
Celestial Entities


This dataset contains information about various celestial bodies within our solar system, specifically focusing on planets and dwarf planets. It provides key details such as size, distance from Earth, and orbital characteristics, along with descriptions that highlight unique features of each body.

  1. Type: Indicates whether the celestial body is a planet or a dwarf planet.
  2. Name: The name of the celestial body.
  3. Diameter (km): The diameter of the celestial body in kilometers.
  4. Distance from Earth (km): The distance from Earth to the celestial body in kilometers.
  5. Orbital Period (days): The time it takes for the celestial body to complete one orbit around the Sun, measured in days.
  6. Description: A brief description highlighting key features and characteristics of the celestial body.

Sample Data

Type Name Diameter (km) Distance from Earth (km) Orbital Period (days) Description
Planet Mercury 4878 91700000 88 The smallest planet and closest to the Sun.
Planet Venus 12104 41400000 225 Earth's 'sister planet' with a thick toxic atmosphere.
Planet Earth 12742 0 365 The only planet known to support life.
Planet Mars 6779 225000000 687 The 'Red Planet' with the largest volcano and canyon.
Planet Jupiter 139820 588000000 4333 The largest planet in our solar system, known for its Great Red Spot.
Planet Saturn 116460 1200000000 10759 Known for its stunning rings made of ice and rock particles.
Planet Uranus 50724 2570000000 30687 An ice giant with a unique sideways rotation.
Planet Neptune 49244 4300000000 60200 The farthest planet from the Sun, known for its deep blue color.
Dwarf Planet Pluto 2370 590637627 90500 Formerly considered the ninth planet, now classified as a dwarf planet.
Dwarf Planet Eris 2326 9600000000 558 "The largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System."
Dwarf Planet Haumea 1960 6000000000 283 An elongated shape and fast rotation distinguish it.
Dwarf Planet Makemake 1420 6700000000 1117 Discovered in 2005, Makemake is one of the largest known dwarf planets.
Moon Moon 3474 384400 27.3 Earth's only natural satellite.
Moon Phobos 22.4 6000 0.3 Mars's larger moon, known for its rapid orbit.
Moon Deimos 12.4 23000 1.3 The smaller moon of Mars, further from the planet.
Moon Io 3642,417000" 1.8 A moon of Jupiter, known for its volcanic activity. NaN
Moon Europa 3121 628000 3.5 A moon of Jupiter, believed to have a subsurface ocean.
Moon Ganymede 5262 1070000 7.2 The largest moon in the solar system, larger than Mercury.
Moon Callisto 4821 1882000 16.7 A heavily cratered moon of Jupiter.
Moon Titan 5150 1275000 15.9 Saturn's largest moon, known for its dense atmosphere.
Moon Rhea 1528 527000 4.5 A moon of Saturn with wispy rings.
Moon Enceladus 504,1280000" 1.37,"Saturn's moon known for its water geysers. NaN NaN
Moon Triton 2706,3547000 5.9,"Neptune's largest moon, geologically active with a retrograde orbit. NaN NaN
Exoplanet Proxima Centauri b 1.17 4.24 light years 11.2 An Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri.
Exoplanet TRAPPIST-1e 0.92 39.5 light years 6.1 One of the seven Earth-sized planets around the star TRAPPIST-1.
Exoplanet Kepler-186f 1.11 500 light years 130 The first validated Earth-size planet to orbit a distant star.
Star Sun 1392700 0 NaN The star at the center of our solar system.
Star Sirius 1900 8.6 light years 5.5 The brightest star in the night sky, part of the Canis Major constellation.
Star Proxima Centauri 2000 4.24 light years 11.2 The closest known star to the Sun.
Star Alpha Centauri A 1200 4.37 light years 0.9 Part of the Alpha Centauri star system, a close neighbor to the Sun.
Star Alpha Centauri B 1100 4.37 light years 0.9 A companion to Alpha Centauri A.
Star Betelgeuse 950 640 light years 330 A red supergiant star in the Orion constellation.
Star Rigel 786 860 light years 40 A blue supergiant star, also in Orion.
Star Vega 2000 25 light years 12.5 One of the brightest stars in the northern summer sky.
Star Polaris 450 431 light years 30 The North Star, located nearly directly above the North Pole.
Star Aldebaran 650 65 light years 11 The eye of the Taurus constellation, a red giant star.
Star Betelgeuse 950 640 light years 330 A prominent star in the constellation Orion.
Star Canopus 710 313 light years 10.4 The second brightest star in the sky.
Galaxy Milky Way 100000 0 NaN The galaxy containing our solar system.
Galaxy Andromeda 220000 2530000 NaN The nearest spiral galaxy to the Milky Way.
Galaxy Triangulum 60000 3000000 NaN A member of the Local Group, known for its spiral structure.
Galaxy Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) 100000 23000000 NaN A classic spiral galaxy located in the constellation Canes Venatici.
Galaxy Sombrero Galaxy (M104) 50000 29000000 NaN A spiral galaxy with a bright nucleus and a prominent dust lane.
Galaxy Messier 87 120000 54000000 NaN A giant elliptical galaxy in the Virgo cluster, home to the supermassive black hole M87*.
Galaxy Messier 81 90000 12000000 NaN A spiral galaxy located in the constellation Ursa Major.
Galaxy Centaurus A 50000 11000000 NaN A galaxy that is the closest active galaxy, known for its peculiar shape.
Galaxy Large Magellanic Cloud 14000 163000 NaN A satellite galaxy of the Milky Way.
Galaxy Small Magellanic Cloud 7000 200000 NaN A satellite galaxy of the Milky Way.
Galaxy IC 1101 600000 600 million NaN One of the largest known galaxies in the universe.
Star Cluster Pleiades 440 440 light years NaN An open star cluster containing hot stars.
Star Cluster Hyades 450 150 light years NaN The nearest open cluster of stars to Earth.
Star Cluster Globular Cluster M13 145 25000 light years NaN A well-known globular cluster in the constellation Hercules.
Star Cluster Omega Centauri 150 15700 light years NaN The largest known globular cluster in the Milky Way.
Star Cluster NGC 188 140 6000 light years NaN The oldest known star cluster in the Milky Way.
Black Hole Sagittarius A* NaN 0 NaN The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy.
Black Hole M87* NaN 53 million NaN The first black hole to be imaged, located in the center of the galaxy M87.
Asteroid Ceres 940 414000000 1680 The largest object in the asteroid belt; classified as a dwarf planet.
Asteroid Vesta 525 410000000 1325 One of the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt.
Asteroid Eros 16.8 218000000 1.76 One of the first asteroids to be orbited and landed on by spacecraft.
Asteroid Pallas 512 410000000 1683 The second-largest asteroid in the asteroid belt.
Asteroid Hygiea 430 430000000 1682 The fourth-largest asteroid in the asteroid belt.
Comet Halley's Comet 15.2 15000000000 76 The most famous comet, visible from Earth every 76 years.
Comet Comet Hale-Bopp 40 600000000 2500 One of the brightest comets visible in the 20th century.
Comet Comet NEOWISE 5 10700000 6800 A comet discovered in 2020 that became very bright.
Comet Comet Lovejoy 2.5 30000000 1100 A comet that became visible in 2011.
Comet Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko 4.5 50000000 6.5 The comet visited by the Rosetta spacecraft.
Star System Alpha Centauri 2.5 4.37 light years NaN The closest star system to Earth, consisting of three stars.
Star System Sirius System 1.2 8.6 light years NaN A binary star system consisting of Sirius A and B.
Star System Beta Centauri 11.9 390 light years NaN A binary star system in the constellation Centaurus.
Star System Epsilon Eridani 4.2 10.5 light years NaN A nearby star system with an orbiting planet.
Star System Gliese 581 1.2 20.3 light years NaN A red dwarf star system with potential habitable planets.
Star Alpheratz 169 97 light years NaN The brightest star in the constellation Pegasus.
Star Fomalhaut 200 25 light years NaN A bright star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus, known for its protoplanetary disk.
Star Antares 883 550 light years NaN A red supergiant star in the constellation Scorpius.
Star Altair 174 16.7 light years NaN A bright star in the constellation Aquila.
Star Atria 127 45 light years NaN A bright star in the constellation Norma.
Celestial Event Solar Eclipse NaN NaN An event when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun. NaN
Celestial Event Lunar Eclipse NaN NaN An event when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon. NaN
Celestial Event Meteor Shower NaN NaN An event when numerous meteors are observed radiating from one point in the sky. NaN
Celestial Event Equinox NaN NaN The time when day and night are of approximately equal length. NaN
Celestial Event Solstice NaN NaN The time when the Sun reaches its highest or lowest point at noon. NaN
Satellite Hubble Space Telescope NaN 547000 NaN A space telescope that has provided high-resolution images of space.
Satellite International Space Station 109 408000 NaN A habitable artificial satellite in low Earth orbit.
Satellite James Webb Space Telescope NaN 1500000 NaN A large space telescope that observes infrared radiation.
Satellite Chandra X-ray Observatory NaN 139000 NaN A space telescope that observes X-ray emitting sources.
Satellite Kepler Space Telescope NaN 147000000 NaN A spacecraft designed to discover Earth-like planets outside our solar system.
Quasar 3C 273 NaN 2.5 billion NaN The first quasar to be identified, and one of the brightest objects in the universe.
Quasar 3C 48 NaN 1.5 billion NaN The first quasar ever discovered, located in the constellation Pegasi.
Quasar 4C 41.17 NaN 2.6 billion NaN A luminous quasar known for its strong radio emissions.
Quasar PG 1642+690 NaN 1.9 billion NaN A bright quasar in the constellation Ursa Major.
Quasar SDSS J1004+4112 NaN 1.9 billion NaN A quasar at high redshift, important for cosmological studies.