
Clean Expressions

This dataset consists of common idiomatic expressions, their meanings, and contexts in which they are typically used. It serves as a reference for understanding the nuances of these expressions in everyday language.

  • Expression: A colloquial phrase or idiom commonly used in English.
  • Meaning: The definition or interpretation of the expression, explaining its significance.
  • Context: The situations or scenarios where the expression is usually applicable.

Sample Data

Expression Meaning Context
Break the ice To initiate conversation in a social setting Social gatherings
Bite the bullet To face a difficult situation with courage Challenges and difficulties
Call it a day To stop working for the day Work-related situations
Cut to the chase To get to the point of something Business meetings
Hit the hay To go to bed End of the day
Let the cat out of the bag To reveal a secret Conversation about surprises
Piece of cake Something that is easy to do Challenges or tasks
Spill the beans To disclose information or secrets Gossip or conversation
Under the weather To feel ill or unwell Describing feelings
Burn the midnight oil To work late into the night Studying or working
Barking up the wrong tree To pursue a mistaken or misguided course Advice or guidance
Kick the bucket To die Talking about life and death
Hit the nail on the head To be exactly right about something Feedback or observations
Throw in the towel To give up Sports or competitive situations
Back to the drawing board To start over after a failure Project planning
Burning the candle at both ends To overwork oneself Work-life balance discussions
Elephant in the room An obvious issue that is being ignored Difficult conversations
Hit the ground running To start something and get immediately working Project initiation
Every cloud has a silver lining There is something good in every bad situation Optimism
A blessing in disguise A misfortune that results in something good Life events
Cry over spilled milk To waste time worrying about things that can't be changed Advice on handling mistakes
Don't count your chickens before they hatch Don't assume success before it happens Planning and forecasting
Hit the books To study hard Student life
On cloud nine To be extremely happy Personal achievements
Take it with a grain of salt To not take something too seriously Skepticism
Actions speak louder than words What one does is more important than what one says Personal integrity
Once in a blue moon Very rarely Habits and frequency
Your guess is as good as mine To have no idea about something Discussion of uncertainty
Break a leg To wish someone good luck Performances and sports
Jump on the bandwagon To join a popular trend or activity Social behavior
Let sleeping dogs lie To avoid stirring up trouble Conflict resolution
Wear your heart on your sleeve To openly show your emotions Emotional expression
Add fuel to the fire To make a situation worse Conflict or arguments
Put all your eggs in one basket To risk everything on one venture Investment advice
Take the bull by the horns To confront a problem directly Personal challenges
Raining cats and dogs To rain heavily Weather-related conversations
Sitting on the fence To remain undecided about an issue Decision-making
Beat around the bush To avoid getting to the point Communication
Burn the bridges To eliminate any chance of retreat or reversal Making decisive choices
Face the music To accept the consequences of your actions Confrontation
Hit the road To start a journey Travel context
Keep your chin up To remain positive in tough situations Support in difficult times
Like a fish out of water To feel uncomfortable or out of place Social situations
Out of the blue Something happening unexpectedly Surprising news
Pull someone's leg To tease or trick someone Light-hearted conversation
Put your money where your mouth is To take action rather than just talking Accountability
Speak of the devil To mention someone who unexpectedly appears Conversation context
Take it easy To relax or not worry too much Advice on stress
Strike while the iron is hot To take advantage of favorable conditions Timeliness in action
Through thick and thin To remain loyal through difficult times Relationships
Go the extra mile To make a special effort Work ethic
Know the ropes To be knowledgeable about a particular situation Learning context
Rolling in the deep To feel a deep level of emotion or sadness Emotional expression
Game changer Something that significantly alters a situation Business or strategy
Throw caution to the wind To take a risk without worrying about the consequences Risk-taking
Fell through the cracks Something that was overlooked or forgotten Project management
Jumping the gun To act prematurely Decision-making
Leave no stone unturned To exhaust all options in search of something Thoroughness
Climbing the walls To feel restless or impatient Loneliness or boredom
Not playing with a full deck To be mentally deficient or not thinking clearly Assessing understanding
Know the writing on the wall To recognize signs of impending disaster Foreseeing issues
Shift gears To change strategies or approaches Adaptability
A hot potato A controversial issue or situation Current events conversation
Break the mold To do something different from the norm Innovation
Jump the shark To reach a point of no return after a decline Pop culture references
Bigger fish to fry To have more important matters to deal with Prioritization
Throw in the sponge To admit defeat Competition
Pay the piper To face the consequences of one's actions Financial implications
Curiosity killed the cat Excessive questioning can lead to trouble Advice on being cautious
Scared to death To be very scared Expressions of fear
Cut corners To do something in a quick and substandard manner Quality and standards
Blow off steam To release pent-up energy or emotion Stress relief
Back to square one To start over from the beginning Project failures
Bite off more than you can chew To take on too much responsibility Overcommitment
Hit the jackpot To achieve great success unexpectedly Success stories
On the same page To have a shared understanding or agreement Collaboration
Over the moon To be extremely happy Celebrations
Shooting the breeze To engage in casual conversation Social settings
Keep your eyes peeled To remain alert or watchful Being careful
Taking the scenic route To choose a longer but more enjoyable path Travel experiences
Every dog has its day Everyone will have their moment of success Affirmation
Let bygones be bygones To move past previous disagreements Conflict resolution
Jumping on the bandwagon To adopt a trend or cause Social conformity
In the same boat To be in a similar situation as others Shared experiences
Pass the buck To shift responsibility to someone else Accountability in teams
Sweeping it under the rug To hide or ignore a problem Problem-solving
Cut to the quick To hurt someone emotionally Emotional hurt
Go out on a limb To take a risk on something Risk-taking
Walking on eggshells To be very cautious about what you say Sensitive situations
Stab in the back To betray someone's trust Friendship dynamics
Laying all your cards on the table To be honest and open about your intentions Transparency
Finding your feet To become comfortable in a new situation Adjustment phases
Barking up the wrong tree To make a false assumption or pursue false leads Error in judgment
Tighten the belt To spend less money Financial advice
Have your cake and eat it too To want more than one desired but contradictory outcome Personal desires
Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer To keep an eye on your adversaries Strategic relationships
Throw shade To subtly insult or criticize Social dynamics
Cross that bridge when you come to it To deal with a problem when it arises and not before Coping
Under your nose In plain sight,Observation or awareness" NaN
Read between the lines To understand something that is not immediately obvious Critical thinking
Elephant in the room An obvious problem that no one wants to mention Awkward situations
Put the cart before the horse To reverse the proper order of things Advice on organization
Birds of a feather flock together People with similar interests tend to associate with each other Social dynamics
Weather the storm To endure a difficult situation Crisis management
Shining like a diamond To stand out impressively Achievement recognition
Chasing rainbows Pursuing unrealistic goals Dreams vs reality
Feeling blue To feel sad or depressed Emotional state
Let the chips fall where they may To let things happen as they will Acceptance
Turning over a new leaf To make a fresh start Change and growth
Throwing caution to the wind To act recklessly without concern Risk-Taking
Catch-22 A situation where you're trapped by contradictory rules Paradoxical situations
Horse of a different color A situation that is quite different than what is expected Unexpected outcomes
Steal someone's thunder To take credit for someone else's idea or success Plagiarism
Wasted effort To lose effort on something unproductive Sunk cost
Water under the bridge Past events that are no longer significant Resolution of conflict
At the drop of a hat To do something immediately Spontaneity
Hidden agenda A concealed motive behind actions Suspicions about intentions
Jumping through hoops To go through a lot of trouble to achieve something Effort vs reward
Losing steam To become less energetic or motivated as something progresses Exhaustion
Keep the faith To maintain belief in something good despite difficulties Positive mindset
Truth be told To be honest about something Disclosure of truth
Caught between a rock and a hard place To be faced with two difficult choices Dilemmas
Follow your gut To trust your instincts in decision-making Intuition
Pulling your leg Joking or teasing someone Light-hearted humor
Black sheep A person who is different from the rest of the group Family dynamics
Too many cooks spoil the broth Too many people involved can ruin a plan Group projects
Cash cow A business or product that generates a steady income Financial success
Don't burn your bridges Don't destroy relationships that may be useful later networking
More than meets the eye Things are more complex than they seem Deeper understanding
Running on empty To be out of energy or resources Descriptive of fatigue
Best of both worlds A situation where one can enjoy the advantages of two different things Balance
Close but no cigar To almost succeed but ultimately fail Near success
New kid on the block A new person in a group or community Introductions
Letting the cat out of the bag Revealing a secret by accident Gossip
Burning bridges Damaging relationships or opportunities Career advice
Call the shots To be in charge or make decisions Leadership
Don't put all your eggs in one basket Don't risk everything on a single opportunity Investment advice
Breaking news Newly received information about an event Media reporting
Make a long story short To summarize a story Storytelling
Out of sight, out of mind To forget about something when it is not present Memory
Speak your mind To express your thoughts openly Communication
Cut the mustard To meet expectations Quality and standards
On pins and needles To be in a state of anxiety or nervousness,Anticipation" NaN
Time flies when you're having fun Time feels shorter when you're enjoying yourself Time perception
Under the radar To do something discreetly or without attracting attention Privacy
Wind of change A coming change or trend Forecasting
Train of thought The path your thoughts take Mental processes
Breaking the bank To spend all your money on something Financial discussion
Don't cry wolf Don't raise a false alarm Warning signals
Went downhill To deteriorate in quality or standard Progress over time
Thread the needle To navigate a difficult situation with care Precision work
All bark and no bite Someone who is more talk than action Character assessments
Bringing to the table To provide something of value to a discussion or situation Teamwork
Face the music To confront the consequences of actions Accountability
Elephant in the room An obvious problem not discussed Social dynamics
Out of the loop Not informed about what is happening Information gaps
In the driver's seat To be in control of a situation Leadership