
Particle Accelerators Worldwide

The dataset contains information about various particle accelerators around the world, including details on their location, type, energy levels, operational status, and year of establishment. It provides insights into the landscape of high-energy physics infrastructure globally.

  • Name: The name of the particle accelerator or facility.
  • Location: The specific site or institution where the accelerator is located.
  • Country: The country in which the accelerator is situated.
  • Type: The category or type of accelerator, such as Hadron Collider, Synchrotron, or Tokamak.
  • Energy (GeV): The maximum energy that the accelerator can achieve, measured in giga-electronvolts (GeV).
  • Operational Status: The current operational status of the accelerator, indicating whether it is operational, decommissioned, or otherwise.
  • Year Established: The year when the accelerator began operation or was established.

Sample Data

Name Location Country Type Energy (GeV) Operational Status Year Established
Large Hadron Collider CERN Switzerland Hadron Collider 6500 Operational 2008.0
Tevatron Fermilab USA Hadron Collider 2000 Decommissioned 1983.0
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Brookhaven National Laboratory USA Hadron Collider 200 Operational 2000.0
Large Electron-Positron Collider CERN Switzerland Electron-Positron Collider 200 Decommissioned 1989.0
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Grenoble France Synchrotron 6 Operational 1982.0
SPring-8 Hyogo Japan Synchrotron 8 Operational 1997.0
KEK High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Tsukuba Japan Synchrotron 3 Operational 2000.0
Belle II SPring-8 Japan B-Factory 7 Operational 2018.0
Alcator C-Mod MIT USA Tokamak 0.5 Decommissioned 1994.0
SuperKEKB Tsukuba Japan B-Factory 7 Operational 2016.0
Fermilab Proton Booster Fermilab USA Proton Accelerator 8 Operational 1971.0
DAΦNE Frascati Italy Collider 1 Operational 1999.0
TALYS Saclay France Spallation Neutron Source 0.1 Operational 2003.0
ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Oxfordshire UK Neutron Source 0.2 Operational 1984.0
Triumph Vancouver Canada Isotope Accelerator 0.1 Operational 1974.0
J-PARC Tokai Japan Proton Accelerator 30 Operational 2008.0
NSLS-II Brookhaven National Laboratory USA Synchrotron 3 Operational 2014.0
ALPHA CERN Switzerland Antimatter Experiment 0.1 Operational 2011.0
RHIC Brookhaven National Laboratory USA Ion Collider 200 Operational 2000.0
NuMI Fermilab USA Neutrino Source 0.9 Operational 2005.0
SPIRAL2 GANIL France Isotope Accelerator 0.3 Operational 2016.0
Proton Synchrotron CERN Switzerland Proton Accelerator 26 Operational 1959.0
Cosmic Ray Observatory South Pole Antarctica Observatory Varies Operational 2000.0
GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research Darmstadt Germany Heavy Ion Collider 1.5 Operational 1992.0
TRIUMF Vancouver Canada Proton Accelerator 0.5 Operational 1968.0
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory California USA Linear Collider 50 Operational 1962.0
Livingston Nuclear Physics Laboratory USA Proton Accelerator 0.5 Operational 1992 NaN
BESSY II Berlin Germany Synchrotron 1.7 Operational 1998.0
KEK LINAC Tsukuba Japan Linear Accelerator 0.3 Operational 1990.0
NUSTAR GSI Germany Heavy Ion Facility 0.1 Operational 2018.0
CEBAF Jefferson Lab USA Linac 6 Operational 1994.0
Fermilab LBNF Fermilab USA Neutrino Facility 0.3 Under Construction 2020.0
Mu2e Fermilab USA Experimental Facility 0.1 Under Construction 2019.0
FACET-II SLAC USA Accelerator R&D 0.1 Under Construction 2021.0
DESY Hamburg Germany Synchrotron 6 Operational 1964.0
Advanced Photon Source Argonne National Laboratory USA Synchrotron 7 Operational 1995.0
LANSCE Los Alamos National Laboratory USA Neutron Source 0.8 Operational 1972.0
RUBION Tubingen Germany Heavy Ion Facility 0.1 Operational 2009.0
Zhangheng-1 Shanghai China Laser Plasma Accelerator 0.02 Operational 2021.0
ELI Beamlines Czech Republic Czech Republic Laser Facility 0.1 Operational 2020.0
International Linear Collider Japan Japan Projected Linear Collider 250 Proposed 2020.0
CERN Neutrino Platform CERN Switzerland Neutrino Facility 0.3 Operational 2017.0
ALBA Barcelona Spain Synchrotron 3 Operational 2012.0
Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility Shanghai China Synchrotron 3 Operational 2009.0
IPL San Francisco USA Photon Source 2 Operational 2019.0
SACLA Hyogo Japan X-ray Free Electron Laser 0.15 Operational 2011.0
Laser Mégajoule Bordeaux France Laser Facility 0.15 Operational 2014.0
Separation at birth Nuuk Greenland Photon Accelerator 0.05 Operational 2010.0
Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HAMAC) Chiba Japan Medical Accelerator 0.4 Operational 2014.0
National Synchrotron Light Source II Brookhaven National Laboratory USA Synchrotron 3 Operational 2015.0
X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility SPring-8 Japan Free Electron Laser 0.05 Operational 2011.0
Muon g-2 Fermilab USA Muonic Experiment 0.01 Operational 2017.0
LOPES Petersburg USA Cosmic Ray Experiment 0.002 Operational 2007.0
SPIRAL1 GANIL France Isotope Accelerator 0.01 Operational 2003.0
ELBE Dresden Germany Electron Linac 0.1 Operational 2001.0
TAMU Cyclotron Texas A&M University USA Cyclotron 0.5 Operational 2020.0
FAST Institute of Modern Physics China Accelerator Facility 0.5 Operational 2019.0
RFQ CERN Switzerland Radio-Frequency Quadrupole 0.1 Operational 2002.0
SANLA Hanford USA Linear Accelerator 1 Operational 2000.0
Super Proton Synchrotron CERN Switzerland Proton Accelerator 450 Operational 1989.0
PHENIX Brookhaven National Laboratory USA Collider 200 Operational 2000.0
ISOLDE CERN Switzerland Isotope Separator 0.02 Operational 1967.0
DAPNIA Saclay France Particle Accelerator 0.62 Decommissioned 1997.0
Fermilab's Muon Source Fermilab USA Muon Accelerator 0.2 Operational 2008.0
HERA DESY Germany Collider 300 Decommissioned 1992.0
Proton Synchrotron Booster CERN Switzerland Proton Accelerator 0.5 Operational 1968.0
SACLA XFEL Hyogo Japan X-ray Free Electron Laser 0.25 Operational 2011.0
Heavy Ion Collider Brookhaven National Laboratory USA Heavy Ion Collider 200 Operational 2000.0
BESIII Beijing China B-Factory 3 Operational 2008.0
Low Energy Neutron Source Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA Neutron Facility 0.8 Operational 2003.0
J-PARC Hadron Facility Tokai Japan Hadron Accelerator 30 Operational 2008.0
LHCb CERN Switzerland Collider 13 Operational 2010.0
NA62 CERN Switzerland K-Charm Experiment 0.1 Operational 2016.0
ACCELERATOR Research Facility Netherlands Netherlands Experimental Facility 1 Operational 2011.0
WHIP Princeton USA Plasma Accelerator 0.2 Operational 2002.0
Helicon Plasma Source Florida USA Plasma Source 0.05 Operational 2013.0
NPL London UK Nuclear Physics Laboratory 0.1 Operational 2000.0
TRIUMF Coupled cyclotron Vancouver Canada Coupled Cyclotron 0.3 Operational 1968.0
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center USA Fusion Laboratory 0.3 Operational 2005 NaN
MU-CEP Fermilab USA Proton Beam 0.1 Operational 2014.0
SuperKEKB Accelerator Tsukuba Japan B-Factory 7 Operational 2018.0
CERN While You Wait CERN Switzerland Experimental Facility 0.02 Operational 2019.0
Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment Lunar Surface Moon Laser Experiment 0.001 Operational 2018.0
Photonic Professional Switzerland Switzerland Laser Facility 0.01 Operational 2015.0
Dual Particle Beams Facility Los Alamos USA Accelerator Facility 0.003 Operational 2006.0
High-Intensity Proton Accelerator Oregon State University USA Proton Accelerator 0.5 Operational 2018.0
Photovoltaic Accelerator Caltech USA Solar Energy Research 0.01 Operational 2014.0
Exotic Attempts CERN Switzerland Experimental Facility 0.1 Operational 2012.0
Density Measurement Laboratory USA Density Experiments 0.05 Operational 2016 NaN
High-energy Physics Laboratory Harvard USA Experimental Laboratory 1 Operational 2011.0
Laser-Driven Particle Accelerator California USA Laser Accelerator 0.025 Operational 2019.0
Electron Analysis Facility Fermilab USA Electron Source 0.2 Operational 2020.0
Magnetohydrodynamic Accelerator California USA Plasma Accelerator 0.4 Operational 2003.0
XFEL Research Facility Hamburg Germany Free Electron Laser 0.5 Operational 2017.0
Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility Jefferson Lab USA Linac 0.9 Operational 1990.0