
Galaxy Formations

This dataset contains information about various galaxies, including their types, distances, and notable characteristics. Each entry provides a comprehensive overview of a galaxy, allowing for comparisons based on their attributes such as size, star count, and specific notes regarding their unique features.

  1. Galaxy Name: The name of the galaxy being described.
  2. Type: The morphological classification of the galaxy (e.g., Spiral, Barred Spiral, Lenticular).
  3. Redshift: The redshift value indicating the galaxy's velocity as it moves away from Earth, which can be representative of its distance in the expanding universe.
  4. Distance (Mpc): The distance from Earth to the galaxy measured in megaparsecs.
  5. Diameter (kpc): The diameter of the galaxy measured in kiloparsecs.
  6. Star Count (Billion): The estimated number of stars in the galaxy, expressed in billions.
  7. Notes: Any specific notes or interesting facts about the galaxy.

Sample Data

Galaxy Name Type Redshift Distance (Mpc) Diameter (kpc) Star Count (Billion) Notes
Milky Way Spiral 0.001 0.00 100.0 100.00000 Contains a supermassive black hole at its center.
Andromeda Spiral 0.001 0.78 220.0 1.00000 Largest galaxy in the Local Group.
Triangulum Spiral 0.001 0.84 60.0 0.25000 Third-largest galaxy in the Local Group.
Whirlpool Galaxy Spiral 0.001 23.20 76.0 20.00000 Known for its beautiful spiral arms.
Sombrero Galaxy Spiral 0.001 28.00 50.0 30.00000 Has a bright central bulge and a prominent dust lane.
Pinwheel Galaxy Spiral 0.002 21.00 170.0 100.00000 One of the largest and brightest spiral galaxies.
Spiral Galaxy I Spiral 0.025 200.00 100.0 10.00000 Typical spiral structure with prominent arms.
Barred Spiral Galaxy A Barred Spiral 0.030 250.00 90.0 15.00000 Features a bar-like structure extending from the bulge.
Barred Spiral Galaxy B Barred Spiral 0.038 300.00 85.0 12.00000 A well-defined bar with bright star clusters.
Lenticular Galaxy Lenticular 0.005 15.00 60.0 5.00000 Halos of stars, little gas and dust.
Elliptical Galaxy A Elliptical 0.012 150.00 120.0 50.00000 Older, redder population of stars.
Elliptical Galaxy B Elliptical 0.022 400.00 180.0 30.00000 Characteristics of both elliptical and spiral.
Irregular Galaxy A Irregular 0.050 150.00 35.0 1.50000 Lacks definitive shape, contains young stars.
Irregular Galaxy B Irregular 0.045 350.00 40.0 2.00000 Active star formation and irregular regions.
Large Magellanic Cloud Irregular 0.001 0.05 14.0 1.00000 Satellite galaxy of the Milky Way.
Small Magellanic Cloud Irregular 0.001 0.06 7.0 0.50000 Another satellite of the Milky Way.
Cartwheel Galaxy Ring 0.025 500.00 150.0 3.00000 A ring galaxy resulting from a collision.
HLX-1 Ultra Compact 0.023 500.00 4.0 0.00001 A supermassive black hole in an ultra-compact galaxy.
NGC 6822 Irregular 0.001 0.50 7.0 0.10000 Known as Barnard's Galaxy, discovery in 1884.
NGC 247 Spiral 0.001 1.50 33.0 0.30000 Part of the Sculptor group of galaxies.
NGC 253 Spiral 0.001 2.50 70.0 0.60000 Known as the Sculptor Galaxy, highly active star formation.
NGC 4254 Spiral 0.001 50.00 100.0 10.00000 Shows a strong wind of gas due to central supermassive black hole.
NGC 2903 Spiral 0.001 8.00 60.0 1.00000 Famous for its well-defined spiral structure and star formation.
Centaurus A Lenticular 0.001 3.50 16.0 7.00000 One of the closest radio galaxies.
NGC 6611 Star Cluster 0.001 1.50 7.0 0.15000 Contains the famous Eagle Nebula.
NGC 7507 Irregular 0.045 280.00 9.0 0.00800 A small irregular galaxy.
NGC 1530 Spiral 0.001 5.00 78.0 2.00000 A barred spiral interacting with a smaller galaxy.
NGC 6340 Lenticular 0.020 30.00 56.0 6.00000 Contains a ring-like structure.
NGC 772 Spiral 0.001 28.00 110.0 20.00000 Interesting structure with warped arms.
NGC 2403 Spiral 0.001 3.00 72.0 3.00000 Part of the M81 group.
NGC 4395 Lenticular 0.001 6.00 65.0 10.00000 Notes about its size and irregular formation.
M87 Elliptical 0.004 0.50 120.0 200.00000 Has a supermassive black hole, known for its jet.
Messier 87 Elliptical 0.004 0.55 120.0 200.00000 Prominent for being the first black hole photographed.
Messier 81 Spiral 0.001 11.00 90.0 10.00000 Part of the M81 group.
UGC 2885 Spiral 0.001 25.00 350.0 40.00000 Known as the 'Hercules Galaxy,' it is very large.
NGC 2537 Irregular 0.004 1.50 15.0 0.50000 A dwarf irregular galaxy.
NGC 185 Elliptical 0.001 1.50 45.0 1.00000 A dwarf elliptical galaxy.
NGC 404 Spiral 0.001 1.00 30.0 0.50000 A small edge-on spiral galaxy.
NGC 5195 Spiral 0.001 25.00 31.0 0.50000 Close to the Whirlpool Galaxy, interacting.
NGC 5474 Spiral 0.001 30.00 100.0 1.00000 Unusual structure due to gravitational interactions.
NGC 4302 Spiral 0.001 15.00 80.0 2.00000 Shows signs of past interaction with neighboring galaxy.
NGC 4565 Spiral 0.001 20.00 100.0 3.00000 Well-known edge-on spiral galaxy.
NGC 7640 Spiral 0.001 25.00 45.0 1.20000 An interesting spiral galaxy in interaction.
NGC 6221 Spiral 0.001 30.00 60.0 5.00000 Known for its starburst characteristics.
NGC 2359 Lenticular 0.029 200.00 50.0 2.50000 Potentially interacting with other galaxies.
NGC 7662 Planetary Nebula 0.001 0.70 2.0 0.00100 Blue-tinged nebula, known as the Blue Snowball.
NGC 0717 Spiral 0.001 2.00 75.0 2.50000 Notable for its bright core.
NGC 2906 Spiral 0.001 20.00 100.0 12.00000 Active star formation.
NGC 2563 Spiral 0.001 5.00 65.0 1.50000 Part of the M67 group.
NGC 2360 Open Cluster 0.001 0.50 10.0 0.10000 Cluster of young stars.
IC 342 Spiral 0.001 0.70 45.0 3.50000 Known for a dense central region.
IC 1880 Lenticular 0.001 1.70 32.0 1.00000 Compact structure.
NGC 2473 Irregular 0.001 15.00 10.0 0.40000 Transitory nature of star formation.
NGC 5728 Spiral 0.001 60.00 55.0 8.00000 Unusual arm structure.
NGC 7741 Spiral 0.001 20.00 80.0 6.00000 Specific formation types.
NGC 4013 Spiral 0.001 10.00 70.0 3.00000 Edge-on view demonstrating spiral arms.
NGC 7020 Spiral 0.001 12.00 60.0 2.00000 Interacting galaxy with rich composition.
NGC 5371 Lenticular 0.020 50.00 75.0 7.00000 Highlighting its distinct core.
NGC 5055 Spiral 0.002 15.00 90.0 5.00000 Known as the Whirlpool Galaxy, M101.
NGC 2218 Irregular 0.001 8.00 30.0 2.50000 Mixed stellar populations.
NGC 2146 Spiral 0.001 20.00 80.0 4.00000 Active star formation due to interaction.
NGC 2300 Elliptical 0.001 90.00 80.0 40.00000 Old star structure.
NGC 3460 Spiral 0.001 25.00 90.0 6.00000 Active in star formation.
NGC 1343 Lenticular 0.022 120.00 45.0 2.20000 Multiple arms interacting.
NGC 7100 Spiral 0.001 1.50 40.0 1.00000 A low surface-brightness galaxy.
NGC 923 Spiral 0.001 3.50 60.0 1.50000 High concentration of star formation zones.
NGC 862 Spiral 0.001 5.00 70.0 1.00000 Regular formation with active zones.
NGC 4548 Spiral 0.001 15.00 90.0 5.00000 A prominent spiral structure.
NGC 7562 Spiral 0.001 20.00 85.0 7.00000 Notable for its bright core.
NGC 5408 Irregular 0.001 2.30 80.0 2.00000 Contains an active starburst region.
NGC 2559 Lenticular 0.001 10.00 50.0 3.00000 Insight into mixed populations.
NGC 5253 Irregular 0.001 8.00 15.0 2.00000 Starburst characteristics.
NGC 929 Spiral 0.001 9.50 45.0 1.50000 Unusual structure due to interactions.
NGC 5635 Irregular 0.001 4.00 15.0 1.00000 Transient cluster showing diverse formations.
NGC 7455 Lenticular 0.001 50.00 40.0 10.00000 High concentration of older stars.
NGC 3432 Spiral 0.001 22.00 80.0 6.00000 Not associated with other galaxies.
NGC 4270 Spiral 0.003 15.00 65.0 3.50000 Dominance of active star formation.
IC 0145 Irregular 0.001 1.20 12.0 0.70000 Notable for its random morphology.
IC 284 Barred Spiral 0.011 4.00 63.0 2.00000 Prominent bar structure.
NGC 0201 Irregular 0.028 35.00 23.0 0.90000 Area of star formation.
NGC 4258 Spiral 0.001 7.00 90.0 4.00000 Features a well-defined active nucleus.
NGC 6938 Spiral 0.001 7.00 80.0 4.00000 Distinct spiral features.
NGC 6729 Spiral 0.001 20.00 45.0 3.50000 Rich detailed core.
NGC 0893 Lenticular 0.001 3.00 65.0 2.00000 Defined angular momentum.
NGC 3115 Elliptical 0.001 8.00 50.0 20.00000 Complex composition.
NGC 4319 Spiral 0.001 5.00 60.0 3.00000 Located near multiple group galaxies.
NGC 1042 Lenticular 0.038 100.00 65.0 2.00000 Specific observational study.
NGC 2309 Spiral 0.001 7.00 85.0 6.00000 Complicated structure.
NGC 3023 Lenticular 0.001 11.00 54.0 3.00000 Defined structure.
NGC 4024 Spiral 0.001 9.00 45.0 2.50000 Lots of star formation activity.
NGC 0487 Lenticular 0.001 12.00 60.0 2.00000 Cluster formation.
NGC 4589 Lenticular 0.001 10.00 40.0 2.50000 Dual nature.
NGC 7743 Spiral 0.001 23.00 33.0 1.00000 Interesting parts of star formation.
NGC 2814 Spiral 0.001 10.00 95.0 5.00000 Well-defined features.
NGC 2066 Irregular 0.001 0.60 30.0 2.00000 Unique complex morphology.
NGC 842 Barred Spiral 0.001 25.00 90.0 7.00000 Prominent bar with active star formation.
NGC 7130 Irregular 0.001 5.00 65.0 1.50000 Starburst region.
NGC 0189 Spiral 0.001 2.50 60.0 1.00000 Distinctive for spherical components.
NGC 0416 Lenticular 0.001 3.50 45.0 1.00000 Unusual defined interactions.
NGC 1767 Spiral 0.001 5.00 65.0 2.50000 Localized formations.
NGC 0153 Irregular 0.001 2.00 15.0 0.50000 Dwarf morphology with varied star formation.
NGC 887 Spiral 0.001 10.00 75.0 5.00000 Defined cluster area.
NGC 0795 Spiral 0.001 8.00 65.0 2.50000 Clear interactions with neighboring galaxies.
NGC 1790 Spiral 0.001 12.00 90.0 8.00000 High density of young stars.
NGC 3672 Lenticular 0.001 9.50 45.0 2.50000 An engaging formative environment.
NGC 7064 Lenticular 0.001 7.00 65.0 3.00000 Approaching older structures.
NGC 2566 Spiral 0.001 8.00 75.0 4.00000 Cluster formation throughout.
UGC 04899 Irregular 0.001 0.90 20.0 0.50000 Noted for active star production.
AM 1054 Elliptical 0.001 20.00 100.0 10.00000 Clear structure of the outer halo.
NGC 7753 Spiral 0.001 25.00 40.0 1.50000 The center approach towards forming new stars.
NGC 0845 Spiral 0.001 15.00 90.0 5.00000 High surface brightness.
NGC 1220 Spiral 0.001 6.00 45.0 1.00000 Various star groups.
NGC 3567 Irregular 0.001 12.00 25.0 0.80000 Defined energy production.
NGC 3790 Spiral 0.001 9.20 60.0 3.00000 Interesting interactions with nearby components.
NGC 5937 Lenticular 0.001 11.00 50.0 2.00000 Engaged formations.
NGC 1595 Spiral 0.001 10.00 73.0 2.50000 Galaxy formation alongside others.
NGC 0121 Barred Spiral 0.001 3.00 75.0 5.50000 Highly structured with engaged features.
NGC 0923 Lenticular 0.001 7.00 72.0 3.70000 Defined brightness.
NGC 0951 Spiral 0.001 8.00 40.0 4.00000 High interactions.
NGC 2071 Irregular 0.001 6.00 20.0 1.00000 Local star production.
NGC 3201 Elliptical 0.001 3.80 50.0 40.00000 Old globular cluster features.
NGC 5813 Elliptical 0.001 14.00 80.0 30.00000 Cluster-like structure.
NGC 2631 Spiral 0.001 8.00 70.0 3.00000 High density of younger stars.
IC 0624 Spiral 0.001 4.00 65.0 1.60000 Interaction with an irregular galaxy.
NGC 2608 Spiral 0.001 7.00 61.0 2.20000 Join in formation studies.
NGC 1791 Barred Spiral 0.001 5.00 55.0 2.80000 Notable bar structure within.
NGC 0150 Irregular 0.001 2.30 38.0 0.60000 Focus on local star clusters.
NGC 0807 Lenticular 0.001 3.40 54.0 1.60000 Defining structures with surroundings.
NGC 5549 Spiral 0.001 7.10 76.0 4.00000 Dynamic star zone.
NGC 2915 Irregular 0.001 3.00 30.0 1.00000 Dwarf with significant star formation.
NGC 6148 Spiral 0.001 12.00 70.0 3.90000 Prominent centralized structure.
NGC 0751 Lenticular 0.001 8.00 39.0 1.80000 Density of active production.
NGC 1695 Spiral 0.001 6.00 55.0 3.00000 Interaction with another group.
NGC 6643 Irregular 0.001 8.50 15.0 0.70000 Localized production.
NGC 0535 Spiral 0.001 5.00 66.0 2.50000 Focus on discrete star formations.
NGC 0421 Lenticular 0.001 6.00 90.0 5.20000 Localized distribution notes.
NGC 0011 Spiral 0.001 24.00 79.0 6.00000 Engaged in structural activity.
NGC 0084 Spiral 0.001 8.00 100.0 3.00000 Activities ongoing.
NGC 0523 Spiral 0.001 7.00 25.0 1.50000 Distinct activity zones.
NGC 2768 Lenticular 0.001 15.00 62.0 9.00000 Both types engaging profoundly.
NGC 4203 Spiral 0.001 10.00 77.0 4.00000 Common structure across local formations.
NGC 2347 Irregular 0.001 2.50 45.0 1.80000 Varied star populations.
IC 4732 Barred Spiral 0.001 3.00 68.0 1.90000 Interestingly engaged interactions.
NGC 6152 Lenticular 0.001 9.10 50.0 6.50000 Observational galaxy samples.
NGC 0702 Spiral 0.001 4.20 76.0 5.40000 Participation in shared space.
NGC 3031 Spiral 0.001 9.00 50.0 3.20000 Dynamic interaction zones.
IC 970 Lenticular 0.001 5.40 63.0 3.30000 Combinations of types.
NGC 0456 Spiral 0.001 6.00 72.0 4.10000 Interesting star activity.
NGC 0423 Irregular 0.001 1.50 26.0 0.80000 Star production sites.
NGC 0681 Lenticular 0.001 7.00 60.0 2.90000 Middle zones widely explored.
NGC 0326 Irregular 0.001 4.00 35.0 2.50000 Low mass with high local activity.
NGC 1706 Spiral 0.001 5.00 70.0 7.00000 Noted importance of star clusters.
NGC 2655 Spiral 0.001 5.00 55.0 2.00000 Engagement within.
NGC 2453 Lenticular 0.001 8.00 40.0 3.50000 Intermittent types.
NGC 0546 Lenticular 0.001 2.00 85.0 4.40000 Significant presence of younger stars.
NGC 3308 Spiral 0.002 20.00 90.0 6.00000 Galaxies engaged in a cascade.
NGC 0746 Irregular 0.001 2.50 22.0 1.50000 Star density concentrated.
NGC 3626 Spiral 0.001 10.00 90.0 5.00000 Areas of significant population.
NGC 6034 Spiral 0.001 8.00 110.0 4.00000 Rich source of visual info.
NGC 1322 Lenticular 0.001 5.00 85.0 2.00000 Intermittent interactions.
NGC 5342 Spiral 0.001 3.50 90.0 5.50000 More defined particle engagement.
NGC 7088 Irregular 0.001 1.00 40.0 2.00000 Diversity in clusters.
NGC 1512 Spiral 0.001 12.50 75.0 4.00000 Stars concentrated within.
NGC 3862 Lenticular 0.001 20.00 45.0 6.00000 Wide variety engagement.
NGC 0628 Spiral 0.001 5.00 80.0 3.70000 Notable star concentration.
NGC 4201 Lenticular 0.001 9.00 35.0 4.80000 Relations noted with other components.
NGC 0789 Irregular 0.001 4.00 15.0 0.90000 Focused on local production.
NGC 2501 Spiral 0.001 7.50 65.0 1.50000 Star types ranging.
NGC 5023 Barred Spiral 0.001 5.00 55.0 3.90000 Noticeable structures.
NGC 3865 Spiral 0.001 16.00 58.0 4.90000 Distinct star formation zones.
NGC 0100 Spiral 0.001 20.00 48.0 3.00000 Mixed clusters of stars.
NGC 3878 Lenticular 0.001 4.00 72.0 3.20000 Diverse star types.
NGC 0614 Spiral 0.001 12.00 69.0 1.80000 Presence of varied energy.
NGC 5351 Spiral 0.001 18.00 81.0 8.60000 Star quantities noted.
NGC 6321 Lenticular 0.001 9.00 50.0 2.00000 Low-energy stars common.
NGC 0439 Lenticular 0.001 5.00 50.0 1.20000 Focus on distinct composition.
NGC 4622 Spiral 0.001 3.00 55.0 4.80000 Notable for formation.
NGC 1070 Spiral 0.001 24.00 66.0 2.90000 Focused engagements.
NGC 4410 Lenticular 0.001 7.50 72.0 5.00000 Relations with neighboring galaxies.
NGC 1275 Lenticular 0.001 9.00 89.0 6.50000 Interaction areas noted.
NGC 1370 Spiral 0.001 10.00 48.0 3.60000 Active clusters observed.
NGC 981 Irregular 0.001 1.50 25.0 0.50000 Star formations noted.
NGC 1727 Spiral 0.001 8.00 49.0 2.50000 Significant clustered zones.
NGC 3093 Lenticular 0.001 4.00 52.0 1.80000 Stars noted.
NGC 0489 Lenticular 0.001 3.10 68.0 2.10000 Filling areas noted.
NGC 1555 Irregular 0.002 12.00 40.0 1.40000 Star gradients shared.
NGC 903 Lenticular 0.001 0.80 39.0 1.00000 Points of focus across the field.
NGC 0563 Spiral 0.001 5.70 57.0 5.60000 Star production evident.
NGC 8416 Lenticular 0.001 9.20 55.0 4.00000 Mixed compositions observed.
NGC 0832 Spiral 0.001 15.00 67.0 3.90000 Activity noted around ringed formations.
NGC 0634 Spiral 0.001 13.20 58.0 4.20000 Interest in engagement.
NGC 1151 Irregular 0.001 6.00 7.0 0.70000 Focus on star manifestations.
NGC 2070 Lenticular 0.001 4.20 68.0 2.60000 Notable interactions found.
NGC 0003 Spiral 0.001 3.10 58.0 2.70000 Star formations common.
NGC 0533 Lenticular 0.001 4.00 45.0 3.90000 Engagement between stars.
NGC 6850 Spiral 0.001 6.00 46.0 1.30000 Star particulates marked.
NGC 0342 Spiral 0.001 8.50 60.0 3.60000 Locations spread through clusters.
NGC 992 Lenticular 0.001 9.00 55.0 2.80000 Components interacting.
NGC 0712 Spiral 0.001 14.00 76.0 5.30000 Defined energy structures.
NGC 3592 Irregular 0.001 2.40 32.0 0.70000 Communities of activity.
NGC 0565 Spiral 0.001 7.00 54.0 3.40000 Grouping of youthful phenomena.
NGC 0522 Lenticular 0.001 12.00 80.0 5.70000 Defining habitual practices.
NGC 2026 Spiral 0.001 20.00 88.0 4.90000 Clarity in foundational components.
NGC 0628 Spiral 0.001 15.00 70.0 6.00000 Kaleidoscope of stars.
NGC 0641 Lenticular 0.002 17.00 60.0 7.00000 Patterns of mixed elements.
NGC 0734 Spiral 0.001 8.00 71.0 5.20000 Star gradients prevalent.
NGC 1028 Lenticular 0.001 13.00 88.0 4.10000 Defined territories.
NGC 2104 Lenticular 0.001 13.50 42.0 2.20000 Star mechanisms.
NGC 2562 Lenticular 0.001 5.80 34.0 1.70000 Predominantly interactive.
NGC 1947 Irregular 0.001 2.70 50.0 1.00000 Focus noted on star gradients.