This dataset encompasses various paranormal phenomena along with their descriptions, categories, notable cases, and associated common terms. Each entry provides a brief overview of a specific phenomenon that challenges conventional scientific explanation.
Phenomenon | Description | Category | Notable Cases | Common Terms |
Telepathy | The ability to transmit thoughts or feelings from one person to another without the use of traditional senses. | Communication | The Ganzfeld experiments | Mind reading |
Clairvoyance | The ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through extrasensory perception. | Perception | The case of the 1910 earthquake predictions | Second sight |
Psychokinesis | The purported ability to move or manipulate objects with the mind alone. | Psychical | The spoon bending phenomenon | Telekinesis |
Precognition | The ability to foresee or predict future events before they happen. | Prediction | The Titanic prediction by Morgan Robertson | Premonition |
Mediumship | Communication with spirits or other non-physical entities, typically conducted by a medium. | Spiritual | The Fox sisters' seances | Channeling |
Out-of-Body Experience | The sensation of being outside one's physical body, often reported during near-death experiences. | Experience | Reported in many near-death experiences | Astral projection |
Near-Death Experience | A personal experience associated with death or impending death, often described as transformative or profound. | Experience | Dr. Raymond Moody's studies | NDE |
Reincarnation | The belief that the soul begins a new life in a new body after death. | Philosophical | The cases researched by Dr. Ian Stevenson | Past lives |
Spontaneous Human Combustion | The alleged occurrence of a human body burning without an apparent external source of ignition. | Phenomenon | The case of Mary Reeser | SHC |
Ghosts | The spirit or soul of a deceased person that appears to remain in the physical realm. | Spiritual | The Bell Witch haunting | Phantom |
Poltergeist Activity | A type of ghost or spirit responsible for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and moving objects. | Paranormal | The Enfield poltergeist | Ruckus spirit |
Supernatural Healing | Healing that cannot be explained by medical science, often attributed to spiritual means or energy. | Healing | Reports from faith healers | Miraculous healing |
ESP (Extrasensory Perception) | The ability to receive information through means other than the normal human senses. | Perception | Dr. Joseph B. Rhine's experiments | Sixth sense |
Psychometry | The ability to obtain information about a person or event by touching an object associated with them. | Perception | The readings of attunement psychics | Object reading |
Telekinesis | The ability to move objects from a distance without physical interaction. | Psychical | The Uri Geller spoon bending | Psychokinesis |
Apport | The reported transportation of an object from one location to another through paranormal means. | Phenomenon | The apports during seances | Materialization |
Channeling | The process of a person allowing a spirit or entity to communicate through them. | Spiritual | The sessions of Esther Hicks | Mediumship |
Time Slips | Experiences where a person feels they have moved through time, often to a different era. | Experience | The case of 1950s time travelers in England | Temporal anomaly |
Animal Communication | The alleged ability to communicate telepathically with animals. | Communication | Research by animal communicators | Pet telepathy |
Haunting | The reoccurrence of ghostly phenomena in a location. | Phenomenon | The Winchester Mystery House | Ghost activity |
Shamanism | A practice involving mediation between the physical and spiritual worlds by a shaman. | Cultural | Shamanic rituals in indigenous cultures | Spirit journeying |
Psychic Surgery | The practice of performing surgery in a spiritual or psychic manner, often without physical instruments. | Healing | Filipino psychic surgeons | Non-invasive healing |
Lucid Dreaming | The experience of being aware during a dream and potentially controlling it. | Experience | Many reported lucid dreamers | Dream control |
Retrocognition | The ability to perceive past events that one did not witness. | Perception | The claims of psychics in historical investigations | Past vision |
Dowsing | The practice of using a forked stick or other tool to locate water or minerals underground. | Divination | Dowsing water in rural areas | Water witching |
Clairaudience | The ability to hear sounds or voices that are not perceptible to the average person. | Perception | Experiences reported in psychic circles | Clear hearing |
Automatic Writing | A process where an individual writes without conscious thought, often believed to be guided by a spirit. | Creative | Spiritualist writing sessions | Spirit writing |
Karma | The belief that actions have consequences that affect one's future, possibly across lifetimes. | Philosophical | Eastern religious teachings | Law of moral causation |
Aura Reading | The ability to perceive the energy field surrounding a person. | Perception | Practiced by various holistic healers | Energy field reading |
Ritual Magic | The practice of performing rituals to invoke spiritual forces for various purposes. | Spiritual | Ceremonies in Wicca and other traditions | Ceremonial magic |
Fate | The belief in predetermined outcomes in life's events, often defined by higher powers. | Philosophical | Various cultural doctrines | Destiny |
Manifestation | The belief that focused thoughts can bring about physical manifestations in reality. | Psychological | Law of Attraction | Thought manifestation |
Voodoo | A religion combining African beliefs with elements from Christianity and other traditions, often involving magic. | Cultural | New Orleans Voodoo | Loa |
Uri Geller Effect | The claim of bending spoons with the mind by Uri Geller. | Psychical | Demonstrations on television | Psychokinetic effect |
Scrying | The practice of looking into a crystal ball or other reflective surface to see visions or gain insight. | Divination | Used by various mystics | Crystal gazing |
Chakras | The belief in energy centers in the body affecting mental and physical health. | Healing | Practiced in yoga and meditation | Energy centers |
Biolocation | Locating people, animals, or objects through a psychic ability. | Perception | Practiced by various dowsers | Locator ability |
Manifesting | The process of turning thoughts into reality through focused intention. | Psychological | Supportive practices in self-help | Creation principle |
Meditation | A practice where an individual uses techniques (such as mindfulness or focusing) to train attention and awareness. | Practice | Common in various spiritual traditions | Mindfulness |
Soul Retrieval | A type of healing where a shaman or healer retrieves lost parts of the soul. | Healing | Practiced in various indigenous cultures | Spiritual healing |
Anomalous Cognition | Gaining knowledge without direct experience or logical deduction. | Perception | Research in parapsychology | ESP |
Energy Healing | The practice of healing by manipulating the body's energy fields. | Healing | Reiki practitioners | Therapeutic touch |
Sincere Miracles | Reported unexplainable events that defy natural laws. | Phenomenon | Many anecdotal cases | Supernatural occurrences |
Quantum Healing | The application of quantum physics principles in healing practices. | Healing | Practices of certain holistic healing methods | Quantum therapy |
Intercessory Prayer | Prayer offered on behalf of someone else, believed to have healing effects. | Spiritual | Studies on paediatric prayer groups | Prayer power |
Rising of the Dead | Reports of deceased individuals returning to life or being perceived. | Phenomenon | Various historical claims | Resurrection |
Soulmates | The belief that souls can be connected across lifetimes, creating deep personal connections. | Philosophical | Widely discussed in romantic contexts | Twin flames |
Syncing | Experiencing coincidences or meaningful events that seem interconnected. | Experience | Many anecdotal reports | Meaningful coincidences |
Dream Interpretation | The practice of assigning meaning to dreams, often as a means of psychological understanding. | Psychological | Freudian analysis | Symbolic analysis |
Spiritual Warfare | The belief in struggles between good and evil spirits with potential physical consequences. | Spiritual | Exorcisms and rituals | Supernatural battle |
Vision Quests | Ceremonial practices among certain cultures for seeking spiritual guidance. | Experiential | Practiced among Native American tribes | Spiritual journey |
Psychic Detectives | Individuals using psychic abilities to assist in solving criminal cases. | Professional | Notable cases in true crime | Paranormal sleuthing |
Phenomenal Clarity | Attaining insights or clarity in understanding life situations without logical reasoning. | Experience | Common among spiritual seekers | Intuitive wisdom |
Crossroads | Symbolic places or moments of decision often linked to supernatural elements. | Cultural | Soul choices and paths | Life-changing decisions |
Feng Shui | The practice of arranging spaces to promote harmony and balance with the environment. | Cultural | Chinese traditional practices | Space harmonization |
Twin Telepathy | The phenomenon of identical twins supposedly being able to communicate without verbal communication. | Communication | Numerous anecdotal accounts | Twin connection |
Soul Contracts | The belief that souls make agreements before incarnation about life paths and lessons. | Philosophical | Common in New Age beliefs | Pre-birth agreements |
Past-Life Regression | Therapeutic technique aimed to recover memories of past lives. | Therapy | Hypnosis sessions by therapists | Reincarnation therapy |
Ghost Hunting | The activity of investigating locations alleged to be haunted. | Activity | Television ghost hunting shows | Paranormal investigation |
Psychic Readings | Sessions in which psychics provide guidance or information about a person's life. | Practice | Tarot readings, astrology | Divination sessions |
Telepathic Animals | The belief that certain animals can communicate thoughts to humans telepathically. | Communication | Reported among pet owners | Animal telepathy |
Mindfulness | The practice of being fully aware and engaged in the present moment. | Practice | Widespread in meditation | Present moment awareness |
Akashic Records | The belief in a compendium of all knowledge, past, present, and future, accessible through spiritual practices. | Philosophical | Used in various spiritual contexts | Universal knowledge |
Mediumship Circles | Gatherings where individuals seek communication with spirits through a medium. | Community | Common in spiritualist traditions | Spiritual meetings |
Photos of Spirits | Reports of images capturing ghostly figures or anomalies in photography. | Phenomenon | Various historical photographs | Spirit photography |
Galactic Beings | The belief in spiritual entities from other planets or dimensions. | Philosophical | Reported in UFOlogy | Extraterrestrial spirits |
Sub-conscious Influencing | The ability to influence someone's thoughts or choices without them being aware. | Psychological | Common claim among marketers | Subliminal suggestion |
Vortexes | Locations believed to have concentrated energy that can affect consciousness and reality. | Phenomenon | Sedona energy vortexes | Energy hotspots |
Hypnotherapy | Use of hypnosis for therapeutic purposes, often in a spiritual context. | Therapy | Used for past-life regression | Trance therapy |
Energy Field Scanning | Using tools or techniques to detect changes in the body's energy field. | Technology | Practiced in holistic health | Biofield analysis |
Biorhythms | The theory that life is influenced by rhythmic biological cycles. | Phenomenon | Used in personal planning | Rhythmic patterns |
Shifting Realities | The idea of experiencing or moving to alternative realities or dimensions. | Experience | Reported in lucid dreaming | Dimensional travel |
Channelling Higher Consciousness | Connecting to a higher level of spiritual awareness through meditation or trance. | Practice | The teachings of Abraham Hicks | Spirit channeling |
Earthbound Spirits | Belief in spirits that remain attached to a specific location or person after death. | Spiritual | Common in ghost lore | Haunted spirits |
Misplaced Clarity | Having a profound insight about a situation or person seemingly out of context. | Experience | Reported by many individuals | Unexpected realization |
Spiritual Awakening | A process of inner healing and realization of one's true self and purpose. | Experience | Reported in various spiritual paths | Enlightenment journey |
Mindful Eating | The practice of being present and aware during meals, connecting with food energetically. | Practice | Used in wellness practices | Intentional eating |
Flow State | A mental state of being fully immersed and engaged in an activity, leading to heightened creativity and productivity. | Experience | Common among artists and athletes | Optimal experience |
Synchronicity | Meaningful coincidences that seem to be related causally or through symbolism. | Phenomenon | Notable examples cited by Carl Jung | Meaningful coincidences |
Cognitive Dissonance | The psychological discomfort experienced when holding conflicting beliefs or values. | Psychological | Often encountered in decision making | Internal conflict |
Visualization | The practice of creating mental images or scenarios for manifestation purposes. | Technique | Used in sports and performance | Imagery technique |
Guardian Angels | Belief in spiritual beings assigned to protect and guide individuals throughout life. | Spiritual | Reported in various religious contexts | Protective spirits |
Spirit Animals | The belief in animals acting as spiritual guides or messengers. | Cultural | Common in shamanic practices | Totems |
Cleansing Rituals | Ceremonies intended to remove negative energies or influences from a person or space. | Practice | Utilized in various spiritual traditions | Purification process |
Dream Recall | The ability to remember dreams clearly and vividly upon waking. | Experience | Practiced by dream researchers | Recall techniques |
Inner Child Work | Therapy aimed at healing the inner child, often associated with past trauma. | Therapy | Common in psychological practices | Healing childhood wounds |
Soul Healing | The process of bringing balance and harmony to the soul often through various methods of introspection. | Healing | Utilized in spiritual wellness practices | Soul retrieval |
Chakra Balancing | The process of clearing and energizing the body's energy centers for health and well-being. | Healing | Used in holistic therapies | Energy work |
Astrology | The belief that the positioning of celestial bodies influences human affairs. | Philosophical | Horoscopes and natal charts | Celestial influence |
Positive Affirmations | Statements that promote self-empowerment and positivity, often used for manifestation. | Technique | Common in self-help practices | Affirmative phrases |
Soul Expansiveness | The experience of feeling connected to greater wisdom or the universe. | Experience | Reported in spiritual teachings | Universal connectedness |
Creating Sacred Space | Intentional practices of setting an environment conducive for spiritual work. | Practice | Utilized in rituals and ceremonies | Space creation |
Consciousness Expansion | Techniques aimed at expanding awareness and understanding beyond normal perception. | Experience | Coffee shop gatherings | Altered reality |
Soul Contracts Review | The reflection on agreements made for personal growth and lessons in this lifetime. | Philosophical | Common in spiritual counseling | Life agreements |
Dream Houses | The notion of houses seen in dreams often representing aspects of the self. | Phenomenon | Common in dream interpretation | Symbolic representations |
Reality Shifting | The practice to transition between different realities or timelines using intent and visualization. | Experience | Popular among online communities | Dimensional traveling |
Holotropic Breathwork | A practice using accelerated breathing to access altered states of consciousness. | Experience | Facilitated workshops | Breathwork therapy |
Esoteric Symbols | Using symbols for esoteric knowledge or spiritual messages. | Cultural | Practiced in alchemy and mysticism | Ancestral knowledge |
Parallel Universes | The theoretical existence of multiple, possibly infinite, universes or realities running alongside this one. | Philosophical | Popular in quantum physics discussions | Multiverse theory |
Past Life Memories | Recollections of experiences believed to occur in previous lifetimes. | Experience | Hypnosis sessions uncovering memories | Reincarnation evidence |
Yoga Nidra | A state of consciousness between waking and sleep, often used for deep relaxation and insight. | Practice | Common in Eastern meditation | Yoga sleep |
Esoteric Reading | Interpretation of texts containing hidden or mystical meanings. | Cultural | Common among mystical community | Symbolic study |
Ritual Performance | The execution of rituals for personal or shared spiritual purpose. | Practice | Diverse cultural rituals | Ceremonial acts |
Intuition Development | Practices aimed at enhancing one's intuitive abilities. | Practice | Spiritual workshops for self-improvement | Intuitive skills |
Ascended Masters | The belief in enlightened beings who guide humanity from higher planes. | Spiritual | Common in New Age teachings | Spiritual guides |
Subconscious Programming | Techniques aimed at influencing subconscious beliefs and behaviors. | Technique | Reprogramming through affirmations | Mind training |
Guide Communication | The practice of communicating with one's spirit guides or angels. | Spiritual | Common in intuitive practices | Spiritual channeling |
Cognitive Enhancements | Techniques to improve cognitive functions often through spiritual practices. | Experience | Reports from meditators | Mind optimization |
Energy Clearing | The practice of removing negative energies, often through rituals or intention. | Healing | Utilized in spiritual ceremonies | Energetic purification |
Guided Imagery | Using visualization in a guided form to promote healing or personal insight. | Therapy | Common in psychotherapy | Imagery techniques |
Shamanic Drumming | The use of rhythmic drumming for entering altered states and connecting with spirit. | Cultural | Common in indigenous ceremonies | Divine rhythm |
Quantum Jumping | A concept in which one can shift their reality or life circumstances using focus and intention. | Psychological | Practiced in self-help circles | Reality shift method |
Enlightenment | A state of profound understanding of oneself and the universe. | Philosophical | Reached by various spiritual practitioners | Awakening |
Guided Reflections | Structured meditative practices encouraging self-exploration. | Therapy | Common in personal growth workshops | Reflective practice |
Synapse Activation | The concept of activating brain connections for enhanced functioning. | Cognitive | Common in brain training programs | Brain optimization |
Energy Enhancement | Techniques or practices aimed at increasing one's energy levels for better overall wellness. | Healing | Common in holistic therapies | Vital energy practice |
Soul Integration | The process of integrating different aspects of one's soul for harmony. | Healing | Common in psychological integrative therapy | Soul healing processes |
Spirit Photography | The capturing of images that are believed to contain spiritual entities. | Phenomenon | Historical figures in photography | Mystical pictures |
Group Intention | The practice of a community coming together to manifest a common goal through unified thought. | Social | Common in spiritual communities | Collective consciousness |
Emotional Clearing | Techniques used to release trapped or negative emotions for healing. | Healing | Utilized in therapeutic practices | Emotion release |
Vibrational Medicine | A healing approach utilizing vibrational frequencies to promote wellness. | Healing | Used in energy healing practices | Healing frequencies |
Spiritual Pathways | Individual journeys towards spiritual understanding and fulfillment. | Philosophical | Common in various religious paths | Path to enlightenment |
Hypersensitivity | An acute awareness of energies or emotions often leading to feeling overwhelmed. | Experience | Common among empathic individuals | Sensitivity awareness |
Conscious Co-Creation | The intentional practice of manifesting through collective consciousness. | Practice | Common in New Age circles | Collaborative manifestation |
Transcendent Experiences | Experiences that lead to feelings of oneness with the universe or a higher power. | Experience | Reported across various spiritual traditions | Spiritual ecstasy |
Mindful Listening | The practice of fully engaging in listening to enhance understanding and connection. | Practice | Used in communication workshops | Deep listening |
Soul Mates | The belief that two individuals have deep spiritual connections beyond earthly relationships. | Spiritual | Common in romantic contexts | Partner connections |
Dream Incubation | The practice of setting intentions before sleep to influence dream content. | Technique | Used by many dream workers | Dream guidance |
Divine Inspiration | Receiving guidance or insights from a spiritual source, often leading to creativity. | Spiritual | Common among artists and writers | Creative guidance |
Mind Expansion | Techniques aimed at broadening one's mental and spiritual horizons. | Technique | Common in meditation practices | Limitless thoughts |
Conscious Breathing | The practice of mindful breath as a means to deepen awareness and relaxation. | Practice | Used in yoga and meditation | Breath awareness |
Binaural Beats | Auditory illusions used for impacting the brain's state and promoting relaxation or focus. | Technique | Used in sound therapy | Sonic modalities |
Reality Reprogramming | The process of shifting belief systems to alter one's perception of reality. | Technique | Common in personal development | Mindset training |
Spiritual Sociology | The study of how spiritual beliefs influence social behaviors and structures. | Philosophical | Emerging academic field | Social spirituality |
Transpersonal Psychology | Field of psychology focusing on the spiritual aspects of the human experience. | Therapy | Integration of spirituality in psychology | Holistic healing |
Kundalini Awakening | The process of awakening dormant spiritual energy believed to reside at the base of the spine. | Experience | Common in yoga practices | Spiritual energy rise |
Sacred Geometry | The study of geometric shapes and their spiritual meanings in the universe. | Cultural | Used in architecture and art | Symbolic shapes |
Life-Force Energy | The energy believed to be the vital essence of life in numerous spiritual traditions. | Philosophical | Commonly discussed in wellness practices | Chi or prana |
Quantum Consciousness | The idea that consciousness exists within the quantum realm and affects reality. | Philosophical | Emerging theories in quantum physics | Mind and matter |
Intuitive Eating | Making food choices based on bodily cues and emotional needs rather than restriction. | Practice | Used in wellness and health counseling | Responsive eating |
Shamanic Healing | Traditional healing practices utilizing spirit communication and energy work. | Healing | Performed by trained shamans | Spiritual remedy |
Portal Experiences | The concept of entering alternate dimensions or realms through energy openings. | Experience | Reported among spiritual seekers | Dimensional access |
Sound Healing | The use of sound frequencies to promote healing and wellness. | Healing | Used in various holistic practices | Therapeutic sound |
Emotional Intelligence | The ability to recognize and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. | Psychological | Common in personal development | Social awareness |
Deep Listening | Listening intently to understand and connect on a deeper level. | Practice | Common in therapeutic contexts | Active engagement |
Life After Death | The belief or experiences reported after physical death, often implying continued existence. | Philosophical | Near-death experience accounts | Continuation of consciousness |
Healing Touch | A form of energy therapy promoting relaxation and wellness for the recipient. | Healing | Utilized in holistic practices | Energetic touch therapy |
Non-Verbal Communication | Understanding messages and emotions expressed without words. | Communication | Common in psychological studies | Body language |
Manifesting Abundance | The practice of attracting prosperity and abundance through focused intent and belief. | Psychological | Common among self-help communities | Wealth attraction |
Intuitive Guidance | Receiving insights or messages from one's intuition or higher self. | Experience | Common among spiritual practitioners | Inner wisdom |
Animal Spirit Guides | The belief that certain animals act as messengers or guides through life's journey. | Spiritual | Common in shamanism | Totemic beings |
Soul Purification | The process of cleansing one's spirit through spiritual practices. | Healing | Used by various spiritual traditions | Spiritual cleansing |
Witchcraft | The practice of using magical powers or spells to influence events and people. | Cultural | Widely practiced in various traditions | Magic arts |
Psychic Empathy | The ability to feel and understand the emotions of others at a profound level. | Psychical | Common among highly sensitive individuals | Emotional resonance |
Divine Timing | The belief that events happen when the time is right according to a higher plan. | Philosophical | Common in spiritual teachings | Universal timing |
Psychic Phenomena | General term for unexplained occurrences associated with psychic abilities. | Perception | Various anecdotal accounts | Paranormal activity |
Spiritual Retreats | Gatherings for individuals seeking spiritual growth and self-discovery through communal experience. | Social | Common in New Age culture | Personal reflection |
Quantum Intuition | The belief that intuition arises from quantum realms and influences human behavior. | Philosophical | Emerging theories in consciousness studies | Intuitive quantum shifts |
Iridescent Beings | Descriptions of ethereal entities often reported in spiritual experiences or visions. | Spiritual | Common in near-death experiences | Luminescent spirits |
Universal Connection | The feeling of oneness with all beings and the universe during spiritual practices. | Spiritual | Reported during deep meditation | Collective consciousness |
Astral Projection | The experience of the soul or consciousness leaving the physical body and traveling in the astral plane. | Experience | Studied in various esoteric traditions | Out-of-body experience |
Soul Fragments | The belief that parts of the soul can be lost or split due to trauma, influencing overall well-being. | Healing | Common in spiritual healing practices | Soul retrieval |
Living Myths | Contemporary belief systems or narratives that carry spiritual significance. | Cultural | Found in many cultural rituals | Modern mythology |
Channeling Higher Energy | Connecting with high vibrational energies or entities for insight and guidance. | Spiritual | Common in metaphysical circles | Spirit channeling |
Roots of Spirituality | Exploration of historical and cultural origins of spiritual beliefs and practices. | Academic | Emerging studies in anthropology | Cultural spirituality |
Thought Forms | The belief that thoughts can take on form and energy, influencing the physical world. | Spiritual | Common in esoteric teachings | Manifestation of thought |
Multiple Realities | The belief in the existence of parallel dimensions affecting physical existence. | Philosophical | Emerging theories in string theory | Alternative dimensions |
Past Life Therapy | Therapeutic approach using past life regression techniques for healing. | Therapy | Utilized in hypnotherapy | Reincarnational work |
Spiritual Circles | Gatherings of like-minded individuals seeking spiritual growth and sharing. | Community | Common in new age groups | Supportive gatherings |
Transpersonal Experience | Experiences transcending the personal self, leading to spiritual insights. | Experience | Reported in various mystical traditions | Peak experiences |
Bach Flower Remedies | A form of herbal therapy intended to restore emotional balance. | Healing | Utilized in holistic practices | Natural remedies |
Energy Sensitivity | The ability to perceive and respond to subtle energy changes in the environment. | Experience | Common among empaths | Energetic awareness |
Celestial Events | Astrological occurrences believed to influence human behavior and spiritual growth. | Cultural | Commonly tracked by astrologers | Astrological phenomena |
Radiesthesia | The ability to detect energy through the use of various tools such as pendulums. | Technique | Common in dowsing | Energetic sensitivity |
Life-Path Exploration | The journey of understanding one's life purpose and direction. | Philosophical | Utilized in personal development | Self-discovery |
Nostalgia for the Future | The feeling or belief in a future that seems familiar or known. | Experience | Reported in spiritual experiences | Future memories |
Climatic Synchronization | Aligning personal energies with the seasonal and climatic changes of nature. | Practice | Common in ancient practices | Nature harmony |
Metaphysical Inquiry | The philosophical exploration of reality beyond physical existence. | Philosophical | Emerging field of study | Spiritual questions |
Secret Law of Attraction | The underlying principles believed to govern the manifestation of desires. | Philosophical | Common in self-help literature | Manifestation principles |
Essential Oils Healing | Using plant-derived oils for emotional and physical health. | Healing | Common in aromatherapy practices | Natural healing |
Magnetism of Personality | The influence of one's energetic presence on others' feelings and reactions. | Social | Common in psychology | Charisma |
Telepathic Communication | The belief in the ability to send and receive thoughts without vocalization. | Communication | Common among twin studies | Mental dialogue |
Ancient Wisdom | Knowledge and insights derived from ancient teachings and cultures. | Cultural | Practiced in various spiritual traditions | Timeless teachings |
Group Meditations | Collective meditation practices aimed at promoting peace and harmony. | Practice | Common in mindfulness communities | Shared consciousness |
Magnetizing Energy | Colonizing or attracting positive energy through personal practices. | Technique | Common in holistic rituals | Energy attraction |
Sound Frequencies | Utilizing vibrations to promote healing and mental clarity. | Healing | Practiced in various wellness therapies | Sound healing |
Psychic Artistry | Creating art under the influence of heightened intuitive or psychic states. | Artistic | Reported among certain artists | Intuitive expression |
Celestial Sympathy | Belief in the connection between humans and celestial bodies affecting emotions and actions. | Philosophical | Common in astrological discourse | Celestial influences |
Trance Mediumship | States of altered consciousness in which a medium believes they are channeling another entity. | Spiritual | Common in spiritualist practices | Spirit communication |
Emotional Well-being | Focus on maintaining emotional balance and resilience. | Healing | Common in therapeutic frameworks | Mental health awareness |
Psychic Impressions | Feelings or images that come to a psychic spontaneously during readings. | Perception | Common among intuitive readers | Visceral connections |
Chronicles of the Past | The study and exploration of historical spiritual practices. | Cultural | Academic exploration | Spiritual documentation |
Interdimensional Travel | Navigating between dimensions or planes of existence. | Experience | Reported in mystical traditions | Transdimensional experiences |
Assimilation of Energy | The process of absorbing and integrating different energies into oneself. | Healing | Utilized in holistic well-being | Energetic merging |