
Baseball Trades

This dataset contains information about trades made in a specific sports league, detailing teams involved, players exchanged, and additional considerations such as cash payments and prospects traded. Each row represents a unique trade transaction with specific attributes related to the teams and players involved, as well as the financial aspects of the trade.

  1. Trade_ID: A unique identifier for each trade transaction.
  2. Date: The date on which the trade occurred.
  3. Team_1: The name of the first team involved in the trade.
  4. Team_2: The name of the second team involved in the trade.
  5. Player_1: The name of the first player being traded by Team 1.
  6. Player_2: The name of the second player being traded by Team 1.
  7. Player_3: The name of the third player being traded by Team 1, if applicable (nan if none).
  8. Prospects: The name of the prospect(s) involved in the trade.
  9. Cash_Considerations: The amount of cash involved in the trade transaction.

Sample Data

Trade_ID Date Team_1 Team_2 Player_1 Player_2 Player_3 Prospects Cash_Considerations
1 2023-11-01 Yankees Red Sox Player A Player B Player C Prospect X 500000.0
2 2023-10-15 Dodgers Mets Player D Player E NaN Prospect Y 200000.0
3 2023-09-30 Giants Phillies Player F Player G Player H Prospect Z 0.0
4 2023-09-25 Cubs Brewers Player I Player J NaN Prospect W 100000.0
5 2023-09-20 Blue Jays Rays Player K Player L Player M Prospect V 350000.0
6 2023-09-15 Astros Angels Player N Player O NaN Prospect U 300000.0
7 2023-09-10 Cardinals Braves Player P Player Q Player R Prospect T 150000.0
8 2023-09-05 Nationals Marlins Player S Player T NaN Prospect S 0.0
9 2023-09-01 Orioles Twins Player U Player V Player W Prospect R 250000.0
10 2023-08-28 Mariners White Sox Player X Player Y NaN Prospect Q 400000.0
11 2023-08-25 Reds Diamondbacks Player Z Player AA Player AB Prospect P 300000.0
12 2023-08-20 Pirates Rockies Player AC Player AD NaN Prospect O 0.0
13 2023-08-15 Athletics Padres Player AE Player AF Player AG Prospect N 50000.0
14 2023-08-10 Rangers Tigers Player AH Player AI NaN Prospect M 600000.0
15 2023-08-01 Nationals Yankees Player AJ Player AK Player AL Prospect L 150000.0
16 2023-07-25 Blue Jays Red Sox Player AM Player AN NaN Prospect K 0.0
17 2023-07-15 Mets Astros Player AO Player AP Player AQ Prospect J 250000.0
18 2023-07-12 Phillies Giants Player AR Player AS NaN Prospect I 100000.0
19 2023-07-10 Braves Cubs Player AT Player AU Player AV Prospect H 300000.0
20 2023-06-25 White Sox Mariners Player AW Player AX NaN Prospect G 200000.0
21 2023-06-20 Angels Reds Player AY Player AZ Player BA Prospect F 500000.0
22 2023-06-15 Rockies Cardinals Player BB Player BC NaN Prospect E 0.0
23 2023-06-10 Padres Athletics Player BD Player BE Player BF Prospect D 150000.0
24 2023-05-30 Rays Marlins Player BG Player BH NaN Prospect C 200000.0
25 2023-05-01 Twins Orioles Player BI Player BJ Player BK Prospect B 100000.0
26 2023-04-25 Diamondbacks Tigers Player BL Player BM Player BN Prospect A 0.0
27 2023-04-20 Pirates Rangers Player BO Player BP NaN Prospect Z 250000.0
28 2023-04-15 Red Sox Dodgers Player BQ Player BR Player BS Prospect Y 200000.0
29 2023-04-10 Brewers Angels Player BT Player BU NaN Prospect X 300000.0
30 2023-03-25 Astros Yankees Player BV Player BW Player BX Prospect W 400000.0
31 2023-03-20 White Sox Braves Player BY Player BZ Player CA Prospect V 50000.0
32 2023-03-10 Cubs Mets Player CB Player CC NaN Prospect U 350000.0
33 2023-02-28 Cardinals Giants Player CD Player CE Player CF Prospect T 0.0
34 2023-02-15 Reds Diamondbacks Player CG Player CH Player CI Prospect S 100000.0
35 2023-02-10 Tigers Nationals Player CJ Player CK NaN Prospect R 200000.0
36 2023-01-30 Padres Athletics Player CL Player CM Player CN Prospect Q 300000.0
37 2023-01-20 Mariners Orioles Player CO Player CP NaN Prospect P 400000.0
38 2023-01-15 Tigers Twins Player CQ Player CR Player CS Prospect O 0.0
39 2023-01-10 Rays Angels Player CT Player CU NaN Prospect N 150000.0
40 2023-01-05 Reds Cubs Player CV Player CW Player CX Prospect M 300000.0
41 2022-12-20 Giants Brewers Player CY Player CZ NaN Prospect L 100000.0
42 2022-12-15 Astros Marlins Player DA Player DB Player DC Prospect K 500000.0
43 2022-12-10 Braves Pirates Player DD Player DE NaN Prospect J 250000.0
44 2022-11-30 Yankees Red Sox Player DF Player DG Player DH Prospect I 0.0
45 2022-11-20 Mets Dodgers Player DI Player DJ Player DK Prospect H 300000.0
46 2022-11-01 Rangers Athletics Player DL Player DM NaN Prospect G 150000.0
47 2022-10-30 Orioles Cardinals Player DN Player DO Player DP Prospect F 200000.0
48 2022-10-20 White Sox Giants Player DQ Player DR NaN Prospect E 400000.0
49 2022-09-30 Braves Astros Player DS Player DT Player DU Prospect D 300000.0
50 2022-09-15 Cubs Phillies Player DV Player DW NaN Prospect C 100000.0
51 2022-09-01 Marlins Reds Player DX Player DY Player DZ Prospect B 0.0
52 2022-08-28 Rockies Blue Jays Player EA Player EB NaN Prospect A 250000.0
53 2022-08-15 Angels Twins Player EC Player ED Player EE Prospects Z 150000.0
54 2022-08-01 Pirates Rays Player EF Player EG NaN Prospects Y 300000.0
55 2022-07-20 Mariners Yankees Player EH Player EI Player EJ Prospects X 200000.0
56 2022-07-05 Astros Cardinals Player EK Player EL NaN Prospects W 0.0
57 2022-06-20 Giants Mets Player EM Player EN Player EO Prospects V 500000.0
58 2022-06-10 Phillies Braves Player EP Player EQ NaN Prospects U 350000.0
59 2022-05-25 Rays Dodgers Player ER Player ES Player ET Prospects T 100000.0
60 2022-05-10 White Sox Reds Player EU Player EV NaN Prospects S 200000.0
61 2022-04-20 Blue Jays Giants Player EW Player EX Player EY Prospects R 300000.0
62 2022-04-05 Marlins Nationals Player EZ Player FA Player FB Prospects Q 150000.0
63 2022-03-25 Tigers Rockies Player FC Player FD NaN Prospects P 400000.0
64 2022-03-10 Cubs Pirates Player FE Player FF Player FG Prospects O 0.0
65 2022-01-25 Athletics Astros Player FH Player FI Player FJ Prospects N 250000.0
66 2022-01-15 Reds Twins Player FK Player FL NaN Prospects M 100000.0
67 2022-01-05 Yankees Angels Player FM Player FN Player FO Prospects L 300000.0
68 2021-12-20 Mariners Rays Player FP Player FQ NaN Prospects K 50000.0
69 2021-12-15 Dodgers Cubs Player FR Player FS NaN Prospects J 150000.0
70 2021-12-05 Braves Mets Player FT Player FU Player FV Prospects I 200000.0
71 2021-11-25 Rangers Giants Player FW Player FX NaN Prospects H 300000.0
72 2021-11-10 Pirates Orioles Player FY Player FZ Player GA Prospects G 400000.0
73 2021-10-30 Blue Jays Brewers Player GB Player GC NaN Prospects F 100000.0
74 2021-10-15 Astros Reds Player GD Player GE Player GF Prospects E 200000.0
75 2021-10-01 Cardinals Diamondbacks Player GG Player GH NaN Prospects D 0.0
76 2021-09-20 Angels Twins Player GI Player GJ Player GK Prospects C 300000.0
77 2021-09-05 Cubs White Sox Player GL Player GM NaN Prospects B 150000.0
78 2021-08-20 Marlins Nationals Player GN Player GO NaN Prospects A 50000.0
79 2021-08-05 Athletics Padres Player GP Player GQ Player GR Prospects Z 400000.0
80 2021-07-20 Blue Jays Dodgers Player GS Player GT NaN Prospects Y 250000.0
81 2021-07-10 Tigers Pirates Player GU Player GV NaN Prospects X 150000.0
82 2021-06-25 Rays Giants Player GW Player GX NaN Prospects W 300000.0
83 2021-06-01 Mets Astros Player GY Player GZ Player HA Prospects V 200000.0
84 2021-05-20 Braves Orioles Player HB Player HC NaN Prospects U 100000.0
85 2021-05-10 Yankees Cardinals Player HD Player HE Player HF Prospects T 0.0
86 2021-04-29 Marlins Reds Player HG Player HH NaN Prospects S 150000.0
87 2021-04-20 Brewers Twins Player HI Player HJ Player HK Prospects R 300000.0
88 2021-04-10 Rockies Angels Player HL Player HM NaN Prospects Q 50000.0
89 2021-03-30 Astros Cubs Player HN Player HO NaN Prospects P 100000.0
90 2021-03-15 Giants Nationals Player HP Player HQ Player HR Prospects O 400000.0
91 2021-03-01 Rays Marlins Player HS Player HT NaN Prospects N 200000.0
92 2020-12-20 Blue Jays Diamondbacks Player HU Player HV Player HW Prospects M 0.0
93 2020-12-15 Astros Reds Player HX Player HY NaN Prospects L 500000.0
94 2020-12-10 Cubs Braves Player HZ Player IA Player IB Prospects K 250000.0
95 2020-11-25 Dodgers Rays Player IC Player ID Player IE Prospects J 150000.0
96 2020-11-05 Pirates Padres Player IF Player IG NaN Prospects I 200000.0
97 2020-10-15 Angels Rangers Player IH Player II NaN Prospects H 300000.0
98 2020-09-20 White Sox Giants Player IJ Player IK Player IL Prospects G 100000.0
99 2020-09-10 Tigers Cubs Player IM Player IN NaN Prospects F 250000.0
100 2020-08-25 Brewers Mets Player IO Player IP NaN Prospects E 400000.0
101 2020-08-10 Astros Mariners Player IQ Player IR Player IS Prospects D 0.0
102 2020-07-20 Dodgers Cardinals Player IT Player IU NaN Prospects C 150000.0
103 2020-07-05 Red Sox Blue Jays Player IV Player IW Player IX Prospects B 250000.0
104 2020-06-25 Braves Athletics Player IY Player IZ NaN Prospects A 300000.0
105 2020-06-10 Yankees Marlins Player JA Player JB Player JC Prospects Z 200000.0
106 2020-05-20 Rays Orioles Player JD Player JE NaN Prospects Y 50000.0
107 2020-05-01 Cubs Giants Player JF Player JG Player JH Prospects X 400000.0
108 2020-04-25 Padres Yankees Player JI Player JJ NaN Prospects W 100000.0
109 2020-04-10 Astros Red Sox Player JK Player JL Player JM Prospects V 350000.0
110 2020-03-25 Marlins Twins Player JN Player JO Player JP Prospects U 200000.0
111 2020-03-15 Athletics Brewers Player JQ Player JR Player JS Prospects T 150000.0
112 2020-03-01 Blue Jays Pirates Player JT Player JU Player JV Prospects S 0.0
113 2020-02-20 Reds Angels Player JW Player JX NaN Prospects R 300000.0
114 2020-02-10 Nationals Rays Player JY Player JZ Player KA Prospects Q 200000.0
115 2020-01-25 Orioles Braves Player KB Player KC NaN Prospects P 50000.0
116 2020-01-15 Giants Mets Player KD Player KE Player KF Prospects O 250000.0
117 2020-01-05 Rockies White Sox Player KG Player KH NaN Prospects N 150000.0
118 2019-12-20 Pirates Cubs Player KI Player KJ Player KK Prospects M 100000.0
119 2019-12-10 Astros Dodgers Player KL Player KM Player KN Prospects L 0.0
120 2019-11-30 Red Sox Yankees Player KO Player KP NaN Prospects K 300000.0
121 2019-11-01 Rays Twins Player KR Player KS Player KT Prospects J 400000.0
122 2019-10-20 Blue Jays Orioles Player KU Player KV NaN Prospects I 150000.0
123 2019-10-15 Marlins Diamondbacks Player KW Player KX NaN Prospects H 200000.0
124 2019-10-10 Angels Athletics Player KY Player KZ Player LA Prospects G 0.0
125 2019-09-30 Cubs Braves Player LB Player LC NaN Prospects F 250000.0
126 2019-09-20 Tigers Astros Player LD Player LE NaN Prospects E 150000.0
127 2019-09-15 Yankees Reds Player LF Player LG Player LH Prospects D 300000.0
128 2019-08-25 Giants Marlins Player LI Player LJ:"" Prospects C 100000 NaN
129 2019-08-10 Padres Rockies Player LK Player LL NaN Prospects B 0.0
130 2019-07-30 Nationals Cubs Player LM Player LN Player LO Prospects A 50.0
131 2019-07-10 Brewers Tigers Player LP Player LQ NaN Prospects Z 1000.0
132 2019-06-25 Orioles Astros Player LR Player LS Player LT Prospects Y 500.0
133 2019-06-10 Rays Red Sox Player LU Player LV NaN Prospects X 1500.0
134 2019-05-20 Dodgers Braves Player LW Player LX Player LY Prospects W 3000.0
135 2019-05-05 Athletics Giants Player LZ Player MA NaN Prospects V 5000.0
136 2019-04-20 Mariners Angels Player MB Player MC Player MD Prospects U 10000.0
137 2019-04-05 Cubs Blue Jays Player ME Player MF NaN Prospects T 15000.0
138 2019-03-25 Red Sox White Sox Player MG Player MH Player MI Prospects S 20000.0
139 2019-03-15 Nats Pirates Player MJ Player MK NaN Prospects R 25000.0
140 2019-01-01 Yankees Marlins Player ML Player MM Player MN Prospects Q 30000.0
141 2018-12-20 Giants Braves Player MO Player MP NaN Prospects P 50000.0
142 2018-12-15 Mariners Astros Player MQ Player MR Player MS Prospects O 75000.0
143 2018-12-10 Cubs Rays Player MT Player MU Player MV Prospects N 100000.0
144 2018-11-25 Pirates Dodgers Player MW Player MX NaN Prospects M 125000.0
145 2018-11-10 Nationals Red Sox Player MY Player MZ Player NA Prospects L 150000.0
146 2018-10-15 Athletics Twins Player NB Player NC Player ND Prospects K 200000.0
147 2018-10-05 Angels White Sox Player NE Player NF NaN Prospects J 250000.0
148 2018-09-20 Yankees Giants Player NG Player NH Player NI Prospects I 350000.0
149 2018-09-10 Cardinals Reds Player NJ Player NK NaN Prospects H 400000.0
150 2018-08-30 Tigers Mets Player NL Player NM Player NN Prospects G 500000.0
151 2018-08-25 Marlins Braves Player NO Player NP NaN Prospects F 600000.0
152 2018-08-15 Red Sox Dodgers Player NQ Player NR Player NS Prospects E 700000.0
153 2018-07-25 Astros Cubs Player NT Player NU Player NV Prospects D 800000.0
154 2018-07-15 Rays Angels Player NW Player NX Player NY Prospects C 900000.0
155 2018-07-05 Giants Blue Jays Player NZ Player OA NaN Prospects B 1000000.0
156 2018-06-20 Mariners Nationals Player OB Player OC Player OD Prospects A 0.0
157 2018-06-10 Cardinals Tigers Player OE Player OF NaN Prospects Z 10000.0
158 2018-05-30 Cubs White Sox Player OG Player OH Player OI Prospects Y 20000.0
159 2018-05-15 Angels Padres Player OJ Player OK NaN Prospects X 30000.0
160 2018-05-01 Dodgers Twins Player OL Player OM Player ON Prospects W 40000.0
161 2018-03-20 Giants Rays Player OO Player OP NaN Prospects V 50000.0
162 2018-03-15 Marlins Athletics Player OQ Player OR Player OS Prospects U 100000.0
163 2018-02-28 Red Sox Braves Player OT Player OU NaN Prospects T 150000.0
164 2018-01-10 Yankees Twins Player OV Player OW Player OX Prospects S 200000.0
165 2018-01-01 Phillies Mets Player OY Player OZ Player PA Prospects R 250000.0
166 2017-12-20 Blue Jays Rangers Player PB Player PC Player PD Prospects Q 0.0
167 2017-12-10 Astros Nats Player PE Player PF NaN Prospects P 50000.0
168 2017-11-30 Tigers Braves Player PG Player PH Player PI Prospects O 100000.0
169 2017-11-25 Angels Marlins Player PJ Player PK NaN Prospects N 200000.0
170 2017-11-10 Royals Yankees Player PL Player PM Player PN Prospects M 250000.0
171 2017-10-25 Cubs Red Sox Player PO Player PP Player PQ Prospects L 300000.0
172 2017-10-10 Rockies Giants Player PR Player PS NaN Prospects K 0.0
173 2017-09-30 Marlins Phillies Player PT Player PU Player PV Prospects J 30000.0
174 2017-09-15 Padres Dodgers Player PW Player PX NaN Prospects I 60000.0
175 2017-09-05 Brewers Tigers Player PY Player PZ Player QA Prospects H 70000.0
176 2017-08-20 Red Sox Rays Player QB Player QC NaN Prospects G 40000.0
177 2017-08-10 Twins Blue Jays Player QD Player QE Player QF Prospects F 80000.0
178 2017-07-25 Cardinals Royals Player QG Player QH NaN Prospects E 90000.0
179 2017-07-10 Astros Yankees Player QI Player QJ Player QK Prospects D 200000.0
180 2017-06-30 Rays Marlins Player QL Player QM Player QN Prospects C 0.0
181 2017-06-05 Giants Dodgers Player QO Player QP Player QR Prospects B 10000.0
182 2017-05-20 Whitesox Brewers Player QS Player QT Player QU Prospects A 20000.0
183 2017-05-05 Orioles Blue Jays Player QV Player QW Player QX Prospects Z 30000.0
184 2017-04-20 Nats Royals Player QY Player QZ Player RA Prospects Y 40000.0
185 2017-04-05 Reds Braves Player RB Player RC Player RD Prospects X 150000.0
186 2017-03-25 Giants Padres Player RE Player RF Player RG Prospects W 200000.0
187 2017-03-10 Astros Cubs Player RH Player RI NaN Prospects V 0.0
188 2017-02-20 Athletics Yankees Player RJ Player RK NaN Prospects U 150000.0
189 2017-02-10 Marlins White Sox Player RL Player RM Player RN Prospects T 250000.0
190 2017-01-25 Angels Twins Player RO Player RP NaN Prospects S 300000.0
191 2017-01-15 Reds Braves Player RQ Player RR Player RS Prospects R 500000.0
192 2016-12-15 Dodgers Rockies Player RT Player RU NaN Prospects Q 700000.0
193 2016-12-05 Cardinals White Sox Player RV Player RW Player RX Prospects P 150000.0
194 2016-11-20 Brewers Nats Player RY Player RZ Player SA Prospects O 200000.0
195 2016-11-10 Twins Marlins Player SB Player SC NaN Prospects N 0.0
196 2016-10-20 Yankees Rays Player SD Player SE NaN Prospects M 30000.0
197 2016-10-05 Astros Cubs Player SF Player SG Player SH Prospects L 60000.0
198 2016-09-20 Cubs Red Sox Player SI Player SJ Player SK Prospects K 100000.0
199 2016-09-01 Padres Giants Player SL Player SM Player SN Prospects J 50000.0
200 2016-08-25 Marlins Nationals Player SO Player SP Player SQ Prospects I 25000.0
201 2016-08-10 Blue Jays Athletics Player SR Player SS Player ST Prospects H 100000.0
202 2016-07-20 Cardinals Orioles Player SU Player SV NaN Prospects G 30000.0
203 2016-07-05 Tigers Rays Player SW Player SX Player SY Prospects F 40000.0
204 2016-06-25 Angels Whitesox Player SZ Player TA NaN Prospects E 20000.0
205 2016-06-10 Royals Reds Player TB Player TC Player TD Prospects D 50000.0
206 2016-05-15 Cubs Twins Player TE Player TF Player TG Prospects C 100000.0
207 2016-05-01 Marlins Giants Player TH Player TI Player TJ Prospects B 125000.0
208 2016-04-20 Astros Dodgers Player TK Player TL NaN Prospects A 150000.0
209 2016-04-05 Yankees Tigers Player TM Player TN NaN Prospects Z 200000.0
210 2015-03-01 Cardinals Blue Jays Player TO Player TP Player TQ Prospects Y 0.0
211 2015-02-01 Twins Marlins Player TR Player TS Player TT Prospects X 50000.0
212 2015-01-15 Angels Orioles Player TU Player TV Player TW Prospects W 150000.0
213 2015-01-01 Cubs Braves Player TX Player TY Player TZ Prospects V 300000.0
214 2014-12-15 Yankees Giants Player UA Player UB Player UC Prospects U 100000.0
215 2014-12-01 Mets Astros Player UD Player UE Player UF Prospects T 150000.0
216 2014-11-15 Brewers Reds Player UG Player UH Player UI Prospects S 250000.0
217 2014-11-01 Blue Jays Cardinals Player UJ Player UK Player UL Prospects R 400000.0
218 2014-10-15 Rockies Tigers Player UM Player UN Player UO Prospects Q 100000.0
219 2014-10-01 Nationals Cubs Player UP Player UQ Player UR Prospects P 300000.0
220 2014-09-15 Astros Angels Player US Player UT Player UU Prospects O 150000.0
221 2014-09-01 Athletics Rays Player UV Player UW Player UX Prospects N 0.0
222 2014-08-15 Dodgers Marlins Player UY Player UZ Player VA Prospects M 75000.0
223 2014-08-01 Padres Giants Player VB Player VC Player VD Prospects L 100000.0
224 2014-07-15 Mariners Red Sox Player VE Player VF Player VG Prospects K 150000.0
225 2014-07-01 Reds Pirates Player VH Player VI Player VJ Prospects J 200000.0
226 2014-06-15 Braves Yankees Player VK Player VL Player VM Prospects I 350000.0
227 2014-06-01 Cubs Twins Player VN Player VO Player VP Prospects H 0.0
228 2014-05-15 Cardinals Yankees Player VQ Player VR Player VS Prospects G 50000.0
229 2014-05-01 Whitesox Rays Player VT Player VU Player VV Prospects F 100000.0
230 2014-04-20 Reds Astros Player VW Player VX Player VY Prospects E 150000.0
231 2014-04-05 Tigers Mariners Player VZ Player WA Player WB Prospects D 250000.0
232 2014-03-15 Marlins Cubs Player WC Player WD Player WE Prospects C 350000.0
233 2014-02-15 A's Giants Player WF Player WG NaN Prospects B 0.0
234 2014-01-15 Royals Nats Player WH Player WI Player WJ Prospects A 150000.0
235 2013-12-20 Dodgers Brewers Player WK Player WL Player WM Prospects Z 50000.0
236 2013-12-01 Angels Braves Player WN Player WO Player WP Prospects Y 100000.0
237 2013-11-15 Yankees Blue Jays Player WQ Player WR Player WS Prospects X 150000.0
238 2013-11-01 Cubs Red Sox Player WT Player WU Player WV Prospects W 0.0
239 2013-10-15 Padres Astros Player WW Player WX Player WY Prospects V 30000.0
240 2013-10-01 Mets Reds Player WZ Player XA Player XB Prospects U 60000.0
241 2013-09-20 White Sox Rays Player XC Player XD Player XE Prospects T 150000.0
242 2013-09-01 Nationals Twins Player XF Player XG Player XH Prospects S 50000.0
243 2013-08-25 Marlins Giants Player XI Player XJ Player XK Prospects R 350000.0
244 2013-08-05 Braves Cardinals Player XL Player XM Player XN Prospects Q 300000.0
245 2013-07-20 Tigers Dodgers Player XO Player XP Player XQ Prospects P 200000.0
246 2013-07-05 Astros Cubs Player XR Player XS Player XT Prospects O 0.0
247 2013-06-15 Rays Pirates Player XU Player XV NaN Prospects N 50000.0
248 2013-06-01 White Sox Angels Player XW Player XX Player XY Prospects M 40000.0
249 2013-05-10 Yankees Nats Player XZ Player YA Player YB Prospects L 0.0
250 2013-04-20 Blue Jays Red Sox Player YC Player YD Player YE Prospects K 150000.0
251 2013-04-05 Athletics Cubs Player YF Player YG Player YH Prospects J 200000.0
252 2013-03-15 Cubs Mets Player YI Player YJ Player YK Prospects I 300000.0
253 2013-02-01 Pirates Red Sox Player YL Player YM Player YN Prospects H 400000.0
254 2013-01-10 Brewers DBacks Player YO Player YP NaN Prospects G 50000.0
255 2012-12-31 Yankees Giants Player YQ Player YR Player YS Prospects F 0.0
256 2012-12-20 Orioles Royals Player YT Player YU Player YV Prospects E 150000.0
257 2012-12-10 Athletics Nats Player YW Player YX Player YY Prospects D 100000.0
258 2012-11-25 Twins Mets Player YZ Player ZA NaN Prospects C 200000.0
259 2012-11-10 Braves Astros Player ZB Player ZC Player ZD Prospects B 300000.0
260 2012-10-20 Cardinals Cubs Player ZE Player ZF Player ZG Prospects A 50000.0
261 2012-10-10 DBacks Blue Jays Player ZH Player ZI NaN Prospects Z 55000.0
262 2012-09-20 Marlins Giants Player ZJ Player ZK Player ZL Prospects Y 50000.0
263 2012-09-05 Padres Dodgers Player ZM Player ZN Player ZO Prospects X 65000.0
264 2012-08-15 Blue Jays Twins Player ZP Player ZQ NaN Prospects W 80000.0
265 2012-08-01 Red Sox Astros Player ZR Player ZS Player ZT Prospects V 100000.0
266 2012-07-20 Cubs Brewers Player ZU Player ZV Player ZW Prospects U 150000.0
267 2012-07-05 Orioles Pirates Player ZX Player ZY NaN Prospects T 50000.0
268 2012-06-10 Giants Marlins Player ZZ Player AAA Player AAB Prospects S 90000.0
269 2012-05-20 Yankees Angels Player AAC Player AAD Player AAE Prospects R 200000.0
270 2012-05-10 Rockies Reds Player AAF Player AAG Player AA Prospects Q 150000.0
271 2012-04-25 Dodgers Nats Player ABA Player ABB NaN Prospects P 60000.0
272 2012-04-20 Athletics Astros Player ABC Player ABD Player ABE Prospects O 90000.0
273 2012-03-10 Marlins Braves Player ABF Player ABG Player ABH Prospects N 85000.0
274 2012-02-15 Angels Brewers Player ABI Player ABJ Player ABK Prospects M 110000.0
275 2011-12-05 Reds Twins Player ABL Player ABM Player ABN Prospects L 0.0
276 2011-11-25 Cubs Rockies Player ABO Player ABP Player ABQ Prospects K 20000.0
277 2011-11-10 Red Sox DBacks Player ABR Player ABS Player ABT Prospects J 4000.0
278 2011-10-20 Astros Marlins Player ABU Player ABV Player ABW Prospects I 90000.0
279 2011-10-10 Pirates Cubs Player ABX Player ABY Player ABZ Prospects H 15000.0
280 2011-09-20 A's Nats Player ACA Player ACB Player ACC Prospects G 8000.0
281 2011-09-05 Diamondbacks Yankees Player ACD Player ACE Player ACF Prospects F 50000.0
282 2011-08-20 Mets Dodgers Player ACG Player ACH Player ACI Prospects E 45900.0
283 2011-08-05 Giants Red Sox Player ACJ Player ACK Player ACL Prospects D 60000.0
284 2011-07-20 Cardinals Twins Player ACM Player ACN NaN Prospects C 140000.0
285 2011-07-01 Marlins Braves Player ACO Player ACP Player ACQ Prospects B 50000.0
286 2011-06-20 Owls Pandabears Player ACR Player ACS Player ACT Prospects A 0.0
287 2011-06-05 Porcupines Hedgehogs Player ACU Player ACV Player ACW Prospects Z 230000.0
288 2011-05-20 Rabbits Turtles Player ACX Player ACY Player ACZ Prospects Y 50000.0
289 2011-05-01 Hawks Doves Player ADA Player ADB Player ADC Prospects X 100000.0
290 2011-04-15 Penguins Albatrosses Player ADD Player ADE Player ADF Prospects W 80000.0
291 2011-02-20 Dolphins Whales Player ADG Player ADH Player ADI Prospects V 54000.0
292 2010-12-15 Hares Rats Player ADJ Player ADK Player ADL Prospects U 55000.0
293 2010-11-10 Foxes Wolves Player ADM Player ADN Player ADO Prospects T 100000.0
294 2010-09-25 Bats Flamingos Player ADP Player ADQ Player ADR Prospects S 90000.0
295 2010-09-01 Hunters Gatherers Player ADS Player ADT Player ADU Prospects R 200000.0
296 2010-08-05 Scouts Explorers Player ADV Player ADW Player ADX Prospects Q 65000.0
297 2010-07-20 Traders Commerce Player ADY Player ADZ Player AEA Prospects P 299500.0
298 2010-06-30 Lions Tigers Player AEB Player AEC Player AED Prospects O 60000.0
299 2010-06-15 Zebras Horses Player AEE Player AEF Player AEG Prospects N 45000.0
300 2010-06-01 Elephants Rhinos Player AEH Player AEI Player AEJ Prospects M 200000.0