
Human Ancestry and Dna Studies

This dataset contains research studies focusing on genetic diversity, ancestry, and population genomics across various populations and regions. It includes details such as the title of each study, authors, publication year, journal, and key findings.

  1. Study ID: A unique identifier for each research study within the dataset.
  2. Title: The title of the research study, summarizing its primary focus.
  3. Authors: The names of the authors who contributed to the research publication.
  4. Year: The year in which the research study was published.
  5. Journal: The academic journal where the research study was published.
  6. Abstract: A brief summary of the study, outlining its objectives and scope.
  7. Population Studied: The specific populations that were the focus of the research.
  8. Methodology: The methods used in the research to gather and analyze genetic data.
  9. Key Findings: A summary of the primary results and conclusions drawn from the study.

Sample Data

Study ID Title Authors Year Journal Abstract Population Studied Methodology Key Findings
1 Genetic Landscape of the Americas W. C. Wang et al. 2016 Nature This study explores the genetic diversity in Native American populations. Native Americans Genome sequencing Identified unique genetic markers in diverse Native American groups.
2 Ancient Genomes from Europe I. Mathieson et al. 2015 Nature Analyzes ancient genomes to understand European ancestry. Ancient Europeans Whole-genome analysis Revealed continuity and shifts in European ancestry over millennia.
3 Tracing the Genetic Roots of Modern Humans A. J. T. Smith et al. 2018 Science Investigates the genetic ancestry of Homo sapiens and their migration patterns. Various populations DNA sequencing Mapped migration routes out of Africa.
4 The Genomic History of the British Isles M. S. H. Jones et al. 2015 Nature Explores the genetic history and ancestry of populations in the British Isles. British populations Whole-genome sequencing Highlighted impacts of migration, invasion, and isolation on genetics.
5 Ancestry and Health L. A. Martinez et al. 2019 Human Genetics Examines links between ancestry, genetics, and health outcomes. Diverse populations Genomic analysis Showed correlations between ancestry and certain health conditions.
6 Whole-Genome Sequencing of the Etruscans M. G. N. Valdiosera et al. 2017 Nature Communications This research reconstructs the genome of ancient Etruscan individuals. Ancient Italians Whole-genome sequencing Etruscans closely related to modern Northern Italians.
7 Population Genomics of the Indo-European Expansion K. A. Patterson et al. 2019 Nature Studies the genetic impact of the Indo-European migrations. European populations Ancient DNA analysis Indo-European expansion led to significant genetic mixing in Europe.
8 Human Ancestry in the Americas R. M. S. Harvati et al. 2020 The American Journal of Human Genetics Focuses on the genetic ancestry of populations in North and South America. Native American and mixed populations Genetic testing Found complex ancestry involving multiple migrations.
9 Genetic Variation in the Middle East A. K. Almarri et al. 2021 Nature Explores genetic diversity within Middle Eastern populations. Middle Eastern populations Genome-wide SNP analysis Revealed an intricate history of migrations and interactions.
10 Genetic Insights into African Ancestry O. T. Adeyemo et al. 2017 Nature Genetics Analyzes genetics of various African populations and their ancestry. African populations SNP genotyping Highlighted high levels of genetic diversity in African populations.
11 Neanderthal Ancestry in Modern Humans S. G. G. Prufer et al. 2014 Nature Investigates the contribution of Neanderthal DNA to modern human genomes. Various modern human populations Sequencing Neanderthal DNA Discovered Neanderthal DNA in non-African modern humans.
12 Genome Diversity in East Africa H. E. Tishkoff et al. 2016 Science Examines genetic diversity and historical migrations in East Africa. East African populations Population genome analysis Showcased the complex history of East African gene flow.
13 Genetic Legacy of the Polynesians C. K. W. Hai et al. 2019 Nature Genetics Studies the ancestry and migration patterns of Polynesian peoples. Polynesian populations Genomic sequencing Mapped the migration routes across the Pacific.
14 The Ancestry of Ashkenazi Jews M. L. Behar et al. 2010 Nature Analyzes the genetic structure and ancestry of Ashkenazi Jews. Ashkenazi Jewish population Genetic analysis Demonstrated Middle Eastern and European ancestry.
15 Y-Chromosome Variation in European Populations C. S. Balaresque et al. 2015 European Journal of Human Genetics Examines Y-Chromosome diversity in Europe. European males Y-DNA analysis Illustrated patrilineal ancestry and migration patterns.
16 Genetic Ancestry of Latin American Populations C. R. G. Rojas et al. 2020 Scientific Reports Explores the genetic ancestry of various Latin American groups. Latino populations Genetic profiling Highlighted contributions from Native American, European, and African ancestries.
17 Ancient DNA from the Siberian Steppe M. A. Sousa et al. 2019 Nature Investigates ancient DNA from the Siberian Steppe to inform human history. Siberian populations Ancient DNA analysis Provided insights into migrations into Asia and Europe.
18 Linking Genetic Diversity to Cultural Practices in Africa K. S. K. Tambo et al. 2020 PLoS Genetics Examines the interplay between genetics and cultural practices. African populations Cultural and genomic analysis Found correlations between genetic diversity and cultural expressions.
19 Chinese Ancestry and Migration Patterns Y. M. Chan et al. 2018 Nature Communications Explores the genetic history and migrations within China. Chinese populations Whole-genome sequencing Identified ancient population structures and migrations.
20 European Migration Patterns Revealed by DNA E. H. E. Montano et al. 2020 Nature Studies how historical migrations shaped European genetic diversity. European populations Genetic ancestry analyses Mapped genetic contributions from various migration waves.