This dataset contains information about various child welfare initiatives, including details about their organizations, establishment years, focus areas, target populations, countries, and descriptions of their services. The entries provide a glimpse into programs aimed at protecting and supporting children and families in need across different regions.
Initiative Name | Organization | Year Established | Focus Area | Target Population | Country | Description |
Child Protective Services | Department of Health and Human Services | 1974 | Child Protection | Children in at-risk situations | USA | Government agency that investigates child abuse and neglect. |
Head Start | Administration for Children and Families | 1965 | Education | Low-income children 0-5 | USA | Comprehensive early childhood education program. |
Foster Care System | Department of Children and Families | 1980 | Foster Care | Abused/neglected children | USA | Provides temporary care for children removed from their families. |
Child Welfare System | Various State Agencies | 1980s | Family Support | Children in need of protection | USA | State-run services supporting families and safeguarding children. |
Permanency Planning | National Foster Care Coalition | 1990 | Foster Care | Children in foster care | USA | Ensures timely and stable placements for children in foster care. |
Parents as Teachers | Parents as Teachers National Center | 1984 | Parent Education | Families with young children | USA | Home visiting program aimed at facilitating child development. |
Safe Haven Law | Various State Legislatures | 2000s | Child Protection | Newborns | USA | Allows parents to safely surrender newborns to designated locations. |
Adoption Assistance Program | Administration for Children and Families | 1980 | Adoption | Children in foster care | USA | Provides financial assistance for adopting children from foster care. |
Child and Family Services Plan | State Agencies | 1990s | Family Support | Children and families in need | USA | An integrated plan to improve child welfare outcomes. |
Cafcass | Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service | 2001 | Family Law | Children involved in family court | UK | Provides advice to family courts in England. |
Every Child Matters | UK Government | 2003 | Child Welfare | All children | UK | Aims to ensure every child has the support they need to thrive. |
Child Welfare Improvement Plan | Various State Agencies | 2010s | Child Welfare | At-risk children | USA | Implements initiatives to improve the welfare system. |
Zero to Three | Zero to Three | 1977 | Child Development | Infants and toddlers | USA | Focuses on the development of young children through advocacy, research, and education. |
Commission on Child Abuse | Various | 2000s | Child Protection | Children | International | Studies child abuse issues and recommends public policy. |
Nurturing Parenting Program | Family Development Resources | 1983 | Parent Education | At-risk families | USA | Empowers families to nurture their children through educational programs. |
Child Abuse Prevention Month | National Child Abuse Prevention Month | 1983 | Awareness | General Public | USA | Promotes awareness about child abuse and strategies to prevent it. |
Children's Defense Fund | Children's Defense Fund | 1973 | Advocacy | Low-income children | USA | Advocates for policies improving the welfare of children. |
Child Advocacy Centers | National Children's Alliance | 1985 | Child Protection | Abused children | USA | Provides a safe environment for child victims to be interviewed and receive treatment. |
National Runaway Safeline | National Runaway Safeline | 1971 | Emergency Services | Runaway youth | USA | Provides support and resources for runaway and homeless youth. |
Kids Count Data Center | Annie E. Casey Foundation | 1990 | Data Collection | Children | USA | Collects data on child well-being to inform policy decisions. |
Street Outreach Program | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 2000s | Homeless Youth | Homeless youth | USA | Offers outreach services to homeless and runaway youth. |
Family Preservation Services | Various State Agencies | 1980s | Family Support | Families at risk of separation | USA | Aims to keep families together through intensive support services. |
Safe Families for Children | Safe Families | 2003 | Family Support | At-risk families | USA | Provides temporary shelter for children to reduce risk of abuse or neglect. |
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) | NCMEC | 1984 | Child Protection | Missing children | USA | Works to prevent child abductions and sexual exploitation. |
Child Development Grant | Various States | 2000s | Economic Support | Low-income families | USA | Provides grants for services that support child development. |
Playworks | Playworks | 1996 | Education | Elementary students | USA | Recess organization that provides play and physical activity support in schools. |
Healthy Families America | Prevent Child Abuse America | 1992 | Parent Education | At-risk families | USA | Home visiting program that supports families with young children. |
Operation Safe Place | National Safe Place | 1983 | Emergency Services | Runaway youth | USA | Provides safe locations for youth in crisis. |
Boys & Girls Clubs of America | Boys & Girls Clubs of America | 1860 | Youth Development | Youth | USA | Provides after-school programs to promote youth development. |
Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP) | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services | 1997 | Health Care | Low-income children | USA | Provides health insurance to uninsured children in families with moderate incomes. |
National Center for Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN) | U.S. Department of Health & Human Services | 1974 | Research | Child welfare | USA | Conducts research and provides funding for child abuse prevention efforts. |
Childhood Hunger Programs | Feeding America | 2000s | Nutrition | Low-income children | USA | Provides food assistance to children experiencing hunger. |
Child Welfare and Adoption Tax Credit | U.S. Department of the Treasury | 2001 | Financial Support | Adoptive families | USA | Provides tax relief for families who adopt children. |
Project Harmony | Project Harmony | 1998 | Child Protection | Abused children | USA | Provides a comprehensive response to child abuse cases. |
Brighter Futures | State Agencies | 2000s | Family Support | At-risk families | USA | Integrates services for families in crisis. |
Health and Human Services - Child Welfare Information Gateway | HHS | 2001 | Resource Sharing | Child welfare professionals | USA | Provides information on child welfare issues and resources. |
Strengthening Families Initiative | Center for the Study of Social Policy | 2004 | Family Support | All families | USA | Promotes protective factors that reduce the risk of child abuse. |
Project Safe Neighborhoods | U.S. Department of Justice | 2001 | Community Safety | Children in unsafe neighborhoods | USA | Addresses gang and youth violence in communities. |
Girl Scouts of the USA | Girl Scouts | 1912 | Youth Development | Girls | USA | Empowers girls through leadership and community service programs. |
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child | United Nations | 1989 | Human Rights | Children worldwide | International | Sets out the civil, political, economic, social, health, and cultural rights of children. |
Neighborhood Youth Corps | U.S. Department of Labor | 1964 | Youth Employment | Low-income youth | USA | Provides job training and educational opportunities. |
Child Welfare League of America | CWLA | 1920 | Advocacy | Children | USA | Advocates for quality services for vulnerable children. |
Bright Futures | American Academy of Pediatrics | 1990s | Health Care | Children | USA | Provides guidance for preventive health care for children. |
National Family Support Network | National Family Support Network | 2003 | Family Support | Families | USA | Promotes effective family support practices. |
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 1996 | Financial Support | Low-income families | USA | Provides financial assistance and work opportunities to needy families. |
Voices for America's Children | Voices for America's Children | 1990 | Advocacy | Children | USA | Advocates for public policies benefiting children. |
Community Action Agencies | Community Action Partnership | 1964 | Community Development | Low-income families | USA | Provides services to reduce poverty. |
Educational Opportunity Centers | U.S. Department of Education | 1972 | Education | Low-income adults and youth | USA | Helps individuals access higher education opportunities. |
Family Resource Centers | Various States | Early 1990s | Family Support | Families | USA | Offers various support services to families in need. |
School-Based Health Centers | Various States | 1970s | Health Care | School-age children | USA | Provides health services in schools to support student well-being. |
Child Health and Developmental Services | Various State Agencies | 1980s | Health Care | Infants and children | USA | Programs focused on the health and development of young children. |
Early Intervention Program | U.S. Department of Education | 1986 | Developmental Support | Infants and toddlers with disabilities | USA | Provides services to infants and toddlers with developmental delays. |
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) | USDA | 1974 | Nutrition | Low-income pregnant women and children | USA | Provides nutrition assistance to low-income families. |
Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services | 1997 | Health Care | Low-income children | USA | Provides health coverage to children in families with incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid. |
National Commission on Children | Various Organizations | 1990s | Advocacy | Children | USA | Focuses on improving policies and programs for children. |
Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program | State Government | 2001 | Education | Low-income children | USA | Offers tax credits for donations to organizations serving low-income children. |
Domestic Violence Shelter Programs | Various Nonprofits | 1970s | Safety Services | Women and children | USA | Provides shelter and services to families escaping domestic violence. |
National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign | ONDCP | 1998 | Substance Abuse Prevention | Youth | USA | Addresses teen substance use through media campaigns. |
Quality Improvement Centers for Child Abuse and Neglect | Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families | 2000s | Research | Child welfare professionals | USA | Funds research on child abuse prevention. |
Transitional Living Programs | Various Organizations | 1990s | Youth Services | Homeless youth | USA | Provides housing and support for youth aging out of foster care. |
Big Brothers Big Sisters | Big Brothers Big Sisters of America | 1904 | Mentoring | Youth | USA | Provides one-on-one mentoring relationships for children. |
National Runaway Prevention Month | National Runaway Safeline | 2007 | Awareness | Youth | USA | Raises awareness about youth homelessness and prevention. |
Early Childhood Education Programs | Various States | 1965 | Education | Children 0-5 | USA | Promotes early childhood learning and development. |
Summer Food Service Program | USDA | 1968 | Nutrition | Low-income children | USA | Provides free meals to children when school is not in session. |
Foster Youth Independence Act | U.S. Congress | 2019 | Foster Care | Foster youth | USA | Expands resources for youth transitioning from foster care. |
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Prevention | All children | USA | Programs focusing on preventing and educating about child sexual abuse. |
Social Security Income for children with disabilities (SSI) | Social Security Administration | 1974 | Financial Support | Children with disabilities | USA | Provides financial assistance to low-income children with disabilities. |
School Breakfast Program | USDA | 1966 | Nutrition | School-age children | USA | Provides nutritious breakfast to children at school. |
National Youth Sports Strategy | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 2019 | Youth Development | Youth | USA | Promotes physical activity and sports for youth. |
Child-Friendly Cities Initiative | UNICEF | 1996 | Urban Development | Children | International | Promotes the rights of children in urban settings. |
Transition to Independence Project | Various Organizations | 2001 | Youth Services | Young adults | USA | Assists youth with disabilities transitioning to adulthood. |
National Head Start Association | NHSA | 1974 | Education | Low-income children | USA | Advocates for high-quality early childhood education programs. |
SKIP (Supporting Kids in Progress) Program | Various States | 2010s | Education | At-risk youth | USA | Provides educational support to improve academic outcomes. |
Respite Care Programs | Various Organizations | 1980s | Family Support | Families of children with disabilities | USA | Provides temporary relief for caregivers of children with disabilities. |
Children's Bureau | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 1912 | Child Welfare | Children in need | USA | Federal agency focused on improving child welfare services. |
Foster Care Alumni of America | Foster Care Alumni of America | 2006 | Support Services | Former foster youth | USA | Provides a community for former foster youth. |
Children's Hospital Association | Children's Hospital Association | 1985 | Health Care | Children | USA | Advocates for children's health priorities. |
Migrant Education Program | U.S. Department of Education | 1966 | Education | Migrant children | USA | Supports educational opportunities for migrant children. |
National Childrens' Mental Health Awareness Day | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | 2005 | Mental Health | Children | USA | Promotes awareness of children's mental health issues. |
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | 1991 | Health | Children | USA | Aims to eliminate lead poisoning among children. |
American Academy of Pediatrics - Healthy Children | AAP | 2000s | Health Education | Parents and caregivers | USA | Provides health information for children's well-being. |
National Center for Community Schools | Children's Aid Society | 1990s | Community Development | Children and families | USA | Promotes community-driven strategies for schools. |
Trauma-Informed Care Initiatives | Various Organizations | 2000s | Mental Health | Children | USA | Programs focusing on addressing trauma in children. |
Head Start: Early Head Start | Administration for Children and Families | 1994 | Education | Families with children under 3 | USA | Expands early childhood education for infants and toddlers. |
Camp Fire | Camp Fire | 1910 | Youth Development | Youth | USA | Promotes youth engagement through outdoor experiences. |
Early Learning Challenge Grant | U.S. Department of Education | 2011 | Education | Low-income children | USA | Supports state-level efforts to improve early learning systems. |
Child and Adult Care Food Program | USDA | 1968 | Nutrition | Children in childcare | USA | Provides nutritious meals for children in childcare settings. |
Wraparound Services | Various State Agencies | 1980s | Mental Health Services | Children with complex needs | USA | Integrates services to support children with behavioral issues. |
Rural Child Poverty Nutrition Access Act | U.S. Congress | 2018 | Nutrition | Rural children | USA | Addresses child hunger in rural areas. |
Community School Initiatives | Various Organizations | 2000s | Education | Students and families | USA | Integrates academics, health services, and family engagement. |
Safe Routes to School | U.S. Department of Transportation | 2005 | Transportation | Schoolchildren | USA | Encourages safe walking and biking to school. |
After School Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Youth Services | School-age children | USA | Provides structured activities for children after school. |
Child Advocacy Programs | Various Organizations | 1980s | Advocacy | Children | USA | Supports children's rights and legal advocacy. |
Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | 2000s | Prevention | Youth | USA | Funds prevention programs targeting youth substance abuse. |
National Domestic Violence Hotline | National Domestic Violence Hotline | 1996 | Support Services | Victims of domestic violence | USA | Provides support and resources for individuals facing domestic violence. |
Divorce Education Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Family Support | Divorcing families | USA | Educates families on navigating divorce and minimizing children's trauma. |
Children and Family Research Center | University of Illinois | 1994 | Research | Child welfare | USA | Conducts research to improve child welfare programs. |
Starbucks College Achievement Plan | Starbucks | 2014 | Education | Employees and their children | USA | Supports education for employees and families. |
Toys for Tots | U.S. Marine Corps Reserve | 1947 | Holiday Assistance | Underprivileged children | USA | Provides toys to children in need during the holiday season. |
Orphan Foundation of America | Orphan Foundation of America | 1985 | Support Services | Foster youth | USA | Provides scholarships and support to youth aging out of foster care. |
Second Harvest Food Bank | Various Organizations | 1970s | Nutrition | Low-income families | USA | Provides food assistance to children and families in need. |
Teaching Strategies Gold | Teaching Strategies | 2010 | Education | Early childhood educators | USA | Assessment system for early childhood education. |
Kids in Need Foundation | Kids in Need Foundation | 1995 | Education | Underprivileged students | USA | Provides free school supplies to low-income students. |
Neighborhood Networks | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development | 1995 | Community Development | Children and families | USA | Supports community-based development initiatives. |
Communities in Schools | Communities in Schools | 1977 | Education | At-risk students | USA | Integration of community resources into schools to help students succeed. |
Project CATCH (Children and Teens Caring for the Homeless) | Various Organizations | 1990s | Homeless Services | Homeless youth | USA | Provides support and resources for homeless youth. |
SCIA (Support for Children in Adoption) | Various Organizations | 2000 | Adoption Support | Adoptive families | International | Provides resources and advocacy for adoptive families. |
National Organization for Victim Assistance | NOVA | 1975 | Victim Support | Victims of crime | USA | Advocates for victim services, including children. |
Operation Family Caregiver | The Elizabeth Dole Foundation | 2009 | Family Support | Military families | USA | Supports military families with caregiving needs. |
National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Program | Administration for Children and Families | 1986 | Education | Migrant children | USA | Provides educational services for migrant families. |
Hope for Children Foundation | Hope for Children Foundation | 1980s | Support Services | Children at risk | USA | Provides resources and advocacy for children in need. |
Renewing Connections | Various Organizations | 2000s | Family Support | At-risk families | USA | Supports reunification efforts for families involved with child welfare. |
People for Children | Various Organizations | 1980s | Advocacy | Children | USA | Advocate for children's rights and welfare. |
Every Child a Reader | Various Organizations | 2000s | Literacy | Children | USA | Promotes early literacy and reading programs for children. |
Smart Start | Various State Agencies | 1993 | Education | Young children | USA | Community-based early childhood development programs. |
Safe Kids Worldwide | Safe Kids Worldwide | 1988 | Child Safety | Children | International | Promotes safety education to prevent childhood injuries. |
Early ACCESS | Iowa Department of Education | 2000s | Developmental Support | Children with disabilities | USA | Provides early intervention services to children with disabilities. |
Kinship Navigator Programs | Various States | 2000s | Family Support | Kinship families | USA | Supports families raising relatives' children. |
Safe Schools/Healthy Students Initiative | U.S. Department of Education | 1999 | Mental Health Services | School-age children | USA | Promotes mental health and substance abuse prevention in schools. |
Child Victim Support Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Support Services | Child victims | USA | Offers therapy and support for child victims of abuse. |
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program | Office of Adolescent Health | 2010 | Reproductive Health | Adolescents | USA | Funds prevention programs addressing teen pregnancy. |
National Center for Homeless Education | U.S. Department of Education | 2001 | Education | Homeless children | USA | Provides resources and support for homeless children and youth. |
Believe in Tomorrow Foundation | Believe in Tomorrow Foundation | 1982 | Support Services | Children with serious illnesses | USA | Provides housing and support for children and families dealing with serious illness. |
Reading is Fundamental | RIF | 1966 | Education | Children | USA | Promotes literacy and provides free books to children. |
Operation Breakthrough | Operation Breakthrough | 1971 | Family Support | Low-income families | USA | Provides comprehensive support to families living in poverty. |
National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | 2000s | Substance Abuse | Families | USA | Focuses on the intersection of substance use and child welfare. |
Child Assistance Program | Various States | 1990s | Family Support | Children in need | USA | Provides financial assistance for basic needs of children. |
Project Hope | Various Organizations | 1980s | Mental Health Services | Children | USA | Provides mental health services to children in need. |
Teen Court Programs | Various States | 2000s | Youth Services | At-risk youth | USA | Alternative justice programs for juvenile offenders. |
Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) | HIPPY USA | 1965 | Education | Low-income families | USA | Home-based program that promotes early childhood education. |
Helping Our Students to Succeed (H.O.S.T.S.) | Various Organizations | 2000s | Education | School-age children | USA | Provides mentoring and support for academic success. |
Children's Defense Fund - Freedom Schools | CDF | 1995 | Education | At-risk students | USA | Summer program that promotes literacy and social justice. |
National Center for the Study of Children's Outcomes | U.S. Department of Education | 2000s | Research | Child welfare agencies | USA | Conducts research to improve child welfare outcomes. |
Mentoring to Succeed Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Mentoring | At-risk youth | USA | Provides mentoring to support youth development. |
Family Storyteller Program | Various Libraries | 2000s | Literacy | Preschool children | USA | Encourages literacy through storytelling activities. |
Project Inspire | Various Organizations | 2000s | Education | At-risk students | USA | Promotes educational success through mentorship and support. |
Kids Hope USA | Kids Hope USA | 2000 | Education | At-risk youth | USA | Connects mentors from local churches with at-risk youth in schools. |
Bullying Prevention Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Social Services | School-age children | USA | Aims to reduce bullying through awareness and education. |
HighScope Educational Research Foundation | HighScope | 1970s | Education | Preschool children | USA | Promotes evidence-based preschool education programs. |
Community Food Banks | Various Organizations | 1980s | Nutrition | Low-income families | USA | Provides food assistance to families in need. |
Watching Over Kids | National Child Watch Coalition | 1989 | Child Safety | Children | USA | Promotes child safety initiatives at community levels. |
Tennessee Promise | Tennessee Higher Education Commission | 2014 | Education | High school graduates | USA | Provides free community college tuition for Tennessee high school graduates. |
Healthy Families America (HFA) | Prevent Child Abuse America | 1992 | Family Support | At-risk families | USA | Provides home-based support to prevent child abuse and neglect. |
Arts in Education Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Cultural Education | School-age children | USA | Integrates arts and culture into education. |
Family Engagement Programs | Various States | 2000s | Family Support | Families | USA | Promotes family engagement in children's education. |
Community Health Workers for Children | Various Organizations | 2000s | Health Care | Children | USA | Utilizes community health workers to support children's health. |
I Can't Wait! Program | Various States | 2000s | Mental Health | Youth | USA | Aims to reduce wait times for children's mental health services. |
Protective Factors Framework | Center for the Study of Social Policy | 2005 | Family Support | All families | USA | Identifies factors that help strengthen families and prevent abuse. |
Family Unity Programs | Various Organizations | 1990s | Family Support | At-risk families | USA | Supports programs that strengthen family bonds. |
Early Literacy Programs | Various Libraries | 2000s | Literacy | Children | USA | Provides resources and activities to promote early literacy. |
National Children's Alliance - Internet Safety Materials | National Children's Alliance | 2000s | Child Safety | Children | USA | Provides resources for internet safety education. |
Project S.O.S. (Save Our Students) | Various Schools | 2000s | Social Services | At-risk students | USA | Offers comprehensive support for at-risk youth. |
Every Child Deserves a Family Act | U.S. Congress | 2019 | Advocacy | LGBTQ youth | USA | Promotes the rights of LGBTQ families in adoption and foster care. |
Student Support Services | Various Schools | 2000s | Education | School-age children | USA | Provides additional support services for students in need. |
PACE Center for Girls | PACE Center for Girls | 1985 | Education | At-risk girls | USA | Provides education and support for at-risk girls. |
Backpack program | Feeding America | 2000s | Nutrition | Low-income children | USA | Provides food-filled backpacks for children on weekends. |
Truth for Youth Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Advocacy | Adolescents | USA | Educates youth about their rights. |
National Center for Family Preservation | Various Organizations | 2000s | Family Services | Families | USA | Focuses on preserving families and preventing placement in care. |
Family Connection Programs | Various States | 1980s | Family Support | Families in crisis | USA | Provides resources and support for struggling families. |
Children's Trust Fund | Various States | 1980s | Financial Support | Children | USA | Provides funding to initiatives focused on preventing child abuse. |
Good Beginnings Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Education | At-risk families | USA | Provides resources and support for families with young children. |
Big Brothers Big Sisters School Program | Big Brothers Big Sisters | 2000s | Mentoring | School-age children | USA | Matches students with mentors to support academic success. |
Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSR) | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 2000s | Quality Assurance | Child welfare agencies | USA | Reviews child welfare services for effectiveness. |
National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Kids Program | National Multiple Sclerosis Society | 2000s | Support | Children with MS | USA | Provides resources and support for children affected by MS. |
Gift of Adoption Fund | Gift of Adoption Fund | 2003 | Adoption Support | Adoptive families | USA | Provides grants to assist with adoption expenses. |
Child Support Enforcement Program | U.S. Department of Health & Human Services | 1975 | Family Support | Custodial parents | USA | Helps locate non-custodial parents and enforce child support, |
Family Connection Grants | Various States | 2000s | Community Development | Families | USA | Funds projects aimed at strengthening families. |
Healthy Families Project | Various Organizations | 2000s | Health Services | Low-income families | USA | Promotes access to health care for low-income families. |
School Counseling Programs | Various Schools | 2000s | Mental Health Services | School-age children | USA | Provides counseling and support for students' emotional needs. |
Trauma-Informed Schools Initiative | Various States | 2010s | Education | School-age children | USA | Integrates trauma-informed practices in schools. |
Healthy Lifestyles Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Health Education | Youth | USA | Promotes healthy lifestyles for children and families. |
Safe Parks and Playgrounds Initiative | Various States | 2000s | Safety Services | Children | USA | Ensures park safety for children's play. |
Teens Make a Difference | Various Organizations | 2000s | Youth Services | Teenagers | USA | Promotes community service and volunteerism among youth. |
Home Visiting Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Family Support | Pregnant women and new parents | USA | Provides home visits to support parents and children. |
First Responders for Children Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Emergency Services | Children in emergencies | USA | Trains first responders on children's needs in emergencies. |
Health and Education Promotion Program | Various States | 2000s | Health Services | School-age children | USA | Promotes health education in schools. |
Teen Health and Wellness Initiative | Various Organizations | 2000s | Health Education | Teens | USA | Provides health resources for adolescents. |
Children's Mental Health Awareness Week | SAMHSA | 2005 | Mental Health | Families | USA | Promotes awareness of children's mental health resources. |
Statewide Parent Advocacy Network | Statewide Parent Advocacy Network | 2005 | Advocacy | Parents of children with disabilities | USA | Supports families of children with disabilities. |
Play Therapy Program | Various Therapists | 2000s | Mental Health | Children | USA | Utilizes play to help children express their feelings. |
KidsHealth Insurance Program (KHIP) | Various States | 2000s | Health Care | Low-income children | USA | Provides health care to uninsured children. |
School Resource Officer Program | Various Schools | 1990s | Safety Services | Students | USA | Provides law enforcement support in schools. |
Healthy Children Project | Various Organizations | 2000s | Nutrition | Low-income families | USA | Promotes healthy eating for children. |
Give Back a Smile Program | American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry | 2000s | Support Services | Survivors of domestic violence | USA | Provides dental services to domestic violence survivors. |
National Alliance on Mental Illness - Children's Mental Health | NAMI | 1979 | Mental Health | Children | USA | Advocates for mental health services for children. |
Children's Environmental Health Network | Children's Environmental Health Network | 1999 | Health Education | Children | USA | Promotes children's health and environmental safety. |
Peer Support Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Youth Services | Teens | USA | Facilitates peer support groups for youth. |
Timeout for Children Program | Various States | 2000s | Family Support | Children in crisis | USA | Provides respite care for families. |
Bike Safety Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Safety Education | School-age children | USA | Educates children about bike safety. |
National Child Protection Task Force | Various Organizations | 2000s | Child Protection | General Public | USA | Focuses on improving child protection laws and policies. |
Child Witness Support Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Victim Support | Child witnesses | USA | Provides emotional support to child witnesses of crimes. |
Choose to be Healthy Program | Various Schools | 2000s | Health Education | School-age children | USA | Promotes healthy lifestyle choices in schools. |
Volunteer for Youth Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Youth Services | Youth | USA | Encourages community involvement in supporting youth. |
Kids' Gardening Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Education | Youth | USA | Teaches children about gardening and nutrition. |
Workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act | U.S. Department of Labor | 2014 | Employment | Youth and adults | USA | Supports youth job training and employment services. |
Foster Youth Mentoring Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Mentoring | Foster youth | USA | Matches foster youth with mentors. |
Great Start Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Education | Young children | USA | Supports early childhood development and education. |
Healthy Futures Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Health Promotion | Children | USA | Promotes wellness and healthy habits for children. |
Programs for Preschoolers with Disabilities | Various States | 2000s | Education | Preschool children with disabilities | USA | Provides special education services. |
Children's Rights Council | Children's Rights Council | 1985 | Advocacy | Children | USA | Advocates for children's rights in custody and divorce cases. |
Just In Time for Foster Youth | Various Organizations | 2000s | Support Services | Foster youth | USA | Provides resources and support during the transition to adulthood. |
Family Empowerment Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Family Support | At-risk families | USA | Works to empower families in crisis. |
Youth Leadership Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Youth Development | Youth | USA | Promotes leadership skills among youth. |
The Future Leaders Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Education | Youth | USA | Supports youth leadership development. |
Let's Move! Child Care | U.S. Department of Agriculture | 2011 | Health Education | Child care centers | USA | Promotes physical activity and nutrition in child care environments. |
Foundation for Child Development | Foundation for Child Development | 2000s | Research | Child welfare | USA | Funds research and advocacy for child development. |
Center for Child Counseling | Center for Child Counseling | 2000s | Mental Health Services | Children | USA | Provides counseling services to children and families. |
Family Resilience Initiative | Various States | 2000s | Family Support | Families in need | USA | Promotes resilience-building strategies for families. |
Healing Hearts Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Mental Health Services | Children and families | USA | Provides mental health support to families dealing with loss. |
After School Adventures Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Youth Services | School-age children | USA | Provides educational and recreational activities after school. |
Child Welfare Mental Health Resource Center | Various Organizations | 2000s | Mental Health Services | Child welfare agencies | USA | Provides mental health resources for child welfare professionals. |
Safe Haven for Newborns | Various States | 2000s | Child Protection | Newborn infants | USA | Allows parents to safely surrender their newborns. |
National Center on Child Abuse | Various Organizations | 2000s | Research | Child welfare | USA | Conducts research on child abuse and neglect. |
Early Childhood Mental Health Program | Various States | 2000s | Mental Health Services | Young children | USA | Provides mental health support for young children. |
Healthy Kids Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Health Education | Children | USA | Promotes healthy living for children. |
Bike to School Day Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Safety Education | School-aged children | USA | Encourages children to bike to school safely. |
Summer Camp Programs | Various Organizations | 2000s | Youth Development | Children | USA | Provides opportunities for youth to learn and grow in a camp setting. |
Step Up To Your Future Program | Various States | 2000s | Education | At-risk youth | USA | Prepares youth for post-secondary education and careers. |
Lifeline for Youth Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Support Services | At-risk youth | USA | Supports young people facing challenges in life. |
Find Your Voice Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Youth Development | Youth | USA | Empowers youth to express themselves and advocate for their needs. |
College Bound Program | Various Organizations | 2000s | Education | High school students | USA | Supports first-generation college students in their journey. |
After Care Programs for Youth | Various Organizations | 2000s | Support Services | Foster youth | USA | Provides support for youth aging out of the foster care system. |
National Adoption Month | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 2000 | Awareness | General public | USA | Raises awareness about adoption and the need for adoptive families. |
Safe Kids Buckle Up Program | Safe Kids Worldwide | 2000s | Safety Education | Parents and caregivers | USA | Educates families on the importance of proper car seat use. |