The dataset contains information about various particle accelerators around the world, including details on their location, type, energy levels, operational status, and year of establishment. It provides insights into the landscape of high-energy physics infrastructure globally.
Name | Location | Country | Type | Energy (GeV) | Operational Status | Year Established |
Large Hadron Collider | CERN | Switzerland | Hadron Collider | 6500 | Operational | 2008.0 |
Tevatron | Fermilab | USA | Hadron Collider | 2000 | Decommissioned | 1983.0 |
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider | Brookhaven National Laboratory | USA | Hadron Collider | 200 | Operational | 2000.0 |
Large Electron-Positron Collider | CERN | Switzerland | Electron-Positron Collider | 200 | Decommissioned | 1989.0 |
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility | Grenoble | France | Synchrotron | 6 | Operational | 1982.0 |
SPring-8 | Hyogo | Japan | Synchrotron | 8 | Operational | 1997.0 |
KEK High Energy Accelerator Research Organization | Tsukuba | Japan | Synchrotron | 3 | Operational | 2000.0 |
Belle II | SPring-8 | Japan | B-Factory | 7 | Operational | 2018.0 |
Alcator C-Mod | MIT | USA | Tokamak | 0.5 | Decommissioned | 1994.0 |
SuperKEKB | Tsukuba | Japan | B-Factory | 7 | Operational | 2016.0 |
Fermilab Proton Booster | Fermilab | USA | Proton Accelerator | 8 | Operational | 1971.0 |
DAΦNE | Frascati | Italy | Collider | 1 | Operational | 1999.0 |
TALYS | Saclay | France | Spallation Neutron Source | 0.1 | Operational | 2003.0 |
ISIS Neutron and Muon Source | Oxfordshire | UK | Neutron Source | 0.2 | Operational | 1984.0 |
Triumph | Vancouver | Canada | Isotope Accelerator | 0.1 | Operational | 1974.0 |
J-PARC | Tokai | Japan | Proton Accelerator | 30 | Operational | 2008.0 |
NSLS-II | Brookhaven National Laboratory | USA | Synchrotron | 3 | Operational | 2014.0 |
ALPHA | CERN | Switzerland | Antimatter Experiment | 0.1 | Operational | 2011.0 |
RHIC | Brookhaven National Laboratory | USA | Ion Collider | 200 | Operational | 2000.0 |
NuMI | Fermilab | USA | Neutrino Source | 0.9 | Operational | 2005.0 |
SPIRAL2 | GANIL | France | Isotope Accelerator | 0.3 | Operational | 2016.0 |
Proton Synchrotron | CERN | Switzerland | Proton Accelerator | 26 | Operational | 1959.0 |
Cosmic Ray Observatory | South Pole | Antarctica | Observatory | Varies | Operational | 2000.0 |
GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research | Darmstadt | Germany | Heavy Ion Collider | 1.5 | Operational | 1992.0 |
TRIUMF | Vancouver | Canada | Proton Accelerator | 0.5 | Operational | 1968.0 |
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory | California | USA | Linear Collider | 50 | Operational | 1962.0 |
Livingston Nuclear Physics Laboratory | USA | Proton Accelerator | 0.5 | Operational | 1992 | NaN |
BESSY II | Berlin | Germany | Synchrotron | 1.7 | Operational | 1998.0 |
KEK LINAC | Tsukuba | Japan | Linear Accelerator | 0.3 | Operational | 1990.0 |
NUSTAR | GSI | Germany | Heavy Ion Facility | 0.1 | Operational | 2018.0 |
CEBAF | Jefferson Lab | USA | Linac | 6 | Operational | 1994.0 |
Fermilab LBNF | Fermilab | USA | Neutrino Facility | 0.3 | Under Construction | 2020.0 |
Mu2e | Fermilab | USA | Experimental Facility | 0.1 | Under Construction | 2019.0 |
FACET-II | SLAC | USA | Accelerator R&D | 0.1 | Under Construction | 2021.0 |
DESY | Hamburg | Germany | Synchrotron | 6 | Operational | 1964.0 |
Advanced Photon Source | Argonne National Laboratory | USA | Synchrotron | 7 | Operational | 1995.0 |
LANSCE | Los Alamos National Laboratory | USA | Neutron Source | 0.8 | Operational | 1972.0 |
RUBION | Tubingen | Germany | Heavy Ion Facility | 0.1 | Operational | 2009.0 |
Zhangheng-1 | Shanghai | China | Laser Plasma Accelerator | 0.02 | Operational | 2021.0 |
ELI Beamlines | Czech Republic | Czech Republic | Laser Facility | 0.1 | Operational | 2020.0 |
International Linear Collider | Japan | Japan | Projected Linear Collider | 250 | Proposed | 2020.0 |
CERN Neutrino Platform | CERN | Switzerland | Neutrino Facility | 0.3 | Operational | 2017.0 |
ALBA | Barcelona | Spain | Synchrotron | 3 | Operational | 2012.0 |
Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility | Shanghai | China | Synchrotron | 3 | Operational | 2009.0 |
IPL | San Francisco | USA | Photon Source | 2 | Operational | 2019.0 |
SACLA | Hyogo | Japan | X-ray Free Electron Laser | 0.15 | Operational | 2011.0 |
Laser Mégajoule | Bordeaux | France | Laser Facility | 0.15 | Operational | 2014.0 |
Separation at birth | Nuuk | Greenland | Photon Accelerator | 0.05 | Operational | 2010.0 |
Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HAMAC) | Chiba | Japan | Medical Accelerator | 0.4 | Operational | 2014.0 |
National Synchrotron Light Source II | Brookhaven National Laboratory | USA | Synchrotron | 3 | Operational | 2015.0 |
X-ray Free Electron Laser Facility | SPring-8 | Japan | Free Electron Laser | 0.05 | Operational | 2011.0 |
Muon g-2 | Fermilab | USA | Muonic Experiment | 0.01 | Operational | 2017.0 |
LOPES | Petersburg | USA | Cosmic Ray Experiment | 0.002 | Operational | 2007.0 |
SPIRAL1 | GANIL | France | Isotope Accelerator | 0.01 | Operational | 2003.0 |
ELBE | Dresden | Germany | Electron Linac | 0.1 | Operational | 2001.0 |
TAMU Cyclotron | Texas A&M University | USA | Cyclotron | 0.5 | Operational | 2020.0 |
FAST | Institute of Modern Physics | China | Accelerator Facility | 0.5 | Operational | 2019.0 |
RFQ | CERN | Switzerland | Radio-Frequency Quadrupole | 0.1 | Operational | 2002.0 |
SANLA | Hanford | USA | Linear Accelerator | 1 | Operational | 2000.0 |
Super Proton Synchrotron | CERN | Switzerland | Proton Accelerator | 450 | Operational | 1989.0 |
PHENIX | Brookhaven National Laboratory | USA | Collider | 200 | Operational | 2000.0 |
ISOLDE | CERN | Switzerland | Isotope Separator | 0.02 | Operational | 1967.0 |
DAPNIA | Saclay | France | Particle Accelerator | 0.62 | Decommissioned | 1997.0 |
Fermilab's Muon Source | Fermilab | USA | Muon Accelerator | 0.2 | Operational | 2008.0 |
HERA | DESY | Germany | Collider | 300 | Decommissioned | 1992.0 |
Proton Synchrotron Booster | CERN | Switzerland | Proton Accelerator | 0.5 | Operational | 1968.0 |
SACLA XFEL | Hyogo | Japan | X-ray Free Electron Laser | 0.25 | Operational | 2011.0 |
Heavy Ion Collider | Brookhaven National Laboratory | USA | Heavy Ion Collider | 200 | Operational | 2000.0 |
BESIII | Beijing | China | B-Factory | 3 | Operational | 2008.0 |
Low Energy Neutron Source | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | USA | Neutron Facility | 0.8 | Operational | 2003.0 |
J-PARC Hadron Facility | Tokai | Japan | Hadron Accelerator | 30 | Operational | 2008.0 |
LHCb | CERN | Switzerland | Collider | 13 | Operational | 2010.0 |
NA62 | CERN | Switzerland | K-Charm Experiment | 0.1 | Operational | 2016.0 |
ACCELERATOR Research Facility | Netherlands | Netherlands | Experimental Facility | 1 | Operational | 2011.0 |
WHIP | Princeton | USA | Plasma Accelerator | 0.2 | Operational | 2002.0 |
Helicon Plasma Source | Florida | USA | Plasma Source | 0.05 | Operational | 2013.0 |
NPL | London | UK | Nuclear Physics Laboratory | 0.1 | Operational | 2000.0 |
TRIUMF Coupled cyclotron | Vancouver | Canada | Coupled Cyclotron | 0.3 | Operational | 1968.0 |
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center | USA | Fusion Laboratory | 0.3 | Operational | 2005 | NaN |
MU-CEP | Fermilab | USA | Proton Beam | 0.1 | Operational | 2014.0 |
SuperKEKB Accelerator | Tsukuba | Japan | B-Factory | 7 | Operational | 2018.0 |
CERN While You Wait | CERN | Switzerland | Experimental Facility | 0.02 | Operational | 2019.0 |
Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment | Lunar Surface | Moon | Laser Experiment | 0.001 | Operational | 2018.0 |
Photonic Professional | Switzerland | Switzerland | Laser Facility | 0.01 | Operational | 2015.0 |
Dual Particle Beams Facility | Los Alamos | USA | Accelerator Facility | 0.003 | Operational | 2006.0 |
High-Intensity Proton Accelerator | Oregon State University | USA | Proton Accelerator | 0.5 | Operational | 2018.0 |
Photovoltaic Accelerator | Caltech | USA | Solar Energy Research | 0.01 | Operational | 2014.0 |
Exotic Attempts | CERN | Switzerland | Experimental Facility | 0.1 | Operational | 2012.0 |
Density Measurement Laboratory | USA | Density Experiments | 0.05 | Operational | 2016 | NaN |
High-energy Physics Laboratory | Harvard | USA | Experimental Laboratory | 1 | Operational | 2011.0 |
Laser-Driven Particle Accelerator | California | USA | Laser Accelerator | 0.025 | Operational | 2019.0 |
Electron Analysis Facility | Fermilab | USA | Electron Source | 0.2 | Operational | 2020.0 |
Magnetohydrodynamic Accelerator | California | USA | Plasma Accelerator | 0.4 | Operational | 2003.0 |
XFEL Research Facility | Hamburg | Germany | Free Electron Laser | 0.5 | Operational | 2017.0 |
Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility | Jefferson Lab | USA | Linac | 0.9 | Operational | 1990.0 |