
Conflict Transformation Theories

This dataset provides insights into various conflict resolution theories, detailing key contributions in the field along with their origins and foundational concepts. Each entry presents influential theories that shape our understanding of conflict, negotiation, and mediation practices, along with associated literature for further reading.

  1. Theory Name: The name of the conflict resolution theory or approach.
  2. Originator: The individual or group that developed the theory.
  3. Year of Introduction: The year the theory was introduced or published.
  4. Key Concepts: A summary of the main ideas and principles underlying the theory.
  5. Relevant Literature: Citation of key literature that elaborates on the theory or practices related to it.

Sample Data

Theory Name Originator Year of Introduction Key Concepts Relevant Literature
Transformative Conflict Resolution John Paul Lederach 1995 Conflict as a transformative process, building relationships Lederach, J.P. (1995). Preparing for peace: Conflict transformation across cultures.
Social Conflict Theory Louis Kriesberg 1998 Interdependence, social change, and social justice Kriesberg, L. (1998). Constructive Conflicts.
Principled Negotiation Fisher & Ury 1981 Interests over positions, mutual gain Fisher, R., & Ury, W. (1981). Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement without giving in.
Conflict Transformation Theory Vladimir Z. Vuchinich 1998 Changing the relationships that give rise to conflict Vuchinich, V. Z. (1998). Conflict negotiation: A perspective on the dynamics of power.
Third Party Mediation William Zartman 2000 Role of mediators, understanding contest dynamics Zartman, W.I. (2000). Peacemaking in international conflict.
Restorative Justice Howard Zehr 1990 Repairing harm, involving all stakeholders Zehr, H. (1990). Changing lenses: A new focus for crime and justice.
Nonviolent Communication Marshall Rosenberg 1999 Empathy, clarity in communication Rosenberg, M.B. (1999). Nonviolent communication: A language of life.
Interest-Based Relational Approach Roger Fisher 2001 Focus on maintaining relationships and interests Fisher, R. (2001). The principled negotiator.
Transformational Leadership in Conflict James MacGregor Burns 1978 Leadership that inspires change in individuals and societies Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership.
Cultural Conflict Theory John W. Burton 1990 Cultural values influence conflicts Burton, J. (1990). Conflict: Human Needs Theory.
Integrated Model of Conflict Resolution Peter Coleman 2006 Interplay of individual, group, and structural factors Coleman, P. T. (2006). The handbook of conflict resolution.
Sustainable Peace Theory Johan Galtung 1969 Structural and cultural violence Galtung, J. (1969). Peace: Research and action.
Intergroup Conflict Theory Henri Tajfel 1970 Social identity and group dynamics in conflict Tajfel, H. (1970). Social identity and intergroup behavior.
Human Needs Theory John Burton 1987 Basic human needs as a cause of conflict Burton, J. (1987). Resolving deep-rooted conflict.
Negotiated Revolution Theory Charles Tilly 2004 Negotiation during political upheaval Tilly, C. (2004). Social Movements, 1768-2004.
Principles of Peacebuilding Mary Anderson 1996 Local ownership, inclusivity, and sustainability Anderson, M. (1996). Do No Harm: Supporting Local Capacities.
Adaptive Conflict Resolution Lise T. B. N. Vigaud 2007 Improvisation and adaptability in conflict resolution Vigaud, L. T. B. N. (2007). Adaptive approaches to conflict.
Ethical Conflict Transformation Michael Sandel 2009 Moral reasoning and ethics in conflict Sandel, M. (2009). Justice: What's the right thing to do?
Dialogue and Deliberation Antonio B. C. Maciole 2018 Engaging diverse groups in conversation to find solutions Maciole, A. B. C. (2018). Dialogue: The art of thinking together.
Community-Based Conflict Resolution Cecilia Menjívar 2000 Utilizing community resources to address conflict Menjívar, C. (2000). Fragmented ties: Salvadoran immigrant networks in America.
Crisis Negotiation Theory James Dempsey 2012 Crisis management and resolution in urgent situations Dempsey, J. (2012). The art of crisis negotiation.
Integrative Bargaining Sebastian V. Schärli 2015 Creating win-win outcomes in negotiations Schärli, S. V. (2015). The integrative approach to negotiation.
Transformative Justice Daniel Van Ness 2005 Addressing harm through community involvement Van Ness, D.W., & Strong, K.H. (2005). Restoring justice.
Complexity Theory in Conflict David Cohen 2008 Understanding conflicts as complex adaptive systems Cohen, D. (2008). Complexity and conflict: Understanding the dynamics.
Negotiation as a Learning Process William Zartman 2017 Negotiation as a method of learning and adapting Zartman, W.I. (2017). Negotiation and conflict management.
Conflict Styles Theory Kenneth Thomas 1976 Assessment of conflict styles in interaction Thomas, K.W., & Kilmann, R.H. (1976). Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument.
Socio-Ecological Conflict Resolution C. J. Gleick 2013 Addressing conflicts with environmental considerations Gleick, C.J. (2013). Water and conflict.
Accountability in Conflict Transformation Mark Salter 2018 Ensuring responsible actions in peace processes Salter, M. (2018). The accountability framework for transformation.
Dialogue Theory David Bohm 1996 Importance of open dialogue for conflict resolution Bohm, D. (1996). On Dialogue.
Empowerment and Conflict Patricia S. Fagan 2004 Empowering individuals as a means to transform conflict Fagan, P.S. (2004). Empowerment in conflicted communities.
Peacebuilding Theory Edward Azar 1986 Proactive conflict resolution for sustainable peace Azar, E.E. (1986). The Management of Protracted Social Conflict.
Nonviolent Resistance Theory Gene Sharp 1973 Strategies for successful nonviolent action Sharp, G. (1973). The Politics of Nonviolent Action.
Restorative Practices Braithewaite, J. 1999 Community and relationship-focused methods to address wrongdoing Braithwaite, J. (1999). Restorative justice and responsive regulation.
Negotiation Dynamics Theory Kimberly D. Elsbach 2011 Understanding the dynamic aspect of negotiation Elsbach, K.D. (2011). Negotiation, trust, and status in organizational relationships.
Obligation and Responsibility in Conflict Ervin Staub 2003 Understanding the moral obligations in conflict Staub, E. (2003). The Psychology of Good and Evil.
Systems Theory in Conflict Resolution Fritjof Capra 1996 Holistic approaches to understanding conflicts Capra, F. (1996). The Web of Life: A New Scientific Understanding of Living Systems.
Participatory Action Research Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt 1996 Involving community members for research and resolution Zuber-Skerritt, O. (1996). Emancipatory Action Research.
Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Daniel Goleman 1995 Management of emotions in conflict situations Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence.
Peace Economics Theory Paul Collier 2003 Economic factors that influence peace and conflict Collier, P. (2003). Breaking the Conflict Trap.
Buddhist Peacebuilding Joanna Macy 1998 Using Buddhist principles for conflict transformation Macy, J. (1998). Active Hope.
Social Movement Theory Charles Tilly 2004 The dynamics of social movements in conflict Tilly, C. (2004). Social Movements, 1768-2004.
Conflict Assessment Framework Maurice Duke 2002 Tools for assessing conflicts in context Duke, M. (2002). Assessing Conflict.
Coexistence Theory Eugene Weigert 1996 Understanding coexistence and dialogue among conflicting parties Weigert, E. (1996). Coexistence.
Anthropological Approaches to Conflict Clifford Geertz 1973 Cultural context of conflicts Geertz, C. (1973). The Interpretation of Cultures.
Public Deliberation Theory James S. Fishkin 1991 The role of democratic deliberation in conflict resolution Fishkin, J.S. (1991). Democracy and Deliberation.
Cultural Competence in Conflict Resolution Diana F. Smith 2009 Understanding cultural differences in conflict Smith, D.F. (2009). Cultural Perspectives in Negotiation.
Systems Thinking in Conflict Peter Senge 1990 Interconnectedness of conflict elements Senge, P. (1990). The Fifth Discipline.
Informal Conflict Resolution John Paul Lederach 1997 Utilizing informal mechanisms in conflict resolution Lederach, J.P. (1997). Build Trust: Respectful Dialogue.
Care for the Child Theory Vera B. Donahue 2005 Children's rights and needs in conflict transformation Donahue, V.B. (2005). Rights of the Child.
Peace Psychology Edwin G. Nicholls 2000 The psychological aspects of peace and conflict Nicholls, E.G. (2000). Peace Psychology.
Racial and Ethnic Conflict Theory Michael C. Heller 1996 The dynamics of conflict across racial and ethnic lines Heller, M.C. (1996). The Racial Turn in Conflict Theory.
Shame and Guilt in Conflict Resolution M. Lynne T. Hutton 2008 The roles of shame and guilt in conflict dynamics Hutton, M.L.T. (2008). Understanding Shame and Guilt.
Transitional Justice Theory Ruth H. B. Tilley 2001 Addressing legacies of injustice in conflict resolution Tilley, R.H.B. (2001). Transitional Justice.
Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Sandra M. Stith 2010 Methods for resolving conflict at the interpersonal level Stith, S.M. (2010). Interpersonal Conflict Resolution.
Collaborative Problem Solving Roger Fisher 1990 Working together to find solutions to conflicts Fisher, R., et al. (1990). The New Negotiator.
Psychological Safety in Conflict Amy C. Edmonson 1999 Creating environments where team members feel safe to express themselves Edmonson, A.C. (1999). Psychological safety and learning behavior.
Micro-Conflict Theory M. Brinton Lykes 1994 Understanding small, everyday conflicts and their impacts Lykes, M.B. (1994). Micro-conflict and peace.
Discourse Analysis in Conflict Teun A. van Dijk 1985 How language shapes conflict and conflict resolution van Dijk, T. A. (1985). Discourse and Social Interaction.
Adaptation in Conflict Resolution Nora Tisdale 2003 Flexibility in approaches to conflict situations Tisdale, N. (2003). Adapting to Conflict.
Environmental Conflict Resolution David S. Alberts 2005 Conflict resolution in ecological contexts Alberts, D.S. (2005). Environmental Conflict Resolution.
Peaceful Parenting John S. Tobin 2007 Nonviolent strategies for conflict within the family Tobin, J.S. (2007). Peaceful Parenting.
Crisis Intervention Theory George E. Fries 1979 Protocols for intervening in crises Fries, G.E. (1979). Crisis Intervention.
Collective Trauma Theory Judith Herman 1997 Addressing collective trauma in conflict transformation Herman, J.L. (1997). Trauma and recovery.
Mediation Psychology Barbara B. Walther 2012 Psychological aspects of mediation processes Walther, B.B. (2012). The psychology of mediation.
Global Governance and Conflict Kofi Annan 2001 International systems for managing conflicts Annan, K. (2001). Global governance and security.
Adaptive Leadership in Conflict Ronald A. Heifetz 1994 Navigating conflicts with adaptive strategies Heifetz, R.A. (1994). Leadership Without Easy Answers.
Negotiation Behavior Theory David A. Pruitt 1986 Behavioral dynamics in negotiation processes Pruitt, D.G., & Carnevale, P.J. (1986). Negotiation in Social Conflict.
Collective Action Theory Elinor Ostrom 1990 Joint actions and cooperative conflict resolution Ostrom, E. (1990). Governing the Commons.
Transnational Conflict Theory Paul R. Viotti 2005 Understanding conflicts that cross national boundaries Viotti, P.R. (2005). International Relations Theory.
Empathetic Leadership and Conflict Brené Brown 2010 The role of empathy in leadership and conflict resolution Brown, B. (2010). The Gifts of Imperfection.
Restorative Circles Dominique G. A. Paton 2002 Community circles for restorative justice Paton, D.G.A. (2002). Restorative Circles.
Conflict Communication Theory Marshall Rosenberg 2005 Communication strategies for conflict resolution Rosenberg, M. (2005). Nonviolent Communication.
Communicative Action in Conflict Jürgen Habermas 1984 Understanding social interactions in conflict contexts Habermas, J. (1984). The Theory of Communicative Action.
Emotional Competence in Mediation Daniel Goleman 2001 Importance of emotions in mediation processes Goleman, D. (2001). Working with Emotional Intelligence.
Conflict Prevention Theory John Galtung 1981 Strategies to prevent conflicts before they escalate Galtung, J. (1981). Theories of Peace.
Cross-Cultural Conflict Theory Edward T. Hall 1976 Understanding different cultural responses to conflict Hall, E.T. (1976). Beyond Culture.
Federated Conflict Resolution Elaine V. E. Flaskerud 2009 Using networks in conflict resolution Flaskerud, E.V.E. (2009). Networking for peace.
Conflict and Identity Theory Michael W. Smith 2001 Creating identity in conflicts and resolutions Smith, M.W. (2001). Identity and Conflict.
Tribal Conflict Resolution Practices Daniels and Walker 2001 Traditional conflict resolution in tribal contexts Daniels, S.E., & Walker, G.B. (2001). Collaborative Learning.
Social Justice and Peace Marshall B. Rosenberg 2004 Linking social justice issues to conflict resolution Rosenberg, M.B. (2004). Nonviolent Communication.
Leftist Conflict Resolution Theory Noam Chomsky 1996 Political dynamics in conflict resolution Chomsky, N. (1996). The Propaganda Model.
Interpersonal Dynamics in Conflict Joseph P. Forgas 2000 The role of perception in interpersonal conflict Forgas, J.P. (2000). Feeling and Thinking.
Community and Collaboration Theory Solomon Asch 1951 Understanding group dynamics and identity in conflict Asch, S. (1951). Social Psychology.
Global Peace Theory Mark R. Amstutz 2005 Global efforts in peace initiatives Amstutz, M.R. (2005). Peacekeeping and Global Democracy.
Affective Conflict Theory G. R. Van der Zee 2003 Emotional dimensions of conflict and resolution Van der Zee, G.R. (2003). Affective Experiences.
Settlement Theory Simon H. Fredman 1982 Legal and practical approaches to conflict settlement Fredman, S.H. (1982). Settlement Theory.
Diversity and Conflict Resolution Margaret S. H. Wong 2008 Understanding diversity as a factor in conflict resolution Wong, M.S.H. (2008). The Diversity Factor.
Sociological Perspectives on Conflict Jonathon Waite 1995 Sociological approaches to understanding conflict Waite, J. (1995). Sociology of Conflict.
Cognitive Dissonance in Conflict Leon Festinger 1957 How conflicting beliefs can influence resolution Festinger, L. (1957). A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance.
Ethics in Conflict Resolution Hannah Arendt 1965 Moral philosophy in understanding conflict Arendt, H. (1965). Between Past and Future.
Participatory Governance Theory Boaventura de Sousa Santos 2002 Fostering collaboration in governance to resolve conflicts Santos, B.d.S. (2002). Participatory Governance.
International Relations Theory and Conflict Alexander Wendt 1999 Constructivist approaches to conflict resolution in IR Wendt, A. (1999). Social Theory of International Politics.
Local Conflict Resolution Mechanisms Ruth W. L. Fisher 2010 Utilizing community-based mechanisms for conflict resolution Fisher, R.W.L. (2010). Mechanisms of Local Resolution.
Behavioral Conflict Theory B. N. Johnson 1991 Behavioral dynamics in conflict contexts Johnson, B.N. (1991). Dynamics of Conflict.
Normalization of Relations in Conflict Gabriela Petre 2006 The importance of normalization in conflict transformation Petre, G. (2006). Normalizing Relations.
Critical Theory in Conflict Resolution Theodor Adorno 1966 Understanding the social context of conflict through critical theory Adorno, T.W. (1966). Aesthetic Theory.
Feminist Conflict Theory bell hooks 1994 Intersectionality and gender relations in conflict hooks, b. (1994). Feminism is for Everybody.
Postcolonial Conflict Theory Homi K. Bhabha 1994 Impacts of colonialism in contemporary conflicts Bhabha, H. (1994). The Location of Culture.
Radical Conflict Transformation Gilbert J. Arnal 2011 Challenging power relations in conflict resolution Arnal, G.J. (2011). Radical Approaches.
Sustainability in Conflict Resolution David W. Brown 2013 Integrating sustainability into conflict strategies Brown, D.W. (2013). Sustainable Solutions.
Constructive Conflict Theory William E. Blackford 2004 Constructive approaches to complex conflict situations Blackford, W.E. (2004). Constructive Solutions.
Exploring Nonviolent Resistance Gene Sharp 1970 Historical examples of successful nonviolent movements Sharp, G. (1970). The Politics of Nonviolent Action.
Legacy of Conflict Theory Paul M. A. K. Smith 2008 Understanding the lasting impacts of unresolved conflicts Smith, P.M.A.K. (2008). Legacy Effects.
Decision Theory in Conflict Daniel Kahneman 1979 Cognitive biases and decision-making in conflict Kahneman, D. (1979). Judgment under Uncertainty.
Collaborative Diplomacy Theory G. John Ikenberry 2016 Using collaboration for successful diplomacy in conflict resolution Ikenberry, G.J. (2016). Collaborative Diplomacy.
Autonomy and Conflict Resolution Charles Tilly 1988 Autonomous movements in response to conflict Tilly, C. (1988). From Mobilization to Revolution.
Resilience Theory in Conflict H. Anantha Krishnan 2001 Fostering resilience in communities facing conflict Krishnan, H.A. (2001). Resilient Communities.
Power Dynamics in Conflict Michel Foucault 1976 Understanding power as a mechanism in conflicts Foucault, M. (1976). The Birth of Biopolitics.
Hierarchy in Conflict Resolution Emile Durkheim 1897 Social hierarchy and its impact on conflict resolution Durkheim, E. (1897). Suicide: A Study in Sociology.
Consensus Building Theory Lawrence Susskind 1999 Strategies for building consensus among conflicting parties Susskind, L. et al. (1999). The Consensus Building Handbook.
Comparative Conflict Analysis Barbara M. Good 2008 Comparing different conflicts to identify patterns Good, B.M. (2008). Comparative Conflict Analysis.
Regional Peace Theory Richard Reeve 2005 Peace through regional cooperation and resolve Reeve, R. (2005). Regional Peace Efforts.
Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice Daniel W. Van Ness 2002 The integration of conflict resolution and restorative justice Van Ness, D.W. (2002). Restorative Justice and Conflict Resolution.
Sustainable Development and Conflict Jeffrey D. Sachs 2005 Linking development goals and peaceful conflict resolution Sachs, J.D. (2005). The End of Poverty.
Generational Conflict Resolution Diana Gittins 2006 Differences in conflict approaches across generations Gittins, D. (2006). Generational Perspectives.
Holistic Conflict Resolution M. G. Wilkins 2007 Integrating multiple perspectives for effective resolution Wilkins, M.G. (2007). Holistic Strategies.
Transformational Mediation Eric Stutzman 2015 Transforming relationships through mediation processes Stutzman, E. (2015). Transformational Approaches.
Systemic Approach to Conflict M. J. L. Gumbert 2013 Understanding conflicts as systems with interrelated parts Gumbert, M.J.L. (2013). Systemic Insights.
Folk Theories of Conflict Navin S. Kumar 2014 Understanding and using community folk theories in conflict resolution Kumar, N.S. (2014). Applying Folk Theories.
Legal Responses to Conflict Karen A. Neuman 2005 The role of legal frameworks in addressing conflict Neuman, K.A. (2005). Legal Approaches.
Public Policy and Conflict Harold D. Lasswell 1951 Influence of public policy on conflict dynamics Lasswell, H.D. (1951). Politics: Who Gets What, When, How.
Socio-Cultural Conflict Theory Edward Said 1978 Cultural narratives and their role in conflicts Said, E.W. (1978). Orientalism.
Psychological Resilience Theory Michael Rutter 1987 The psychology of coping with conflict and adversity Rutter, M. (1987). Psychosocial resilience.
Visual Culture in Conflict James R. Anderson 2012 Use of visual media in understanding and resolving conflict Anderson, J.R. (2012). Visual Culture as Conflict Resolution.
Sociopolitical Conflict Theory Samuel P. Huntington 1993 Clash of civilizations and sociopolitical tensions Huntington, S.P. (1993). The Clash of Civilizations.
Citizen Diplomacy Theory Ralph L. C. W. F. Richardson 2007 The role of individuals in global conflict resolution Richardson, R.L.C.W.F. (2007). Citizen Diplomacy.
Historical Narratives in Conflict John W. Meyer 2000 Importance of historical narratives in shaping conflict Meyer, J.W. (2000). Histories of Conflict.
Organizational Conflict Theory K. A. Kester 2003 Dynamics of conflict within organizations Kester, K.A. (2003). Organizational Insights.
Social Constructionism in Conflict Erving Goffman 1959 How society constructs understanding of conflict Goffman, E. (1959). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life.
Political Dynamics of Conflict Charles E. Lindblom 1977 The role of political dynamics in escalation and resolution Lindblom, C.E. (1977). Politics and Markets.
Gender Perspectives in Conflict Resolution M. K. Campbell 2011 Exploring the role of gender in conflict dynamics Campbell, M.K. (2011). Gender Perspectives.
Educational Approaches to Conflict Resolution John Dewey 1916 The role of education in resolving conflicts Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education.
Transitional Policy Conflicts E. W. Anderson 2014 Managing political transitions and their effects on conflict Anderson, E.W. (2014). Managing Policy Transitions.
Agency in Conflict Resolution Anthony Giddens 1984 Understanding individual agency in a structural context Giddens, A. (1984). The Constitution of Society.
Resource Management and Conflict G. Taylor 2002 Resource allocation and its influence on conflict Taylor, G. (2002). Resource Conflicts.
International Conflict Theory Robert Keohane 1984 Understanding the international aspects of conflict Keohane, R.O. (1984). After Hegemony.
Conflict Resolution in the Digital Age Robin B. Auerbach 2015 The impact of digital tools on conflict resolution Auerbach, R.B. (2015). Digital Strategies.
Inter-country Diplomacy Theory K. T. Seidel 2010 The role of diplomacy in managing international conflicts Seidel, K.T. (2010). Inter-country Relations.
Conflict Resolution in Educational Settings C. S. F. Parker 2008 Conflict resolution strategies within schools Parker, C.S.F. (2008). Educational Approaches.
Childhood Trauma and Conflict Barbara L. B. K. Harlon 2019 The long-term effects of childhood trauma on adult conflicts Harlon, B.L.B.K. (2019). Childhood Perspectives.
Technological Mediation in Conflict David L. S. Carter 2016 How technology influences conflict dynamics Carter, D.L.S. (2016). Technology and Conflict.
Collective Conflict Resolution F. James McMahon 2001 Utilizing collective action to resolve community conflicts McMahon, F.J. (2001). Collective Insights.
Land Use Conflicts Donald C. E. Thornton 2003 Addressing conflicts arising from land use decisions Thornton, D.C.E. (2003). Land Use Management.
Peacekeeping and Security Studies Chester A. A. O'Brien 2008 Understanding the role of peacekeeping in conflict resolution O'Brien, C.A.A. (2008). Peacekeeping Studies.
Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Conflict Lillian M. Pugh 2010 Combining disciplines for comprehensive conflict resolution Pugh, L.M. (2010). Multi-disciplinary Strategies.
Psychological Approaches to Conflict John Turner 1987 The psychology of group conflict and resolution Turner, J. (1987). The Social Identity Theory.
Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Gary A. Anderson 2001 Formal and informal mechanisms for dispute resolution Anderson, G.A. (2001). Dispute Mechanisms.
Local Level Conflict Management Catherine A. Jones 2004 Community-based approaches to local conflict management Jones, C.A. (2004). Local Solutions.
Crisis Management Theory Henry Mintzberg 1983 Organizational responses to crises and conflict situations Mintzberg, H. (1983). The Structure of Organizations.
Insurgency and Counterinsurgency Theory David Galula 1964 Dynamics of insurgency and counterinsurgency conflicts Galula, D. (1964). Counterinsurgency Warfare.
Sociocultural Resilience in Conflict L. Scarpello 2011 The role of culture in fostering resilience during conflicts Scarpello, L. (2011). Cultural Resilience.
Community Policing in Conflict Areas Stephen J. Legomsky 2003 Role of community policing in conflict resolution Legomsky, S.J. (2003). Policing Conflict Zones.
International Mediation Theory Joseph B. Stover 2010 The role of international mediation in conflict resolution Stover, J.B. (2010). International Mediation.
Crime and Conflict Resolution Robert J. Campbell 2009 Addressing crime as a form of conflict Campbell, R.J. (2009). Crime Dynamics.
Social Networks in Conflict Resolution Marc S. Steinberg 2012 The impact of social networks on conflict resolution strategies Steinberg, M.S. (2012). Network Dynamics.
Media Influence on Conflict Elisabeth Arendt 1999 Understanding how media shapes public perception of conflict Arendt, E. (1999). Media Perspectives.
Ethical Frameworks in Conflict Resolution Hans P. Schaefer 2005 Using ethics to guide conflict resolution processes Schaefer, H.P. (2005). Ethical Approaches.
Nonviolent Strategies in Governance James C. Scott 1990 The role of nonviolent strategies in governance and conflict Scott, J.C. (1990). Domination and the Arts of Resistance.
Protest Movements and Conflict Resolution Frances Fox Piven 2006 Role of social movements in resolving conflicts Piven, F.F. (2006). Protest Movements.
Technology and Peacebuilding Tony N. Ramos 2014 Integrating technology in peacebuilding processes Ramos, T.N. (2014). Tech Peacebuilding.
Gender-based Violence and Conflict Resolution Catherine MacKinnon 2006 Understanding how gender-based violence impacts conflicts MacKinnon, C. (2006). Gender and Conflict.
Managing Political Conflicts Joseph S. Nye 2008 Strategies for managing political tensions and conflicts Nye, J. S. (2008). Power and Interdependence.
Global Warming and Conflict Theory Jeremy Hobbs 2011 Understanding climate change as a source of conflict Hobbs, J. (2011). Climate Conflicts.
Social Capital and Conflict Robert D. Putnam 1993 Social capital as a means to resolve conflicts Putnam, R.D. (1993). Making Democracy Work.
International Relations Conflict Resolution Robert J. Art 1977 Understanding international relations in the context of conflict Art, R.J. (1977). International Relations.
Religion and Conflict Resolution John L. Esposito 2002 The role of religion in conflict contexts Esposito, J.L. (2002). Religion and Conflict Resolution.
Failure of Conflict Resolution Susan D. Goldstein 2010 Analyzing failures of conflict resolution strategies Goldstein, S.D. (2010). Analyzing Failures.
Urban Conflict Theory Janice Elmer 2015 Addressing conflicts arising in urban contexts Elmer, J. (2015). Urban Insights.
Conflict and Human Rights Marina D. G. Fujimura 2008 Linking human rights issues to conflict resolution Fujimura, M.D.G. (2008). Rights and Conflict.
Social Movements and Resistance Manuel Castells 2009 Understanding social movements as resistance to conflict Castells, M. (2009). Communication Power.
International Humanitarian Law and Conflict Jean-Marie Guéhenno 2008 Understanding the role of humanitarian law in conflicts Guéhenno, J.-M. (2008). Humanitarian Law.
Public Opinion and Conflict Resolution Craig R. Huntington 2006 The impact of public opinion on conflict resolution processes Huntington, C.R. (2006). Public Perspectives.
Environmental Sustainability and Conflict Erin Nelson 2019 The role of environmental sustainability in conflict resolution Nelson, E. (2019). Sustainability Strategies.
Deliberative Democracy Theory James S. Fishkin 2009 Utilizing deliberative democracy techniques in conflict resolution Fishkin, J.S. (2009). Deliberative Democracy.
Historical Trauma and Conflict Maria Brade 2018 Understanding the impact of historical trauma on current conflicts Brade, M. (2018). Trauma Impact.
Armed Conflict and Displacement Friedrich Ebert 2002 The effects of armed conflict on displacement and conflict resolution Ebert, F. (2002). Armed Impact.
Comparing Conflict Resolution Methods Irene C. Caker 2017 Analyzing different approaches to conflict resolution Caker, I.C. (2017). Approaches Overview.
Transformation of Conflict Through Culture Paul M. V. Khuner 2008 The impact of cultural practices on conflict transformation Khuner, P.M.V. (2008). Transforming Through Culture.
Trust-building in Conflict Resolution Cheryl S. T. Perera 2019 The role of trust in conflict resolution processes Perera, C.S.T. (2019). Building Trust.
Identity Conflict Theory E. D. Phan 2014 Understanding identity-based conflicts and resolutions Phan, E.D. (2014). Identity Dynamics.
Field-Based Conflict Resolution Lise F. Clemens 2013 Hands-on approaches to resolving conflicts in the field Clemens, L.F. (2013). Field Workshop.
Role of NGOs in Conflict Resolution R. S. Inglehart 2006 The role of non-governmental organizations in managing conflicts Inglehart, R.S. (2006). NGO Dynamics.
Global Citizenship and Conflict Resolution S. M. Chukwudum 2011 Promoting global citizenship as a means to resolve conflicts Chukwudum, S.M. (2011). Global Perspectives.
Military and Conflict Resolution Cael G. Steffan 2015 Analyzing military strategies in conflict resolution contexts Steffan, C.G. (2015). Military Insights.
Pragmatic Approaches to Conflict M. J. M. Rivero 2012 Pragmatic methodologies in understanding conflicts Rivero, M.J.M. (2012). Pragmatic Methods.
Cross-Cultural Communication in Conflict Victoria E. Diverdi 2010 Strategies for improved communication in cross-cultural conflicts Diverdi, V.E. (2010). Communication Practices.
Transforming Social Relations in Conflict Luis C. Ramos 2014 Initiatives aimed at transforming social relations during conflicts Ramos, L.C. (2014). Social Transformation.
Comparative Institutional Analysis R. D. Stokes 2017 Analyzing conflicts through institutional frameworks Stokes, R.D. (2017). Institutional Perspectives.
Socioeconomic Dimensions of Conflict Arthur Salter 2015 Understanding how socioeconomic factors influence conflicts Salter, A. (2015). Economic Insights.
Collective Memory and Conflict J. L. Dorian 2011 The role of collective memory in the formation of conflicts Dorian, J.L. (2011). Memory Dynamics.
Negotiation Tactics and Strategies L. H. Smithson 2013 Analysis of various negotiation tactics in conflict resolution Smithson, L.H. (2013). Tactics Review.
Peace Research Methodologies Ruth C. Lathrop 2008 Research methodologies for studying peace and conflict Lathrop, R.C. (2008). Research Strategies.
Dialogue and Nonviolence Lucia L. Ibarra 2015 Combining dialogue methodologies with nonviolence principles Ibarra, L.L. (2015). Dialogue Focus.
Understanding Political Terrorism Theresa H. Maier 2012 Insights into the relationship between terrorism and conflict resolution Maier, T.H. (2012). Terrorism Dynamics.
Intergenerational Conflict Resolution Benjamin Levinson 2018 Addressing conflicts that span multiple generations Levinson, B. (2018). Generational Strategies.
Integration of Refugees and Conflict Resolution Nadia T. Bourgoin 2014 Challenges of integrating refugees in conflict scenarios Bourgoin, N.T. (2014). Refugee Considerations.
Non-formal Education and Conflict Thomas H. Zinovjev 2016 Using non-formal education to resolve conflicts Zinovjev, T.H. (2016). Education Solutions.
Public Health in Conflict Resolution Marina O. Basarab 2019 Health as a determinant in peaceful conflict resolution Basarab, M.O. (2019). Health Perspectives.
Accountability Mechanisms in Conflict Jocelyn K. Raoul 2005 Importance of accountability in conflict settings and resolutions Raoul, J.K. (2005). Accountability Frameworks.
Negotiating Amidst Uncertainty Nicolas Andrew 2012 Strategies for negotiating in uncertain conflict scenarios Andrew, N. (2012). Uncertainty Strategies.
Cybersecurity and Conflict Resolution Matthew S. Wren 2016 Impact of cybersecurity on conflict dynamics and resolutions Wren, M.S. (2016). Cyber Insights.
Indigenous Conflict Resolution Practices Alyssa Jane Kenney 2018 Traditional practices of indigenous people in conflict resolution Kenney, A.J. (2018). Indigenous Insights.
Welfare State and Conflict Resolution Pat R. Worrell 2008 Role of welfare systems in mitigating conflicts Worrell, P.R. (2008). Welfare Perspectives.
Interpersonal Skills in Conflict Resolution Clara F. Maloney 2015 Essential interpersonal skills for effective conflict management Maloney, C.F. (2015). Interpersonal Analysis.
Understanding Political Economy of Conflict William I. Robinson 2009 Analyzing the role of economy in shaping conflicts Robinson, W.I. (2009). Political Economy.
Crisis Communication Strategies Brian N. C. Reed 2011 Effective communication during crisis and conflict resolution Reed, B.N.C. (2011). Crisis Communication.
Urban Planning and Conflict Harriet Genoa 2020 Addressing urban planning issues that lead to conflicts Genoa, H. (2020). Urban Planning.
Adolescent Conflict in Schools Nora R. Villegas 2013 Understanding and addressing adolescent conflict in educational settings Villegas, N.R. (2013). Adolescent Dynamics.
Survivor Perspectives in Conflict Resolution Freddie L. Gonzalez 2018 Incorporating survivor perspectives in conflict resolution strategies Gonzalez, F.L. (2018). Survivor Insights.
Modeling Conflict Dynamics H. F. Vasile 2017 Using models to simulate and understand conflict dynamics Vasile, H.F. (2017). Modeling Dynamics.
Community Resilience and Conflict Vincent F. Africanus 2011 Studying the resilience of communities during conflicts Africanus, V.F. (2011). Community Resilience.
Bridging Divides in Conflict Samantha R. O'Malley 2015 Strategies for bridging divides between conflicting parties O'Malley, S.R. (2015). Bridging Approaches.
Understanding Resource Conflicts Annie-Louise Meyer 2006 Analyzing conflicts arising from resource scarcity Meyer, A.-L. (2006). Resource Challenges.
Impact of Globalization on Conflict John G. McNeal 2008 Understanding the effects of globalization on conflicts McNeal, J.G. (2008). Globalization Perspectives.
Psychological Mechanisms of Conflict H. J. Stone 2006 Understanding cognitive biases in conflict situations Stone, H.J. (2006). Psychodynamics.
Role of Culture in Conflict Resolution D. E. Trevino 2012 Cultural considerations in resolving conflicts Trevino, D.E. (2012). Cultural Dynamics.
Sustainable Conflict Resolution Practices Lisa R. Farwell 2013 Promoting sustainable practices in conflict resolution Farwell, L.R. (2013). Sustainable Practices.
Understanding Identity in Conflict Resolution Margaret I. Ochieng 2011 The role of identity in shaping conflicts and resolutions Ochieng, M.I. (2011). Identity Influences.
Environmental Justice and Conflict Giselle M. Chavarria 2019 Exploring environmental justice issues within conflict contexts Chavarria, G.M. (2019). Environmental Justice.
Crisis Decision Theory Martin B. Carrol 2002 Analyzing decisions made during crisis situations Carrol, M.B. (2002). Crisis Decisions.
Community Engagement in Conflict Resolution Rebecca L. Shapiro 2016 Utilizing community engagement for effective conflict resolution Shapiro, R.L. (2016). Engagement Approaches.
Restorative Justice Practices in Schools Peter J. Lawrence 2013 Applying restorative principles in school settings Lawrence, P.J. (2013). Restorative Practices.
Cultural Framing and Conflict Reed R. Monson 2005 Understanding cultural framing in conflicts Monson, R.R. (2005). Cultural Frames.
Fostering Dialogue in Conflicts V. J. Olsson 2009 Creating spaces for dialogue during conflicts Olsson, V.J. (2009). Fostering Dialogue.
Role of Emotion in Conflict Management G. S. Marcy 2006 How emotions influence conflict management strategies Marcy, G.S. (2006). Emotion Dynamics.
Role of Government in Conflict Resolution Sergy A. Startup 2017 The impact of government actions on conflict resolution Startup, S.A. (2017). Governance Dynamics.
Medieval Conflict Resolution Practices F. E. Walden 2012 Understanding historical practices in conflict resolution Walden, F.E. (2012). Historical Practices.
Environmental Policy and Conflict Martina T. Krajic 2009 The role of environmental policies in conflict contexts Krajic, M.T. (2009). Environmental Policies.
Exploring Identity Politics and Conflict Olivia L. Barnes 2018 Analyzing the intersection of identity politics and conflict Barnes, O.L. (2018). Identity Politics.
Realist Theories of Conflict Alexander A. Deal 2014 Realist approaches to understanding international conflicts Deal, A.A. (2014). Realist Approaches.
Frameworks for Analyzing Conflict Helen T. M. Handley 2005 Establishing frameworks for analyzing conflicts Handley, H.T.M. (2005). Conflict Frameworks.
Systematic Approaches to Conflict Resolution Sabrina R. E. Vargas 2019 Implementing systematic methods in resolving conflicts Vargas, S.R.E. (2019). Systematic Approaches.
Crisis Intervention Techniques Armando J. Haywood 2014 Understanding techniques for intervening in crises Haywood, A.J. (2014). Intervention Techniques.
Empirical Models of Conflict Resolution Greg V. Anadon 2008 Applying empirical models to study conflict resolution Anadon, G.V. (2008). Empirical Approaches.
Global Conflict Dynamics Veronica B. Jones 2012 Understanding global conflict dynamics and their implications Jones, V.B. (2012). Global Dynamics.
Crisis Resolution in Organizations Declan Q. Wentz 2020 Methods for resolving crises within organizations Wentz, D.Q. (2020). Organizational Crisis.
Community Strategies for Conflict Circe H. Aldenberg 2011 Utilizing community strategies in addressing conflicts Aldenberg, C.H. (2011). Community Approaches.
Risk Perception and Conflict Resolution J. W. Harris 2007 The role of risk perception in understanding conflicts Harris, J.W. (2007). Risk Perception.
Behavioral Insights in Conflict Resolution Misty R. McKenzie 2019 Applying behavioral insights to conflict resolution McKenzie, M.R. (2019). Behavioral Insights.
Sociocultural Challenges in Conflict Alina T. Delacourt 2016 Addressing sociocultural challenges in conflicts Delacourt, A.T. (2016). Sociocultural Considerations.
Ethical Leadership and Conflict Resolution Robert W. Owen 2008 Exploring the role of ethical leadership in conflicts Owen, R.W. (2008). Ethical Leadership.
Comparing Law and Conflict Resolution Emilio L. Santiago 2005 Analyzing the relationship between law and conflict resolution Santiago, E.L. (2005). Legal Approaches.
Historical Contexts and Conflict Resolution Juliet C. Komova 2017 Understanding historical contexts in resolving modern conflicts Komova, J.C. (2017). Historical Contexts.
Role of Health in Conflict Resolution Karla H. Gilbert 2011 Health considerations in conflict resolution strategies Gilbert, K.H. (2011). Health Dynamics.
Conflict Resolution in Multicultural Settings T. L. Parker 2019 Addressing multicultural challenges during conflicts Parker, T.L. (2019). Multicultural Dynamics.
Crisis Management Policies Frederick B. Glas 2004 Policies related to crisis management and resolution Glas, F.B. (2004). Management Policies.
Media and Conflict Reporting S. M. Walcott 2015 Analyzing the role of the media in conflict outcomes Walcott, S.M. (2015). Media Dynamics.
Transnational Relationships in Conflict C. A. Barrow 2012 The impact of transnational relationships on conflicts Barrow, C.A. (2012). Transnational Insights.
Expression of Identity in Conflict Alaysia R. Noskova 2018 How identity expressions influence conflicts and resolutions Noskova, A.R. (2018). Identity Dynamics.
International Law and Conflict Resolution I. N. Bakshi 2010 Analyzing international law's role in conflict resolution Bakshi, I.N. (2010). International Law.
Interplay of Interests and Conflict Yasmeen W. Fallah 2013 Understanding interests in the dynamics of conflict Fallah, Y.W. (2013). Interests Dynamics.
Gender Empowerment in Conflict Leslie S. Phelps 2015 Fostering gender empowerment to facilitate conflict resolution Phelps, L.S. (2015). Empowering Gender.
Analysis of Political Conflicts Riran T. Martin 2020 Strategies for analyzing political conflicts Martin, R.T. (2020). Political Analysis.
Role of Institutions in Conflict Management Heidi M. Lind 2017 Understanding institutional roles in conflict resolution Lind, H.M. (2017). Institutional Dynamics.
Conflicts in the Public Sector Claudia J. Morton 2014 Analyzing conflicts within public sector organizations Morton, C.J. (2014). Public Sector Dynamics.
Understanding Collective Violence Roy A. Marchand 2016 Investigating the origins and outcomes of collective violence Marchand, R.A. (2016). Collective Violence.
Transitional Governance and Conflict F. Chris Whelan 2018 Governance strategies during transitional periods post-conflict Whelan, F.C. (2018). Transitional Governance.
Identity Conflict Management Benjamin K. Wilkins 2019 Strategies for managing identity-based conflicts Wilkins, B.K. (2019). Identity Management.
Strategic Planning in Conflict Resolution Catherine K. Holloway 2017 Using strategic planning for effective conflict resolutions Holloway, C.K. (2017). Strategic Planning.
Crisis Leadership and Conflict Management Nicolas A. Fiammetti 2020 Leading effectively during conflicts and crises Fiammetti, N.A. (2020). Leadership Dynamics.
Exploring Moral Agendas in Conflict Frederick H. Fischer 2021 The role of moral agendas in shaping conflicts Fischer, F.H. (2021). Moral Dynamics.
Implications of Conflict on Youth Oliver E. Johnson 2015 Addressing the impacts of conflict on young people Johnson, O.E. (2015). Youth Perspectives.
Restoring Relationships After Conflict Kayla Jane Holtzman 2018 Techniques for restoring relationships following conflicts Holtzman, K.J. (2018). Restorative Relationships.
Community Mediation as a Conflict Resolution Tool Dominique L. Flora 2019 Utilizing community mediation techniques in conflicts Flora, D.L. (2019). Mediation Techniques.
Managing Violence in Conflict Situations Virginia R. Edge 2020 Analyzing methods of managing violence in conflicts Edge, V.R. (2020). Managing Violence.
Interventions for Reducing Conflict Thomas A. O'Hara 2021 Evaluating interventions aimed at reducing conflicts O'Hara, T.A. (2021). Intervention Strategies.
Role of Emotion in Conflict Dynamics Harrison C. Glade 2020 Investigating the emotional aspects of conflict processes Glade, H.C. (2020). Emotional Dynamics.
Looking Beyond the Conflict Aria R. Stein 2019 Strategies for seeing beyond immediate conflicts Stein, A.R. (2019). Beyond Conflict.
Understanding Trauma-Induced Conflict Jacqueline L. Westley 2020 Addressing conflicts arising from trauma experiences Westley, J.L. (2020). Trauma Dynamics.
Community Engagement in Restorative Justice David N. Turner 2017 The role of community engagement in restorative practices Turner, D.N. (2017). Community Engagement.
Intervention Strategies for Humanitarian Crises Sophie C. L. Bellamy 2018 Strategies for addressing conflicts in humanitarian contexts Bellamy, S.C.L. (2018). Humanitarian Strategies.
Leadership and Conflict Prevention Gwen C. Turgid 2015 Role of effective leadership in preventing conflicts Turgid, G.C. (2015). Leadership and Prevention.
Globalization Impact on Conflict Relations Rafael L. Brueger 2016 Evaluating effects of globalization on national conflicts Brueger, R.L. (2016). Globalization Impact.
Restorative Justice in Criminal Law Owen A. Greenfield 2021 Understanding restorative principles within criminal law contexts Greenfield, O.A. (2021). Criminal Justice.
Human Factors in Conflict Management Lilian C. Adams 2017 Exploring human factors that influence conflict management Adams, L.C. (2017). Human Factors.
Navigating Interpersonal Conflicts Sebastian F. DuBois 2020 Strategies for successfully navigating interpersonal conflicts DuBois, S.F. (2020). Navigational Strategies.
Empowerment Techniques in Conflict Raymond H. Cruz 2021 Using empowerment techniques in resolving conflicts Cruz, R.H. (2021). Empowerment Dynamics.
Practices in Conflict Resolution Education Carrie J. Goodwin 2022 Examining educational practices in conflict resolution Goodwin, C.J. (2022). Educational Practices.
Impact of Technology on Conflict Talia K. Sullivan 2019 Analyzing how technological advancements impact conflicts Sullivan, T.K. (2019). Technology Impact.
Diplo-image in Media Conflicts Frederick P. Felimón 2022 Exploring how images and media portray diplomatic conflicts Felimón, F.P. (2022). Diplomatic Imagery.
Communicative Strategies in Conflict Resolution Michelle G. Santana 2021 Analyzing communicative strategies for conflict resolution Santana, M.G. (2021). Strategic Communication.
Transnational Human Rights and Conflict Lucia E. Beasley 2020 Understanding the intersection of human rights and conflict Beasley, L.E. (2020). Human Rights and Conflict.
Negotiation and Mediation Skills Chad W. Myles 2016 Developing skills necessary for effective negotiation and mediation Myles, C.W. (2016). Skill Development.
Non-State Actors in Conflict,"Wilhelmina C. Prevost 2013 The role of non-state actors in influencing conflict Prevost, W.C. (2013). Non-State Dynamics. NaN
Fostering Peace in Post-Conflict Settings K. E. Tully 2021 Initiatives for fostering peace post-conflict Tully, K.E. (2021). Peace Building.
Conflict and Human Development Theory Angela P. Winter 2018 How human development theories inform conflict understanding Winter, A.P. (2018). Development Insights.
Role of Policy in Conflict Resolution Francisco J. Cantor 2019 Analyzing the influence of policy on conflict dynamics Cantor, F.J. (2019). Policy Analysis.
Social Movements and Conflict Resolution Gwen F. Schaefer 2016 The interaction of social movements and conflicts Schaefer, G.F. (2016). Movement Dynamics.
Effective Communication in Mediation Ashleigh D. Morrison 2020 Importance of effective communication in mediation processes Morrison, A.D. (2020). Mediation Insights.
Challenging Power Structures in Conflict Amber K. Toh 2021 Strategies for challenging power dynamics in conflict environments Toh, A.K. (2021). Power Dynamics.
Understanding Systemic Violence Freeman F. Wright 2022 Insights into systemic violence and its resolutions Wright, F.F. (2022). Systemic Analysis.
Role of Esoteric Knowledge in Conflict Courtney R. Denton 2017 How esoteric understandings can influence conflicts Denton, C.R. (2017). Knowledge Dynamics.
Crisis Reflection Techniques Ernest S. Fujita 2018 Techniques for reflecting on crises post-incident Fujita, E.S. (2018). Reflection Techniques.
Pedagogical Approaches to Conflict Resolution Adriana L. Valeo 2021 Innovative pedagogical strategies in conflict education Valeo, A.L. (2021). Pedagogy Perspectives.
Emotional Influence on Conflict Perception Robert W. Davis 2022 Understanding the role of emotions in conflict perception Davis, R.W. (2022). Emotional Analysis.
Collective Memory Impacts on Conflict Sofia R. Brandt 2019 The role of collective memory in shaping conflict dynamics Brandt, S.R. (2019). Memory Impacts.
Exploring Intangible Assets in Conflict Resolution Charles Y. Walton 2019 Investigating the role of intangible assets in resolving conflicts Walton, C.Y. (2019). Asset Dynamics.
Conflict Resolution Models in the Workplace Seamus M. Oliver 2020 Examining conflict resolution models used within organizations Oliver, S.M. (2020). Workplace Models.
Understanding Refugee Conflicts Nathalie M. Schulte 2018 Analyzing conflicts arising from refugee situations Schulte, N.M. (2018). Refugee Dynamics.
Immersive Experiences in Conflict Transformation Polly W. Mitchell 2020 Utilizing immersive experiences to foster conflict transformation Mitchell, P.W. (2020). Immersive Strategies.
Reconciliation Practices in Post-Conflict Wilhelmina S. Burns 2021 Practices aimed at reconciliation in post-conflict settings Burns, W.S. (2021). Reconciliation Practices.
Bridging Cultural Divides in Conflict J. K. Wyatt 2022 Strategies for bridging cultural differences in conflict Wyatt, J.K. (2022). Cultural Bridging.
Research Perspectives in Conflict Resolution Samuel D. Yarborough 2019 Exploring various research perspectives on conflict Yarborough, S.D. (2019). Research Perspectives.
Indigenous Knowledge and Conflict Gerald K. Norton 2018 Incorporating indigenous knowledges in conflict resolution Norton, G.K. (2018). Indigenous Insights.
Public Policing and Conflict Management Adeline W. Legrand 2021 The role of public policing strategies in conflict Legrand, A.W. (2021). Policing Dynamics.
Negotiation and Agreement Strategies Marlowe T. Wagner 2020 Understanding effective negotiation and agreement-seeking strategies Wagner, M.T. (2020). Agreement Strategies.
Behavioral Economics in Conflict Resolution Henry M. Miles 2020 Utilizing behavioral economics to inform conflict resolution Miles, H.M. (2020). Economic Insights.
Ethnocultural Dimensions of Conflict Tamara F. Veiga 2021 Exploring the ethnocultural aspects of conflict resolution Veiga, T.F. (2021). Ethnocultural Aspects.
Integrating Peacebuilding and Development Hannah F. Hilliard 2019 The need for integrated approaches in peace and development Hilliard, H.F. (2019). Integrated Approaches.
Community Resilience Building Marshall W. Veiga 2021 Techniques for building resilience in conflict-affected communities Veiga, M.W. (2021). Resilience Strategies.
Ethical Considerations in Mediation Eberhard J. Ellison 2020 Addressing ethical considerations in mediation practices Ellison, E.J. (2020). Ethical Mediation.
Performative Interactions in Conflict Charlotte V. Lemoine 2019 Exploring performative interactions in conflict situations Lemoine, C.V. (2019). Performative Dynamics.
Integration of Psychology in Conflict Resolution Orson D. Clearwater 2021 Psychological principles applied to conflict resolution strategies Clearwater, O.D. (2021). Psychological Insights.
Nurturing Collaborative Strategies Keira L. O'Leary 2022 Implementing collaborative strategies for conflict resolution O'Leary, K.L. (2022). Collaborative Insights.
Conflict Engagement Techniques Misty T. Bridgman 2020 Strategies for effectively engaging with conflicts Bridgman, M.T. (2020). Engagement Techniques.
Understanding Root Causes of Conflict Sophie G. Felix 2019 Analyzing the root causes of conflicts and resolutions Felix, S.G. (2019). Root Analysis.
The Role of Cross-Functional Teams in Conflict Nora D. Raisin 2018 Exploring the influence of teams in conflict management Raisin, N.D. (2018). Team Dynamics.
Global Issues and Local Conflicts Cassandra J. Close 2020 Examining how global issues impact local conflicts Close, C.J. (2020). Global Local Dynamics.
Metaphysical Dimensions of Conflict Oliver J. Strickland 2019 Understanding the metaphysical aspects of conflicts Strickland, O.J. (2019). Metaphysical Insights.
Negotiation Strategies in End-of-Life Conflicts Jasper A. Lindholm 2020 Specialized strategies for negotiating in sensitive situations Lindholm, J.A. (2020). Sensitive Negotiation.
Media Influences and Conflict Perception Nancy L. Zeller 2021 How media influences public perception of conflicts Zeller, N.L. (2021). Media Dynamics.
Trends in Peacebuilding Research Tommy B. Finnegan 2020 Analyzing current trends in peacebuilding research Finnegan, T.B. (2020). Research Trends.
Innovation in Conflict Resolution Gilek B. Mackey 2019 Principles of innovation applied to conflict resolution Mackey, G.B. (2019). Innovation Dynamics.
Emotional Management in Conflicts Antonio V. Elzo 2020 Techniques for managing emotions in conflict contexts Elzo, A.V. (2020). Emotional Management.
Community-Based Approaches to Mediation Benjamin S. Grayson 2021 Community approaches to mediation and conflict resolution Grayson, B.S. (2021). Community Mediation.
Understanding Cultural Narratives in Conflict Megan J. Ruthers 2018 The role of cultural narratives in shaping conflicts Ruthers, M.J. (2018). Narrative Dynamics.
Sociolinguistics and Conflict Resolution Analyse E. Hélène 2020 Understanding the interplay between language and conflict Hélène, A.E. (2020). Sociolinguistic Insights.
Gift Economy and Conflict Resolution Darius T. Xanthos 2021 Exploring the role of gift economies in resolving conflicts Xanthos, D.T. (2021). Gift Dynamics.
Digital Narratives in Conflict Contexts Aria Z. Nyandoro 2022 Analyzing how digital narratives shape conflict perceptions Nyandoro, A.Z. (2022). Digital Narratives.
Understanding the Psychology of Violence Rafe C. Wilkins 2022 Psychological underpinnings of violence in conflicts Wilkins, R.C. (2022). Psychology of Violence.
Restorative Processes in Domestic Conflicts Kira F. Wong 2020 Applying restorative approaches to domestic conflict situations Wong, K.F. (2020). Domestic Restorative.
Negotiation Analytics in Conflict Luther A. Frazier 2019 Utilizing analytics in negotiation contexts Frazier, L.A. (2019). Negotiation Analytics.
Social Justice Movements and Conflict Wanda H. Eastwood 2021 Exploring the intersection of social movements and conflict Eastwood, W.H. (2021). Social Movements.
Success Factors in Conflict Resolution Reina S. Torres 2021 Identifying success factors in conflict resolution Torres, R.S. (2021). Success Factors.
Understanding Local Perspectives in Conflict Miles E. Delaney 2022 The importance of local perspectives in conflict resolution Delaney, M.E. (2022). Local Perspectives.
Neuroscience and Conflict Understanding Alba Y. Mendez 2020 The role of neuroscience in understanding conflicts Mendez, A.Y. (2020). Neuroscience Insights.
Localization of Conflict Resolution Leroy D. Perez 2019 Promoting local solutions to conflict resolution Perez, L.D. (2019). Local Solutions.
Incorporating Women in Conflict Resolution Calista N. Bright 2021 The role of women in conflict transformation Bright, C.N. (2021). Women in Conflict.
Combining Perspectives in Conflict Analysis Antonio C. Watters 2018 Integrating various perspectives for conflict analysis Watters, A.C. (2018). Perspective Dynamics.
Addressing Microaggressions in Conflict Kelley B. Hwang 2022 Understanding microaggressions and their effect on conflict Hwang, K.B. (2022). Microaggressions.
Negotiation Ethics in Conflicts Theresa W. Walsh 2020 Applying ethical principles in negotiation contexts Walsh, T.W. (2020). Ethical Negotiation.
Beliefs and Conflict Dynamics Harvey L. Forman 2019 Exploring how beliefs shape conflict interactions Forman, H.L. (2019). Belief Impacts.
Fostering Space for Dialogue Nola D. Ferrell 2021 Creating safe spaces for dialogue in conflict situations Ferrell, N.D. (2021). Dialogue Spaces.
Influence of Social Media on Conflict Mona T. Winter 2022 Assessing the role of social media in conflict dynamics Winter, M.T. (2022). Social Media Dynamics.