
Cartography Through the Ages

This dataset contains historical information about significant maps and their creators throughout various periods, focusing on the contributions of prominent cartographers. Each entry details the year of creation, the creator's name, the title of the map, its significance in the context of geography and exploration, and the geographical region it pertains to.

  1. Year: The year in which the map was created or published, indicating its historical context.
  2. Cartographer: The name of the individual or group responsible for creating the map, reflecting their contribution to cartography.
  3. Map Title: The title of the map, which gives insight into its focus or theme.
  4. Significance: A description of the map's importance and impact on geography, navigation, or culture at the time it was created.
  5. Region: The geographical area that the map represents or pertains to, which may be local, regional, or global in scope.

Sample Data

Year Cartographer Map Title Significance Region
150 AD Ptolemy Geographia First systematic geography; maps based on astronomy Mediterranean
1154 Muhammad al-Idrisi Tabula Rogeriana Major world map for the time; detailed descriptions Medieval World
1569 Gerardus Mercator Mercator Projection First cylindrical map projection; crucial for navigation Global
1600 Abraham Ortelius Theatrum Orbis Terrarum First modern atlas; collection of maps with commentary Global
1700 John Speed The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine Detailed county maps of England; historical significance England
1752 Alexander von Humboldt Map of South America Pioneering work in geography and ecology; expedition maps South America
1777 James Cook Map of the South Pacific First thorough mapping of the Pacific Islands; exploration South Pacific
1884 Aleksandr Mikhailevich Map of Siberia Detailed analysis of Siberian terrain; crucial for Russia Siberia
1900 Jules Verne Map of the World as depicted in his novels Influenced public perception of global geography Global
1930 Richard Edes Harrison Map of the World War II Theater Innovative war maps; emphasized strategic military locations Global
1945 C. W. Blegan United Nations Map First international map for the UN; highlighted geopolitical issues Global
1965 W. A. Robinson The Map as a Communication Tool Geographic communication studies; influential in cartography Global
1975 Jacques Bertin Semiology of Graphics Foundational text on visual communication and graphic design Global
1985 Arthur H. Robinson Elements of Cartography Classic text in cartography, focusing on map design principles Global
1992 Harvey L. Tschirgi Cartography and Geographic Information Systems Foundational principles of GIS in cartography Global
1997 Paul A. Longley Geographic Information Systems and Science Integration of GIS technology in cartography Global
2010 Ruth Leino Geospatial Technologies and Society Impact of GIS on social sciences; critical analysis Global
2015 Mark Harrower Web Cartography: Map Design for Web and Mobile Focus on web mapping and user experience Global
2020 Daniel Huffman Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization Current trends in map design and visualization techniques Global
2000 Doug Lempke The Future of Cartography Exploration of digital cartographic trends; influence on future maps Global
1980 David Woodward History of Cartography Vol. 1 Comprehensive historical overview of cartography Global
2004 David Turnbull Cartography: A Critical Introduction Cultural perspectives on map-making; critical theory in geography Global
2020 M. D. H. Bumstead Cartography for the 21st Century Current technologies and their impact on mapping practices Global
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