This dataset contains information about influential scientists in the fields of biochemistry, genetics, and genomics. It highlights their affiliations, areas of impact, social media presence, and key contributions to scientific research, particularly in areas such as CRISPR technology and genome sequencing.
Influencer ID | Name | Field of Expertise | Affiliation | Social Media Handle | Number of Followers | Country | Impact Area | Key Contributions |
1 | Jennifer Doudna | Biochemistry | UC Berkeley | @doudnaj | 150000 | USA | CRISPR Research | Co-discoverer of CRISPR technology |
2 | Emmanuelle Charpentier | Biochemistry | Max Planck Institute | @charpentierem | 120000 | Germany | Gene Editing | Co-discoverer of CRISPR technology |
3 | George Church | Genetics | Harvard University | @gcouros | 200000 | USA | Synthetic Biology | Pioneering work in genome sequencing |
4 | Craig Venter | Genomics | Human Longevity, Inc. | @cventer | 250000 | USA | Synthetic Genomics | First to sequence the human genome |
5 | Francis Collins | Genetics | NIH | @NIHDirector | 100000 | USA | Genome Project | Leadership in the Human Genome Project |
6 | Katalin Karikó | Biochemistry | BioNTech | @KatalinKariko | 110000 | USA | mRNA Technology | Foundational work in mRNA technology for vaccines |
7 | David Baker | Biochemistry | University of Washington | @ProfDavidBaker | 80000 | USA | Protein Design | Innovative protein design and assembly |
8 | Jun Wang | Genomics | BGI | @JunWang | 70000 | China | Genomic Research | Pioneering work in next-gen sequencing technologies |
9 | Z avatar | Genetics | Stanford University | @zavatar | 90000 | USA | Epigenetics | Research in genetic regulation and epigenetics |
10 | Christine B. H. Cummings | Genomics | Illumina | @cbhcummings | 75000 | USA | Next-Gen Sequencing | Contributions to sequencing technologies at Illumina |
11 | Alice Ting | Biochemistry | MIT | @alicingTing | 65000 | USA | Genetic Engineering | Developed innovative tools for genetic imaging |
12 | Seth B. G. Smith | Genetics | Cedar-Sinai | @sethbgsmith | 55000 | USA | Clinical Genetics | Research in clinical applications of genomics |
13 | Russell F. W. George | Genomics | Genome Canada | @genome_canada | 60000 | Canada | Population Genomics | Pioneering work in population genomic studies |
14 | Angela G. Ling | Biotechnology | GSK | @angelagling | 50000 | UK | Pharmacogenomics | Contributions to drug development using genomics |
15 | Eric Lander | Genomics | Broad Institute | @eland | 300000 | USA | Human Genome Project | Key contributions to the Human Genome Project |
16 | Pamela Ronald | Plant Genetics | UC Davis | @PamelaRonald | 40000 | USA | Agricultural Genomics | Innovative research in plant genetics |
17 | Stephen H. Jones | Synthetic Biology | MIT | @stephenhjones | 45000 | USA | Synthetic Biology | Research in synthetic biology applications |
18 | Tonya B. Dreiling | Genetics | NIST | @tonyadreiling | 35000 | USA | Standardization | Concentration on standardization of genomic methods |
19 | Mark S. D. Choi | Genetics | UCL | @marksdchoi | 30000 | UK | Genomic Medicine | Research in genomics for medical applications |
20 | Cheryl J. Babineau | Biotechnology | AbbVie | @cheryljbabineau | 25000 | USA | Biopharma | Research on genomics in drug development |
21 | Caitlin A. Funk | Genomics | UC San Diego | @caitlinafunk | 20000 | USA | Microbiome Studies | Microbiome and its genomic implications |
22 | Gerald R. Fink | Microbiology | MIT | @grfink | 180000 | USA | Molecular Genetics | Foundations of yeast genetics |
23 | Robert L. Nussbaum | Genetics | Color Genomics | @robertlnussbaum | 22000 | USA | Genomic Testing | Innovations in clinical genomic testing |
24 | Kristina M. A. Krammer | Virology | University of Glasgow | @krammer | 17000 | UK | Genomic Pathogens | Genomics of viral pathogens |
25 | Maria A. G. B. Martinez | Pharmacogenomics | Cerner | @magbm | 21000 | USA | Pharmacogenomics | Research in pharmacogenomics applications |
26 | Neil E. P. O. Smith | Microbial Genomics | Caltech | @neilspo | 16000 | USA | Microbial Sequencing | Microbial genomics and its applications |
27 | Jean M. S. H. Pugh | Genome Biology | Duke University | @jeansph | 15000 | USA | Genome Biology | Research on genome evolution |
28 | Samantha G. R. Tibbets | Genetics | Illumina | @samgrtibbets | 14000 | USA | Genomics | Contributions to sequencing technologies |
29 | Ronald C. E. B. Kent | Genome Research | Caltech | @ronaldcebkent | 13000 | USA | High Throughput Sequencing | Research on high-throughput sequencing |
30 | Lucy K. S. Z. Turnbull | Genomics | Harvard Medical School | @lucyksturnbull | 12000 | USA | Clinical Genomics | Research on clinical genomics applications |
31 | Elena S. R. D. Wong | Genomic Research | Oxford | @elenaSRD | 11000 | UK | Genomic Epidemiology | Epigenetic studies in epidemiology |
32 | Martin H. G. Ortiz | Genetics | Purdue University | @martinhgo | 9000 | USA | Gene Therapy | Research in human gene therapy |
33 | Amy F. J. Chen | Plant Genomics | Cornell University | @amyfjchen | 8500 | USA | Agricultural Genomics | Innovative agricultural genome studies |
34 | Rachel M. Shapiro | Cancer Genomics | UCSF | @rachelshapiro | 8000 | USA | Clinical Oncology | Research on cancer genomics |
35 | Dmitry V. L. Koslov | Computational Biology | Caltech | @dmitryvlkoslov | 7500 | USA | Data Science in Genomics | Computational methods for genomic data |
36 | Natalie L. W. Abdul | Medical Genomics | Johns Hopkins | @natlwalabdul | 7000 | USA | Medical Genetics | Research in rare genetic disorders |
37 | Ethan J. Fox | Synthetic Biology | MIT | @ethanjfox | 6500 | USA | Synthetic Biology Research | Innovative synthetic biology projects |
38 | Carla S. V. Grigoryan | Biochemistry | Stanford | @carlasvgrigoryan | 6000 | USA | Metabolic Engineering | Metabolic engineering studies |
39 | Matthew A. Kinser | Genetics | UCL | @matthewakinser | 5800 | UK | Genomic Evolution | Genomic evolution studies |
40 | Jennifer C. H. Leong | Genomics | Harvard Medical School | @jenchleong | 5500 | USA | Microbial Genomics | Research in microbial genomics |
41 | Bradley M. Case | Genetic Epidemiology | UCLA | @bradleymcase | 5200 | USA | Epidemiological Genomics | Research in genetic epidemiological studies |
42 | Megan E. S. Tran | Plant Genetics | UC Davis | @megansetran | 5000 | USA | Sustainable Agriculture | Studies in plant genetics for sustainability |
43 | Olivia T. B. Nguyen | Genetics | USC | @oliviatbnguyen | 4800 | USA | Genetic Counseling | Genetic counseling initiatives |
44 | Lexi K. Jaworski | Proteomics | NYU | @lexikjaworski | 4600 | USA | Protein Analysis | Research in protein analysis methods |
45 | Jason E. Amick | Bioinformatics | Scripps Research | @jasonamick | 4400 | USA | Bioinformatics | Leading in bioinformatics applications |
46 | Tori L. Patil | Genomic Data Science | Broad Institute | @torilpatil | 4200 | USA | Data Science in Health | Research in genomic data science applications |
47 | Kyle S. L. Chang | Genetic Research | Harvard | @kyleslchang | 4000 | USA | Stem Cell Genomics | Research in stem cell genomics |
48 | Laura K. Miller | Human Genetics | NHLBI | @laurakmiller | 3800 | USA | Human Genomics | Research in human genetics and health |
49 | Nicole M. R. Caruso | Genetics | UofT | @nicolemrcaruso | 3600 | Canada | Clinical Genomics | Innovative clinical genomic studies |
50 | Matthew P. V. Ramos | Microbial Genomics | UPenn | @matthewPVRamos | 3400 | USA | Environmental Genomics | Research in microbial environmental genomics |