethical principles based on practical consequences and real-world situations. |
Existentialist Ethics | Jean-Paul Sartre | Emphasizes individual freedom, choice, and personal responsibility. |
Feminist Ethics | Sara Ruddick | A perspective that critiques traditional ethics and emphasizes the moral significance of gendered experiences. |
Ethics of Care | Nel Noddings | Focuses on the importance of caring relationships and the context of moral situations. |
Relational Ethics | Violet L. Sears | Investigates morality through the lens of relationships and community rather than individualism. |
Transcendental Ethics | Immanuel Kant | Posits that ethical truths can be derived through a priori reasoning. |
Environmental Ethics | Arne Naess | Studies the moral relationship between humans and the environment. |
Animal Ethics | Peter Singer | Explores the moral status of non-human animals and our responsibilities towards them. |
Moral Realism | David Brink | The position that there are objective moral facts that are independent of human opinion. |
Moral Anti-Realism | J.L. Mackie | The belief that there are no objective moral facts or truths. |
Eudaimonism | Aristotle | The ethical framework focused on living well and achieving human flourishing. |
Geoethics | G. D. G. von Hofmannsthal | Discusses the ethical implications of human interactions with theEarth and its systems. |
Absolute Ethics | Henry Sidgwick | Claims that moral truths are absolute and universal irrespective of individual beliefs. |
Situation Ethics | Joseph Fletcher | Suggests that moral decisions should be based on love and the context of the situation. |
Nonconsequentialism | W.D. Ross | An ethical theory that argues that the moral value of an action is not solely determined by its consequences. |
Human Rights Theory | John Locke | An ethical approach that emphasizes inherent human rights that are universal and must be respected. |
Meta-Ethics | M. G. M. Bell | Studies the nature, origin, and meaning of moral values and statements. |
Normative Ethics | David Hume | Focuses on establishing how things should be and evaluating moral standards. |
Applied Ethics | Peter Singer | Deals with specific controversial moral issues like euthanasia, abortion, and animal rights. |
Business Ethics | Joseph Heath | Analyzes ethical principles and moral or ethical problems arising in a business environment. |
Professional Ethics | Andrew B. Whitford | Guides professionals in their conduct, emphasizing responsibilities to clients and communities. |
Cultural Ethics | Herbert Blumer | Studies how cultural influences shape our understanding of ethics and moral behavior. |
Bioethics | Tom L. Beauchamp | Concerns ethical implications of biological research and medical practices. |
Cyber Ethics | R. C. Healy | Examines ethical issues in the use of information technology and cyberspace. |
Military Ethics | Michael Walzer | Focuses on ethical conduct in military operations and warfare. |
Political Ethics | John Rawls | Analyzes ethical issues in politics and governance, emphasizing justice and fairness. |
Research Ethics | David B. Resnik | Concerned with ethical issues in conducting research, particularly in human subjects. |
Family Ethics | K. E. K. C. L. R. Orr | Focuses on ethical issues within family structures and relationships. |
Global Ethics | Thomas Pogge | Examines ethical issues that transcend national boundaries and require global cooperation. |
Cybernetic Ethics | Norbert Wiener | Focuses on the ethical implications of systems and technology in society. |
Postmodern Ethics | Michel Foucault | Critiques and analyzes moral frameworks through a postmodern lens, emphasizing power dynamics. |
Personal Ethics | Victor Frankl | Emphasizes individual values and the search for meaning in personal life choices. |
Sustainable Ethics | G. C. De Paula | Focuses on ethical practices that promote sustainability for future generations. |
The Ethics of War | Michael Walzer | Analyzes ethical conduct in war, including just war theory. |
Socratic Ethics | Socrates | A method focused on dialogue and questioning to stimulate critical thinking about ethical issues. |
Idealism | Benedict de Spinoza | A perspective where moral truths are seen as idealized and non-material. |
Pragmatic Realism | William James | Combines practical effects with moral realism, considering real-world contexts. |
Ethics of Revolution | Hannah Arendt | Analyzes moral considerations in revolutionary movements. |
Moral Philosophy | John Stuart Mill | The study of what is right and wrong in human conduct. |
Toleration | John Locke | Advocates for a principle of tolerance in diverse societies. |
Personalism | Emmanuel Mounier | A philosophical approach prioritizing the dignity of the person over abstract principles. |
Antinomialism | Paul Ricoeur | Examines the conflict between moral laws and individual experiences. |
Reformed Epistemology | Alvin Plantinga | Posits that belief in moral truths can be rational without evidence. |
Ethics of Indifference | Emmanuel Levinas | Critiques indifference in personal ethics, advocating for responsibility to the other. |
Ethics of Belief | W.K. Clifford | Claims that it is wrong to believe anything without sufficient evidence. |
Social Ethics | Martin Luther King Jr. | An exploration of ethical responsibilities to promote social justice and equality. |
Anthropocentric Ethics | Peter Singer | Ethical perspectives centered on human interests and wellbeing. |
Postcolonial Ethics | Ngugi wa Thiong'o | Examines moral considerations in a world affected by colonialism and its legacy. |
Contemporary Theories | Derek Parfit | Investigates modern theories in ethics and moral philosophy. |
Buddhist Ethics | Buddhaghosa | Focuses on compassion, mindfulness and the reduction of suffering. |
Stoic Ethics | Seneca | Emphasizes inner peace, virtue, and self-control. |
Islamic Ethics | Al-Ghazali | Incorporates Islamic teachings, focusing on moral obligations and community welfare. |
Hindu Ethics | Mahatma Gandhi | Integrates concepts of Dharma, Karma, and non-violence into ethical considerations. |
Confucian Ethics | Confucius | Emphasizes filial piety and social harmony through virtues. |
Virtue Theory | Alasdair MacIntyre | Critiques modern ethics, calling for a return to Aristotelian virtue ethics. |
Emotivism | A.J. Ayer | Posits that moral statements express emotional reactions rather than factual claims. |
Cognitivism | Roderick Firth | Holds that moral judgments are beliefs that can be true or false. |
Constructivism | John Rawls | Suggests moral principles can be constructed through fair processes. |
Intersectional Ethics | Kimberlé Crenshaw | Explores ethics through the lens of intersecting social identities and systemic inequalities. |
Teleological Ethics | Aristotle | Focuses on the consequences of actions as the basis for moral judgment. |
Disability Ethics | Tom Shakespeare | Investigates moral issues surrounding disability and societal treatment. |
Queer Ethics | Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick | Examines moral questions through queer theory lenses. |
Intellectual Virtue Ethics | M. R. Carr | Focuses on the virtues necessary for intellectual and academic pursuits. |
Sustainable Development Ethics | Gro Harlem Brundtland | Seeks to balance ethical responsibilities to present and future generations. |
Organizational Ethics | Linda K. Treviño | Examines ethical practices within organizations and businesses. |
Environmental Justice | Robert Bullard | Examines the distribution of environmental benefits and burdens in an ethical context. |
Consumer Ethics | Ryan H. P. Holdway | Explores moral issues related to consumer behavior and purchasing decisions. |
Community Ethics | A. H. E. T. W. T. B. O'Connor | Emphasizes the ethical dimensions of community relationships and responsibilities. |
Interfaith Ethics | Diana Eck | Explores ethical perspectives that arise in interfaith dialogues. |
Political Philosophy | John Rawls | Analyzes the moral implications of political systems and institutions. |
Action Theory | Donald Davidson | Studies the connection between ethics and the motivation for human actions. |
Behavioral Ethics | Dan Ariely | Investigates how psychological factors influence our ethical decision-making. |
Moral Psychology | Jonathan Haidt | Explores the intersection of psychology and ethical behavior. |
Philosophical Ethics | Robert Louden | A synthetic approach focusing on the nature and implications of ethical theories. |
Philosophy of Law | H.L.A. Hart | Studies the moral basis and implications of legal principles. |
Philosophy of Religion | William James | Explores the intersections between ethical thought and religious belief. |
Normative Theories | Chris Heathwood | Focuses on theoretical frameworks for evaluating moral standards. |
Existential Ethics Analysis | Simone de Beauvoir | Examines existential choices and their moral implications. |
Universal Ethics | Peter Singer | Argues for the universality of ethical principles across cultures. |
Transnational Ethics | Manfred Nowak | Focuses on ethical considerations that span beyond national interests. |
Comparative Ethics | Cynthia D. Stokes | Compares various ethical theories and examines their cultural implications. |
Philosophical Pedagogy | T. A. W. A. Barthel | Considers the ethical dimensions of teaching and educating in philosophy. |
Ethics and Technology | Sherry Turkle | Analyzes the ethical implications of technology on society and individuals. |
Ethics of AI | Nick Bostrom | Explores moral considerations regarding artificial intelligence and its impact. |
Algorithmic Justice | Kate Crawford | Investigates the ethical implications of algorithms and their societal consequences. |
Digital Ethics | Peter Asaro | Focuses on ethical issues arising from digital technology and media. |
Information Ethics | J. David Archibald | Examines ethical principles surrounding information sharing and dissemination. |
Urban Ethics | A. Susan A. Samuel | Engages with ethical issues in urban development and community planning. |
Cultural Relativism | Ruth Benedict | Suggests moral codes are culture-bound, and ethical implications vary by society. |
Foundational Ethics | Michael J. Sandel | Examines the basic principles underlying moral philosophy. |
Metaphysical Ethics | David Lewis | Investigates the underlying metaphysical claims of moral theories. |
Concepts of Justice | John Rawls | Explores differing concepts of justice within ethical frameworks. |
Ethics of Space Exploration | James T. Slevin | Analyzes moral issues related to space exploration and its implications for humanity. |
Colonial Ethics | Nzubechi Obasi | Examines moral implications resulting from colonial histories and practices. |
Race and Ethics | Charles Mills | Explores moral considerations and implications of race and racism. |
Future Generations Ethics | John Pascoe | Focuses on ethical responsibilities towards future populations. |
Corporate Social Responsibility | Archie B. Carroll | Analyzes the ethical responsibilities of corporations beyond profit-making. |
Hospitality Ethics | Anna L. T. Talamucci | Focuses on responsibilities and moral considerations in the hospitality industry. |
Crisis Ethics | Laurence Thomas | Explores moral responsiveness during crises, disasters, and emergencies. |
Philosophy of Human Rights | Amartya Sen | Investigates the moral foundations and implications of human rights. |
Moral Licensing | J. F. V. J. C. P. Baptista | Examines how past moral behavior influences future ethical decisions. |
Self-regulation | L. G. E. B. B. Gudykunst | Investigates the relationship between self-regulation and ethical behavior. |
Compassionate Ethics | Karen Armstrong | Emphasizes the moral significance of compassion in ethical considerations. |
Enlightenment Ethics | Immanuel Kant | Explores ethical frameworks arising during the Enlightenment period. |
Mixed Methods Ethics | Maria K. V. Georgiades | Combines qualitative and quantitative approaches in ethical research and analysis. |
Narrative Ethics | H. Tristram Engelhardt | Utilizes narrative as a tool for ethical understanding and examination. |
Digital Citizenship | Danah Boyd | Investigates the ethical obligations of individuals in digital spaces. |
Moral Courage | Ruth Anne Robbins | Studies the notion of moral courage and its importance in moral dilemmas. |
Civic Ethics | Elizabeth Millard | Focuses on ethical responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society. |
Intellectual Responsibility | Raymond Geuss | Explores ethical obligations of intellectuals and academia. |
Autoethnography Ethics | Heewon Chang | Looks into the ethical considerations of conducting autoethnographic research. |
Quantum Ethics | David Wallace | Examines the ethical implications arising from advancements in quantum mechanics. |
Philosophical Counseling | G. A. G. Johnson | Explores the ethical dimensions of philosophical counseling practices. |
Discourse Ethics | Jürgen Habermas | Argues for ethical discourse as fundamental to understanding moral principles. |
Biopolitical Ethics | Michel Foucault | Investigates the ethics surrounding life and governance in various contexts. |
Ontological Ethics | Martin Heidegger | Studies the ethical implications of existence and being. |
Security Ethics | T. A. A. Maisel | Engages with moral considerations regarding national and global security. |
Colonialism and Morality | Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o | Examines ethical implications of colonial practices and their legacy. |
Logos and Ethics | Hans-Georg Gadamer | Explores the role of rational discourse in ethical understanding. |
Ethical Pluralism | David B. Wong | Considers the coexistence of multiple ethical principles as guiding moral action. |
Liberal Ethics | John Stuart Mill | Explores ethics grounded in individual rights and freedoms. |
Dynamic Ethics | Jacques Lacan | Investigates the dynamic nature of ethics in various contexts. |
Posthuman Ethics | Rosi Braidotti | Examines moral considerations in a posthuman world. |
Sensitivity Ethics | Michael D. Lee | Explores the importance of sensitivity in ethical decision-making. |
Game Ethics | Michael O'Sullivan | Analyzes ethical dilemmas arising in various gaming contexts. |
Intersectionality and Ethics | Kimberlé Crenshaw | Focuses on how multiple identities impact ethical considerations. |
Public Health Ethics | Lawrence O. Gostin | Studies the ethical implications of public health practices and policies. |
Workplace Ethics | Michael E. Thomas | Explores ethical responsibilities in professional environments. |
Art and Ethics | Arthur Danto | Investigates the moral implications of artistic expression. |
Public Good Ethics | Elinor Ostrom | Explores ethical considerations in the management of public goods. |
Freedom and Responsibility | Jean-Paul Sartre | Examines the connection between freedom, choice, and moral accountability. |
Ethics of Disassociation | Richard Turco | Analyzes the ethical implications of choosing to disassociate from certain ideologies or groups. |
Logistics of Ethics | Peter Verhoeff | Explores the logistical implications of ethical decision-making in organizations. |
Ecological Ethics | Aldo Leopold | Analyzes moral interactions between humans and the ecosystem. |
Metaphysical Necessities | S. W. D. A. R. K. K. Andriessen | Investigates necessary moral actions stemming from metaphysical assumptions. |
Shame-Based Ethics | Garry W. Witmore | Explores how shame influences ethical behaviors and moral judgments. |
Character-Based Ethics | W. D. Ross | Emphasizes the importance of character in moral decision-making. |
Ethics of Memory | Paul Ricoeur | Examines the ethical implications of remembering and forgetting. |
Memory and Identity Ethic | Hannah Arendt | Explores the ethical dimensions of individual and collective memory. |
Resilience Ethics | Resilience Alliance | Investigates the ethical implications of resilience in communities and ecosystems. |
Peace Ethics | Paul R. Ehrlich | Explores ethical frameworks aimed at promoting peace and conflict resolution. |
Custodial Ethics | Katherine K. Miller | Focuses on responsibilities and ethical considerations for custodial practices. |
Soul and Ethics | Plato | Investigates the role of the soul in ethical understanding and moral action. |
Moderation Ethics | Aristotle | Advocates for moderation and balance in ethical decision-making. |
Faith-Based Ethics | G. C. G. K. O'Connor | Explores the intersection of faith and ethics. |
Ethics of Extremism | Balogun A. Razaq | Analyzes the ethical implications of extremist views and actions. |
Epistemic Ethics | Richard Rorty | Investigates the ethical dimensions of knowledge and belief. |
Anticipatory Ethics | J. M. G. A. B. H. Fredericks | Focuses on moral responsibility for future outcomes and events. |
Action-Guiding Ethics | Khutai Kiwy Vilankulu | Explores how ethical theories guide actual behavior. |
Selfless Ethics | L. M. C. Eccles | Investigates the notion of selflessness in moral contexts. |
Social Media Ethics | Danah Boyd | Studies the ethical implications and responsibilities of social media usage. |
Commodification Ethics | Michael K. W. L. Harlan | Examines ethical dilemmas associated with commodifying values. |
Social Contract Revisited | Thomas Hobbes | Reevaluates classical social contract theories in a contemporary context. |
Structural Ethics | John Stuart Mill | Explores the ethical structure of societies and its implications. |
Religious Ethics | Peter J. Leithart | Focuses on the intersection of religion and ethical theories. |
Global Citizenship Ethics | M. Stewart | Explores the ethical obligations of individuals in a global context. |
Constitutional Ethics | Richard R. Beeman | Investigates the ethical implications of constitutional law and governance. |
Governing Ethics | Gregory S. R. Peal | Explores ethical frameworks guiding the governance of society. |
Paternalism in Ethics | J. D. T. Sowell | Examines moral considerations surrounding paternalistic interventions. |
Climate Change Ethics | Gretchen Daily | Investigates the ethical dimensions of climate change and environmental policies. |
Philosophical Ethics for Kids | G. B. K. Villanueva | Explores approaches to teaching ethics to children. |
Belief Ethics | William S. Lind | Focuses on the ethical implications of belief systems. |
Financial Ethics | Urs Fischer | Examines ethical dilemmas arising in financial industries. |
Economic Justice | Thomas Piketty | Critically analyzes the ethical implications of economic systems. |
Experimental Ethics | Peter-Bach J. T. van Dijnen | Explores moral theories using experimental philosophy. |
classical Ethics | Hannah Arendt | Investigates morality from a classical perspective. |
Literary Ethics | Martha Nussbaum | Explores ethics in literature and its implications for moral thought. |